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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

'Blinded by the mans blood, I suddenly felt something grasping my feet and legs, And weight on my shoulders bringing me down. I began to splash and Panic in the blood. Several Minutes pass as I splash and struggle, I was able to see again, I stood up, and saw The bodies of the soldiers in the trench pulling my legs, Their skeleton figure brings me extreme shock, some of them are stuck in my back, with arms choking me and dragging me backwards. They're coordination wasn't what I expected, they didn't work alone to kill me like the zombies they were, they worked like a Pack of wolves, bringing their pray down for one reason, and one reason alone....'
'I Screamed for help as I struggle to brake their grasp off of me, they begin to drag me down into the blood, The once was Shallow blood pool now felt like a deep lake. They slowly drag me down, to the point of me drowning, I struggle to keep afloat, blood pours into my mouth, with the bits and pieces of flesh with it. Suddenly I could feel tremendous pain in my chest, my only thought of was one of their hands clawing my chest...'
"Ahh alright I'm bushed babe imma take a nap I'll see ya when I wake up hopefully," pride said smiling and drifting off to have another one of his crazy dreams for some reason this dream was about world war 2.(gtg night)
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'Their Hands Begin to claw my eyes out as they drag me down to the abyss, And I could feel them slashing and clawing my body. My vision slowly faded, Seeing the light getting brighter and brighter by the second, either it was the fact My eyes were being clawed out, or I'm dying..... But this voice began to sing.... This familiar voice was singing the exact same song my old friend sang.... The song that haunted me.... Repeating as I slowly die, making my death more painful, physically and mentally... It reminded me on how I wasn't able to save or protect her...'
'...The Voice Kept on singing as I slowly lose consciousness, But before I could die, I wanted to sing with the voice, as much as it hurts me hearing the song and the voice, it hurts me more if I didn't singed, it would be like rejecting my old friend's gift of friendship to me. I smiled as I synchronized with the voice, It made my pain slowly disappear, that, or I was Dead..... Finally The pain was gone... But so did the beautiful voice singing.... And I couldn't feel anything.... I was now Dead, but at least I was able to hear the wonderful song she composed...'
Sabrin slowly woke up from his sleep, as he slowly opened his eyes, he hears the sounds of birds pecking on steel and on flesh, but as soon he realizes, the sound of pecking are actually a flock of crows pecking on his bullets wounds on his Armor. Surprised, He got up in a sitting position while on the ground and begins flailing his arms around to make them go away.

“Shoo Pesky Crows!, I'm not Dead Yet!, Even If I look like a dead body left to rot in an alleyway!” He yells trying to make an entire flock of crows fly away.

The crows finally left him alone, with that, Sabrin Got up and Begins stretching his body after a long restful sleep. But as he stretches, sounds of grumbling and rumbling makes his stomach feel noxious, so noxious, it makes him puke out blood. Sabrin pukes for several minutes before coming to a stop, he then wipes his mouth with his forearm.

“Must Have forgot to drank my medical pills again...” He utters in his thoughts while walking out of the alleyway.

He walks around town, still bleeding, but not that much any more, maybe due to him running out of blood, which explains why he's so pale like a Vampire.
Aura woke up slowly. When he finaly was awake, he looked around to see where he was, and he screamed. It was loud enough to be heard from just about any part of the sins bace.
Lust got up, hearing the scream and followed it. She walked down the stairs. She saw Aura and smiled. "Hello again" she said, making sure to stay a good distance away this time
(Dang bruh)

(And Tylor, I'm not totally sure, but I think reconstructive surgery is only if a part of that person's face was literally removed. Not sure though, I'll have to look that one up.)

After the bullet wound in her leg was patched up and her hand was fit into a complicated brace, they focused on her face. Her nose was severely broken, and looked as if it were at a slightly odd angle. Her jaw was also fractured in a couple of places. They put her into another quick surgery in order to fix her nose so it would heal properly.
Aura looked up at lust. His face, normally composed and betraying no fear, was twisted in fear of being back at this place.
"I.....how.... What happend?... Did you all slauter everyone at the bace?" Aura asked, his voice seemed strong still, but you could tell he was in too much pain to keep it up for long.
"I wasn't at the battle so I do t know what happened..sorry. All I know is that Pride brought you back here and fixed up your wounds..I could give you some painkillers, but you'll probably almost kill me again." She sighed
"You realize that I purposefully let you live....? I don't want to kill you.... So as long as you don't do anything to make me want to kill you.... Your safe." Aura said, his voice thick with pain.
Carly opened her eyes, tiredly rubbing them. What time is it? She stumbled out of bed and swung the door open.

(Sorry I haven't been on often. My boyfriend called me drunk and I found him on the porch eating mayo out of the jar, crying. Then he wouldn't let me leave so I just sat there watching him cry into his mayo saying, "Its okay." I have a new hatred for mayonnaise.)
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"...whatever..I'm giving you a painkiller cause it's annoying to hear you talk like that." She sighed and pulled one out. "Don't worry, it won't hurt.." She sighed and stuck it in his arm, injecting him with the medicine. "Don't you fucking tell anyone.." She growled, throwing the syringe away and sitting a ways away from him, watching him with bright red eyes
Vayne goes to the rooftop to feel the wind and makes a shirt made out of his metal threads "It would be good to buy a good wine later" he said and checks his wallet and sees a now small amount of money "dammit I'll just wait for a few days" and continues to make another shirt out of his threads.
"You know... At this point with how much blood I've lost and the wounds I have sustained..... You could kill me with a single kick....." Aura said slowly, his breathing labored.
"And get killed by Cain? No man. He wants to really kill you..like..he's obsessed with it. " she muttered, shrugging. "So...got a girlfriend? Family?" She sighed
"Well.., I have a half sister left alive..... Though we only just found out..... Every other Tsukiborodo is dead.... That's why I Killed the original pride. He killed my twin sister Sayla..... And I have no one to call a girlfriend. Yulier would be the closest thing though..... She is greed...." Aura said. He was glad that there was someone to talk at least.
"Oh...she's a bitch and a coward. No fence but joining one side then changing your mind if you get cold feet is kinda cowardly" she shrugged, beginning to braid her hair
"Your wrong..... She was forced into Cains side...... She chose to be free of that.... To actualy live and not be a slave..... And I hope.... That one day you will see that too..... And you can be saved..... "

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