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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

Scarlett wandered back to Weave, the baby clutched in her arms. Using tools from the storage she dug a shallow hole for the child and placed a rock at the top of the grave. Before burying the baby forever, she placed the ring on its chest. She saved the face for last. She couldn't stand to cover it up, accepting the death. She didn't look at the bloodied face as finished burying the small body. Knowing that there was a risk that animals might smell the flesh, she tried to place as much dirt, tightly packed, into the grave as possible. It scared her that people could kill something so innocent. Not people, she reminded herself. That thing was not a person.
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Carly laid down beside the grave in fetal position, her eyes red and puffy. She found it hard to stay awake but didn't want to move. Remembering what happened in the morning, Scarlett tried distract herself. Nothing worked and within moments her eyes finally closed and sleep overpowered her.
(Omfg xD Alright.)

Scarlett groaned. Her head was spinning. Stumbling up, she saw Weave nearby. Her stomach hurt badly because of the hunger she felt. Trying to remember exactly what happened, she was unsuccessful. It simply left her with an awful headache. She remained calm for the most part. Seeing the town, she realized that it was obviously not home. Yes, she was still freaked out, but not scared. She looked at her dirty garments and burned bare feet, slowly walking towards the nearest building, Weave.
Revnoir stared up at the ceiling of the med bay, the sirens having ripped him out of his rest. Everything still hurt, and his breathing was shallow and weak. It felt so much like before, the pain and the bright lights. The only thing missing... Was Xillia.

(Everyone go take a look at OOC. I bet all of you are involved)
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Carly felt her neck where her mother's necklace usually was. The elegant jewelry was nowhere to be found. Scarlett sighed and walked into the building shamefully. She was quite a sight to see. No one was surprised or alarmed to see her and after a moment of wandering around she saw a collection of rooms. She tried each one but most were occupied. She didn't know anyone in the building. As she went to close yet another door, giving up and about to ask for help, she saw something that caught her eye. On the dresser was her mother's necklace.
Scarlett was still having trouble understanding what happened but she guessed that she was in the town recently and damaged by an attack. Either way, she was relieved to see her necklace. A few other things popped out to her. She saw a red journal open on the floor. Carly couldn't remember where she saw it last but it was strangely familiar.
Sloth laid on her couch staring at the ceiling,letting her mind wonder around. She thought about last night and the crazed man who chainsawed her gun. It was her favorite one too but luckily she had two more just in case things like that happens. The thing she thought of the most was the girl clutching the dead baby as if it was her own. she was pathetic and pretty much hopeless how could she be a weaver? Maybe they got so desperate that they decided to just let anyone in. still there was still weird about her she was still untainted but she had fire in her eyes. She didn't know her potential and what she was capable of. But she hoped to see her again,hoping to drag her down to her level and create an enemy worth fighting.
Carly picked up the journal and saw her name on the first page, in cursive. She decided not to read it now and got changed. Her feet hurt like crazy and couldn't be kept in shoes so she gently put on socks and sat down on the bed once more. It all looked so familiar but it was like a dream. Her head pounded and she paced around to get her mind off things.
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Sabrin Walks around the town, where the once was chaos had finally ended, everyone had reverted back to their usual everyday route, as if the chaos that had just happened was normal for them, who could blame them?, After all, there's that saying, 'When life gives you lemons, Make Lemonade.', Sabrin smiled as he casually walks looking for anyone needing of help, but no one needed help, not from him that is, I mean, the man is riddled with bullets, and he's walking, not minding that the fact that he's creating trails of blood as he walks, and he's smiling!...
Scarlett grabbed the journal and walked to the mess hall, reading ever so slowly.

Seeing no one was in need of help, and seeing that the Weave military soldiers are taking care of everything, Sabrin Walks into an empty alleyway, He stood for several minutes before finally... He collapsed from blood loss. He crawls to a corner and covers himself with newspapers, and then uses garbage and trash as his bed and pillow. He didn't mind the way he slept, or the smell, he was used to it, he lived life way worse. He closes his eyes once more, remembering his Best friend.

“....Goodnight... Tammy.... Wherever you are....” Sabrin utters to his head with a smile before falling asleep.
Carly didn't make it to breakfast. She vomited in the bathroom for God knows how long. It only got worse as she read on but she couldn't stop. When she found there were no more pages left to read, she got up and stared at herself in the mirror. It was even worse than she could have ever imagined and it was more than obvious that she had been crying. Scarlett hid her face as she went up the steps slowly. She needed to get to higher ground. Carly had a plan, like last time she went up these very same steps. But she was crying from sadness this time. And her plan could not end in something good.
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Scarlett stood on the edge of the roof. She stared down at the ground, her tears falling down far below. With one swift move Carly flung herself off of solid ground and into the air, rocketing down towards the ground.
Time couldn't seem to pass any slower as Carly fell. Her body twisted around reflexively. A cry escaped from her throat. She let out everything she could. Yet in that moment she was happy. Scarlett would finally get her wish. As the ground came closer and closer Carly's cries turned into laughter. The last thing she remembered was a blinding white light.
It could have been a dream or heaven. Either one. Carly saw three white figures in the darkness. They seemed to be made out of light. Each offered her a hand but Scarlett was motionless. One by one they dissolved until she was left alone, unable to see. Suddenly she saw them. Memories. Fourth of July at the lake. Her twelfth birthday when she was got her first real kiss. Saying goodbye to friends, she had to move. Her father's car turning over and over. The doctor explaining that the damage would never heal. That her memories would be lost every time she slept. Her mother gave Carly a red journal the day after. Her father was working in the garage when there was a knock on the door. Her mother was torn apart by Reapers. The first time Scarlett had seen her father cry. Her father hurling himself into the river, giving up his life. A Reaper chasing her brother and badly burning his leg. Carly had to carry her brother until she herself couldn't walk. Her brother starved and Scarlett disposed of his body in the same river her father died in. Joining Weave with no other option. Meeting other Weavers. Training with Aura. Finding a mother, dead, next to her baby. The harmless child, murdered by Sloth. Scarlett burying the baby with its mother's ring. Waking up alone and unsure of her location. And every time she had woken up before that. Every time she learned of her parent's death. The memories quickly flashed by and then they were gone.
One word: Ow. Carly awoke thinking only of her pain. She got up, dizzy. An inhuman noise escaped her lips. Tears streamed down her cheeks, a grin forcing its way onto her face. It was over. Her knees felt weak but she walked towards the entrance, every bone in her body hurting and at least one of those bones broken.
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Hissing in pain, Scarlett collapsed against the wall. She held her nose in her hand. It was bleeding profusely. Great, Carly thought, I need to change again. She smiled softly. It was funny because she could remember that she changed in the first place. She pushed herself up, drops of blood from her face splattering onto the concrete. It was impossible to hide but she needed medical attention anyway.
There were shadowy figures peeking out from every corner around Scarlett. They watched with red eyes, but they weren't Reapers. They had no claws. They looked more... Human. But they were silhouettes. They had no mouths like Reapers, but whispers came from them nonetheless. Whispers that would send chills up anyone's spine.

"It hurts."

"I don't want to."



"Don't make me do it."



"It's hurting me."

"Stop it."

"I don't want to do it."

"I don't want to hurt them."

"I don't want to."





"Stop it!"


"Make it stop!"

"I don't want to!"

"I don't want to hurt them!"


Their whispers stayed whispers, but their voices screamed for help. It was quiet moments later, but they still stood around the corners, watching, staring. Crying. Weeping. Hurting.

Scarlett stared at the ground. A chill ran down her spine. Feeling weak, she leaned against the wall, listening. But nothing couod be heard.
"I don't want to kill anymore..!" One whispered, and they all stayed silent after that. They just kept watching, their blood-red eyes silently staying on Scarlett.
In the medbay, instead of Günther sitting and sighing there was a relatively new face. Eva was sitting where Günther used to, but she wasn't sighing like Günther. She sat there quietly, looking up at the roof. She was bored and decided to go out on a walk around the base. She got up and walked out of the medbay, into the corridors.
Scarlett definitely heard that.

"Its not real." Carly told herself. She didn't want to look up as she kept walking slowly, whether they were there or not.
They started to step out from the shadows, and circled Scarlett slowly. They let her walk, moving their circle so that they didn't get in the way, but they started to circle her faster and faster. Some were crying, some were shaking, and some were dancing. They were all different, nothing like the Reapers people were used to. They started chanting. "I don't want to hurt them, but they make us anyway. I want to stop hurting them, to make them go away."
A pang of fear struck Scarlett. She had seen plenty of crazy sh*t since the Reapers first appeared but...

Carly tried to construct a plan. Standing still, she watched them carefully trying to find a pattern. There was none. They weren't Reapers or anything else she had seen. But they were real. She didn't know what to expect but tried to look unafraid.

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