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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

The shadows circled faster and faster, but one came out of the circle and pushed it's back against Carly's. "We're the same. We're not monsters. We're all different, but we're all identical." It said quietly, gently pressing on her back with it's own. It started to sob. "We all want them to go away. To disappear. We want them back. We want to go back."
Scarlett jumped away in surprise. She spun around quickly, angrily shouting, "That sounds like a personal problem to me."

(Sorry, I have to go for a bit. I'm moving today.)
They stared at her, suddenly stopping from all movement. They scampered off as quickly as they had appeared.

(I gtg too, actually xD )
(D: Aurath, Umbra was really mad that people only included OOC chat and no RP post along with it!)

Scarlett wondered if they had ever existed. There didn't seem to be a trace of the dark creatures.
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Aura awoke from his desk. He walked out and started looking around. "I have a bad feeling about all of this.... Something happend I'm sure of it...."
(Back what I miss ) pride eventually awoke from his slumber and changed his outfit to the Normal everyday one."Oh it was so nice to blow off some steam last night to bad it wasn't anything good," he began cleaning up afterwords went to the kitchen. "Pride got a bowl made himself some lucky charms and sat down on the couch eaiting his cereal merely.
Lust slowly walked to the kitchen, just missing Pride and made some coffee. She sipped it slowly and walked over to her comfy armchair. She saw pride and raised an eyebrow, sitting down in the chair and drinking her steaming black cup of joe
Pride looked over to her. "Hey babe how are you today," he said sipping the milk from his cereal." He then looked up and her with marshmallows in his teeth and in a Irish accent sang." There magically delicious. "
After the collapse of the building and battle with those... renegades, Leah had wandered off. She had forgotten which way she had come, or which way that she should take to get back to weave. his small town was soaked in a sea of rubble, so she decided to explore. She ambled around aimlessly, almost all of her injuries from the invasion healed. She stopped walking, confronted by a small piece of wreckage. Concrete was scattered about, caged by rusty, twisted steel bars. Ducking beneath one and skipping over a few, she pondered for a moment. Then sprung forward, leaping across cracked cement, landing on a metal rod, then bouncing off again and spinning one-eighty in midair. She hopped on the next island of stone, facing backwards, then pushed off again and whipped herself around just in time to spot a place to land. Coming down harshly upon the small square of brick, it slid a few inches and threw her off balance. Crumpled in a slightly bruised heap, Leah giggled to herself. Perhaps she could dance! This though sent her into another fit of laughing. Little did she know that, a little farther from this field of rubble at which she stood at the edge of, was the base of the Sins.

(MWAHAHAHAHAHAA Yep. Anyone, feel free to find her!)
Sloth walks into the building then up the stairs mysterious holding a bag that was half open trying to sneak to her room without being spotted. She places the puppy out of the bag gently. Then the dog started to bark "Shh! You have to be quiet ." she whispered.
"Well wit you as meh lady I'd say I'm hella lucky," he said still in the accent. Pride finished his cereal kissed lust on the cheek and went to put his bowl in the sink. All od a sudden pride heard a strange noise." There's a dog about,"he said after sniffing the air.
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Lust smiled and wiped a bit of milk of her cheek then heard the dog barking. Unfortunately, Cortana has a phobia of dogs. She helped and spelled her hot coffee all over her dress. "SHIT!" She yelled and got up, growling to herself about a dumb dog.
(@Tylor guillory @Robyn Banks, has the Sins' base no windows? xD )

Leah lifted herself out of the mess, her skin and hair spotted with dust and gravel, sighing as she stood. However long she entertained herself, she needed to return to Weave. Uumm.... Wherever the Weave was from here. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a building a small ways away. While she had no memory of Weave's appearance from a distance, something felt a small bit off about it. Either way, it was the only building visible. Little did she know that Weave's actual base was hidden by the pile of destruction. She continued toward the base, unaware that it was belonging to Cain. She was a small exposed spot on the landscape just bordering the town, completely visible to anyone in the base she was approaching.
Pride couldn't help but be curious about the noise so he followed it and the smell of dog to SLOTHS room. He knocked on SLOTHS door."Umm hey sloth you OK your sounding a little ruff in there, "pride said punnily.
Lust sighed and went to her room, pulling off her nightgown as she did. She walked the last few metres in her underwear and pulled on a simple black dress. She sighed and walked back out, ignoring everything around her to go get more coffee. She was gonna need it.
"Oh really now," pride smiled and couldn't help himself. He kicked SLOTHS door open." Haha I caught you,"he said pointing at sloth as if he where being caught stealing.
Aura called over the bace intercom system. "Any member of Weave with information on the going ons of yesterday report to directors office now."
Sloth hidden the puppy in her closet before pride kicked the door. She was starting to get nervous . "hey! What happened to privacy!! You can't do that! You better replace my door !" She yelled
Pride walked in rubbing his chin evily."Oh I see your all alone you don't mind if I check around your room I thought I heard some rats or something moving around up here," pride said with his mischievous smile plastered on his face.
Revnoir had been losing consciousness on and off now, but for unknown reasons. He quickly sat up, his eyes wide. He had suddenly gotten the strength to move, and he quickly looked around the room. "The Sins... Cain, where is he..?!" He muttered to himself as he moved to get out of the bed been laying in for seemingly years.
"I don't need you to check my room. Anyways the only rat in here is you! So I suggest you go and let me continue practicing." She said showing him to the area where the door used to be .

@Tylor guillory
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(@Robyn Banks

I've made it my personal mission to kill that dog #Goals)

Scarlett sat down at the table. It was nearly lunch so she had macaroni and cheese along with a bottle of milk.
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