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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Eve checked the list of patients that were suposed to be in the medbay. "Find them" She shouted to a fef nurses and doctors as she walked out of the medbay and up the stairs to check the barracks.
Keith tried to concentrate on his writing but he saw smoke coming from outside and a tall girl with long blue hair running back inside. He didn't think very much of it but was a bit curious. He was taking notes on Weavers and Threads. He had great difficulty fighting without proper knowledge so recently he had been reading about the strength and weaknesses.
Wrath came in with Revnoir in tow, gripping him by the shirt collar. He had given him more of the drug that shut down his Core, so he had no way of doing anything. He had been tortured beforehand, and was bleeding all over. He was completely still, other than coughing up blood. Zero threw Rev into a cell, the Shadow Weaver's body hitting the ground to make a cringe-worthy thump. He had some sort of chains on his wrists, and he lay there curled up in a ball of pain and suffering. He didn't even notice Aura across the hall.

(The only way I could think of him being put into the story properly)
Aura dropped lust and retracted his threads. If he was quick enough then Zero would think he had already been given the drug.
Cain walked in afterwards, giving Lust a disapproving look as he passed her. He then looked at Aura, frowning. "Zero, did you give him the drug?" He asked, and Zero shook his head. "Pride must have." He grumbled, kneeling next to the hurting Revnoir. "Hmph..." Cain growled and looked down at Aura. He grabbed him by the hair and slammed his head into the ground. "This time you won't get away." He spat as he pulled him closer to his face.
"Really..? How cute, you've still got the energy to be an optimist." He pulled a switchblade out of his back pocket and slowly sunk it into Aura's throat. He twisted it, making him bleed but not damaging his airways.
Aura froze up. His throat was always his weakpoint..... He gurgled a bit trying to make some kind of desperate plea for mercy.
Cain laughed as he twisted and turned the blade in the man's throat. He ripped it out, putting the bloody blade back in his pocket. "It'd be a shame to let him waste away so quickly... Zero, make sure he stays awake." He said as he left the room suddenly. Zero nodded and stood guard, watching Aura closely.

"I'm sorry..." Revnoir managed to say quietly, but he didn't move.
Zero forced Aura's head into the air with his Threads. "Don't think you're going to get to sleep." He growled, holding Aura by the throat with his Threads.
Eve got through all the barracks but didn't find the patient. She shook her head and returned to the medbay.

(BTW @Spazzycat101 Who is suposed to be in the medbay? )
"Okay... I....I'm sorry.... I.... I will stay up..... Please..... Let me go......" Aura managed to cough out.
"You people are something else.... You know that...? I only hope that byvthe end.... You all see the truth.... Of what your doing......." Aura said.

Leah's there too.)

Leah pulled the pillow of the bed over her ears and squeezed her eyes shut. Whatever was wrong, it was too loud. Annoyingly loud. Her face, hand and leg all ached, and the noise was complimenting her miniature migraine beautifully.
"Shut up already." He spat, glaring at the platinum haired Shadow Weaver. He grabbed all four of Aura's limbs and started to stretch him to the point of tearing. "I may not be able to kill you, but I can hurt you as much as I'd like."
(Leah is at the Weave bace. Aura is at the sin bace.) Aura started to cough up more blood. "Your....going.....to kill me......if y...ou....don't stop.... I don't have.... Much blood left......"
Eve sighed and walked to check on Leah. She pulled the curtain around her bed slightly to the side and walked next to the bed. The commotion was calming down a bit as the nurses and doctors noticed that Aura wasn't in the base. They had nothing else to do than return to the medbay and idly wait for anything to happen. Eve looked at Leah, who was under her pillow. "Do you want something to ease the pain?" She asked, frowning slightly.
"Oh... You need blood then..?" He grinned widely. "Well what if I were to take some from your friend over there, would that work? You're both Shadow Weavers, his Threads won't kill 'ya." He said, his smile only growing.
(Aurath's right.)

Someone asked her a question. Someone who she didn't recognize. Leah uncovered her face to see who it might be. Unfortunately, she was still derpy from the anesthetics that had all but worn off, and soon forgot what the person wanted. Therefore, Leah slowly tilted her head to the side like a confused dog and stared at her as if the words she had said earlier would be visible in the air.
Eve sighed again and leaned closer to Leah. "How are you feeling? Do you hear me?" Se said with a normal voice to check how bad of a condition Leah was in.
'Oh. Yeah. I can hear you. Just barely though, the commotion of everything left my ears ringing...'

As she referred to the commotion over Aura's absence, she pointed toward a few of the remaining doctors and nurses, her finger tracing circles in the air to capture that general vicinity.

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