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Fantasy Reaper 2: Revolution OOC

[QUOTE="Aurath Moonblood](why u talk to spazzy bout that?).
Aura shook his head as he handed the girl over. "I need to go find someone. Haven't seen her all day." Aura said, ghosting out again. Sometimes it was eirie how quiet and swift he moved.

Because of this.

Spazzycat101 said:
Somehow, I feel like there's on ship here that's more like the Titanic than anything.)

Leah took the box, thanking Aura. She then stood and started to the door.

'Aw, I was afraid I'd have to go into the next battle wearing pajamas.'

Suddenly, she heard a furious cry for help, but Aura had already dashed past her.
Spazzycat101 said:
The air was colder than the gleaming sun let on, and the chill began to claw through Leah's pajamas, causing her to shiver. She stepped back into the base and wandered to her squad's barracks to examine her new outfit. Once there, she opened the box and lay the outfit out on a bed.
(And I can't think of what the outfit should be. :P )
I'll find something, don't worry xD dress or no dress?
Nu dress. Something that you can be kick-ass in.

*writes up an incredibly long and detailed list of requests, then says I can't come up with something myself.*
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Halflife 3 Confirmed!

Just kidding! Guess what? The GMs of Reaper have come to a decision! Can you take a guess?~

That's... Entirely wrong. What does that have to do with anything?

Forget it, let's just get to the good part.

Reaper 3 is being planned as you read this. That's right. Reaper will continue into another season. Don't get me wrong, though, Reaper 2 isn't ending as soon as you think. Why Reaper 3 is being announced, you may ask? Because we need your ideas for the next season! Events, characters, locations, anything! We've just started discussing the idea amongst ourselves, so you have time to fit your ideas on in but hurry! We're planning as much as we can to make sure season 3 is packed to the brim with action and feels!

The theme of the third season of the story is action, horror, and setting. We're focusing on setting the mood with darker themes, heart-wrenching deaths, and eye-gluing action! We're accepting absolutely any ideas, but try your very best to fit the criteria or we will have to turn your idea down! Thank you all so much for helping with the popularity of this story. We may not be superstars, but having more than 3k posts on BOTH season? Yeah, sorta thanks-worthy. Anyhow, thank you so much for sticking with us this far and for anyone who plans on staying with us until season 3, go ahead and submit your ideas! Thank you again! Sorry for the huge bunches of meaningless words!

We also want to know what you all think about advancing the time 5 years! It would mean your characters would all be 5 years older than they are currently. This would be in Reaper 3.
[QUOTE="Umbra Regalia] We also want to know what you all think about advancing the time 5 years! It would mean your characters would all be 5 years older than they are currently. This would be in Reaper 3.

OOH, I've an idea. Jokingly, though.

The Weave creates, in order to combat the Sins, people personifying the Virtues.
@Alternated Okay I can be online in class.... Though next one is going to be the beginners course on Nazism so our teacher is worse than hitler...
Spazzycat101 said:
OOH, I've an idea. Jokingly, though.
The Weave creates, in order to combat the Sins, people personifying the Virtues.
Well. That's even more biblical bullshit for me to look up awkwardly in class.

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