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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution

"Are you talking to me," pride asked raising a eyebrow." Because I have news for you buddy I'm not your friend and this isn't a game I'm the enemy so you better prepare to get hurt badly, "pride said raising his fist. He then sent a barrage of punches and kicks at Vanye @Alternated
*Ducks at the knife being tossed at him getting slightly cut on the check* "Shit that almost got me*

*Looking over at the girl standing there* "Hey listen we need your help right now I can understand that you are angry at her but there are still more people we can save more fi we act fast"

(Also we ended going to a town that the two of them had attacked)
Vayne takes all of the punches, he tried to endure it but only a bit "I..Can't..." he said silently until he finally goes down he coughs up blood and his vision is blurry "Not like this" he said until he got unconscious.

@Tylor guillory
"Shit Sabin we might need a back up plan" *As he starts running over to the dizzy girl*

*Then notices the that* "Shit get down" *Dives pulling the girl down as well*
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Pride walks over to the now unconscious man."Oh come on done for already? Well I suppose that's to be expected when your facing pride the mighty." Pride picked him up and began leaping towards the other commotion where sloth was."He then landed behind them all."Hey I think this belongs to you,"pride said laying Vayne's unconscious body down."I was gonna kill him but I don't like easy prey,"pride said laughing.
Sloth immediately throw the grenade in the as far away as possible and as it exploded in the air. She decided to leave " though you were a great audience I must leave until next time" she said smiling especially at Carly. She knew that she'll be entertaining to mess with . She ran off then disappeared.

(I GTG till next time!)
"Aww no fun leaving already," pride asked disappointed."Oh well at least I can have one more bit of fun before I leave." Pride used his threads to go into the form of a huge dog and began smashing everything around him.
“JAX, We need help!, Open fire on...... Everything!” Sabrin Ordered.

JAX begins bombarding and shooting at the building, while trying not to kill James and the Woman.
*Moved to get him and the women into cover as the all hell was let into the building. Letting off a few potshots at the dog*
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"Oh and it all comes tumbling down!" As pride says this from inside the giant monstrous dog he uses his threads to make all the buildings fall in towards them." Tada till next time little one," pride said retreating in a flash. "
After being tackled, Leah wriggled out from beneath whomever was atop her.

(Slow down guys! I can hardly tell who anyone is referring to!)

She, out of the corner of her eye, saw one of they few standing begin cracking a path of destruction. She quickly unsheathed her blade and focused it at him, both hands clutching the hilt, then began to race toward him, hands separating. Her right hand, occupied with the blade, pulled back while her left reached forward, shoving Pride a small step or two away. She looked at him for a moment, surprise and confusion clouding her vision. Whatever he was doing, he was destroying this place, and obviously intended to destroy the man at his feet.

"What in the heck is your intention!?" She screamed toward him, only to combat with the noise level surrounding.
(He basically leveled the place then left BTW I'm almost positive there not in the base and pride and sloth left) pride laughed as he retreated back to Base."Oh that was so much fun I really enjoyed myself, "he said hoping around the in the shadows." I hope I get to kill some strong weavers soon."
(That... That is what is called a ninja.)

(I hate when that happens. It totally. States a really long and detailed post within a single moment.)
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((Uhm... Threads are magic not solid, they can't make physical objects move. @-@ Pride that won't be possible... AND OOC IN OOC OR IN ONE OF YOUR RP POST ))

"Back here again... I'm taking my place back from Leah!"

Kano said to himself. He was piloting a jet which he took to and from England. He refined his weapons and somewhat helped out in his kingdom's battle. Kano soon came insight of land and spotted small flashes of battle. He aimed the jet straight down and it seemingly went towards Pride's direction. Kano grabbed his stuff and jumped out of the jet. When near the ground Kano pulled his backpack he had and a parachute came out. The jet landed right infront of Pride.
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(And much agreed, Kano/Kazu (oh gosh I just called you by your character's name. xD ). It's also confusing when the thing that ninja'd the post can't even be done...)

(Anyway, I need to sleep. I can't keep up with this right now. I'll see you all tomorrow.)
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"Hmm... Where did everyone go! I want something to do..."

Sena said while wandering the halls in Weave. She pouted and sighed. She had nothing to do AT ALL.
(Never said they made it move he blew the buildings in there direction not moved them plus they can become weapons I'm pretty sure magic can move things to do yeah)pride was retreating to base when he stopped to observe the destruction. "Ahh what a beautiful sight it is,"he said gazing at all the chaos.When all of a sudden he heard a strange noise getting louder and louder and all of a sudden it got dark." Hmm what's going on here,"he asked turning around and looking up. Then as he spotted the jet flying at him he screamed like a little girl. And kept screaming for a good while even after the jet missed him . Eventually he noticed and let out a sigh of relief." Ha you missed me you winged metal monster," pride said as he walked around the jet. He raised his hands in victory, " woo yeah no stupid jets gonna get the better of pride. He slowly began walking back to the base when he heard a familiar noise."vroom vroom." Prides face turned to one of pure horror." No please no anything but that pleas no nooo," pride screamed às a stampede of emergency vehicles ran him down."i hate machines,"pride said after they had passed. Eventually after all the bones in prides body had healed he made his way home.Pride landed at the base stretching and yawning." Thats that Im never leaving again oh so many cars,"he said walking into the sins base and unraveling his threads."Hmm might take a nap," pride decided. He went to his room and layed out on his soft silky bed. Then slowly feel asleep having nightmares of cars and now jets chasing him.
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After the chaotic battle, the once was building was nothing more than a pile of rubble and debris, Pride and Sloth got away, almost unharmed, Sabrin, Carly, James, And Vayne, however were badly injured from the fight, with Sabrin Taking bullets like a pincushion, Vayne getting wrecked by pride, James and Carly getting crushed by the falling building, it was one hell of attempt to save the damn town. But their efforts weren't in vain, they managed to suppress the real chaos on what the two Sins would have caused if they didn't fought them, and pleased their chaotic hunger for a fight.
Sabrin punches the debris and rubble pinning him like a zombie coming out of the ground, he then push and shove the remaining debris off of him, he tries to stand up as blood pours from the bullet holes on his body, his helmet's tough screen was cracked and damaged. He pulls the remaining debris off of the three soldiers that aided him and drag them outside from the demolished building, he retrieves his knife stuck to a piece of wood, he takes out a small vial off his utility belt and then gathers blood off of the knife, he then sheaths the knife back. He taps his damaged helmet to contact JAX, who's dealing with the rest of the lowly Reaper grunts in the town.
(He's looking beat the hell up lol) pride moved back and forth as he had nightmares of cars and jets and anything else mechanical that could possibly run him over." No no mister Miyagi save me," he muttered in his sleep.
....why is it that when I go to bed, everyone gets in fights, Beyoncé comes over for tea, a car does the cha cha and dogs level towns??? *mild exaggeration))

Lust had gotten out of the shower and dried off. She still had her baggy hoodie on but no tights or shoes. The hoodie fell to mid thigh and she strolled around the base. She found Pride sleeping in his room. She saw that he was having a nightmare and sighed, walking over to him. She sat next to him and laid a hand on his cheek, gently. She smiled a bit, seeing how childish he was inside, instead of when he fought. When he fought he was a beast, but now he was just a little kitten. This amused Lust.

@Tylor guillory
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JAX finally arrives to pick up Sabrin and the rest of the injured soldiers back to base, JAX slowly lowers to pick them up, Sabrin lifts James and Vayne on his shoulder and places both on the chopper, And lastly he carries Carly on his back and places her in the chopper beside the two Soldiers. But before JAX could leave, Sabrin jumps down on the chopper.

“JAX go, take the others back to base, I'm staying to help the other civilians fix the Crap that the Sins made...” Sabrin uttered to JAX with a calm voice, trying to hide the pain and agony he's feeling.

“But Sir, you're badly injured, you're armor is rigged with bullets holes, and you're losing blood.” JAX Responded with a worried tone.

“I've dealt worse...” Sabrin chuckles, "Oh, And send medical units, amazingly, only few died, but plenty of civilian casualties.....”

“As you wish Sir, but do take care Sir.” JAX then proceeds to lift up into the sky, seconds pass, the back thrusters on the chopper, propelled it forward back to base.

Sabrin waves to JAX leaving, He then Vanishes into the burning city to help anyone who might need help.

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