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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Magattahana said:
Zane grinned. "What do you want to do? I'm up for anything! Especially after wandering in the halls for five hours with nothing to do!"
He shuddered a little when he remembered the sheer boredom.
Aedus just shrugged "I don't know, whatever you want to do, i'm not to bothered" Aedus said, know the only other thing he would do is go sit in his dorm by himself for the rest of the day.


(What's the time of day? does anyone know?)
Zane's stomach growled. "Are you hungry? I think I can remember my way to the cafeteria if you are."

(I guess around midday unless someone says otherwise lol)

Zane followed behind him. He attempted conversation. "So, um, where are you from, Aedus?"
"I'm originally from Ireland but moved when i was quite young" Aedus replied, giving Zane a small smile "So... What's your 'Gift'? I-I mean you've seen mine, so it's only fair you tell me about yours"

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"You would have gotten to see mine earlier. It's simple on the surface. I can mimic any sort of physical movement I see, down to the smallest detail. That doesn't sound like much, but it usually throws someone off when you can flawlessly copy their fighting style. My gift lets me do other stuff, too. What about you? What's your gift, Aedus?"

"That's kinda cool" Aedus complemented "My power is Pyroportation, basically i can teleport using fire and can control it in anyway, i can make weapons out of it, i can make the flames hotter or colder and i can increase or decrease the size of flames, Stuff like that" Aedus explained, happily smiling.

Zane nodded. "I noticed that earlier."

They made it to the cafeteria. Zane looked around at the stark white tables, trying to decide where to sit before getting his food. "Do you know what kind of food they serve us here?"
Zane looked over the food they had available, eventually decided on some spaghetti, and then seated himself in his chosen spot.
Zane spoke in between slurps of spaghetti. "Yep! First day! I wandered the hallway for hours and it was so boring I nearly lost my mind. But then I found your little training session."
"If you're lacking in hand-to-hand expertise, I think I could show you a thing or two." He smiled.
"No, thanks though."Aedus politely declined "But i mean i could probably beat you in a fight, considering your power is to imitate what other people do" Aedus said, not intending to be rude.

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"Yeah, yeah, you're a walking heat wave, I get it. All I'm saying is that a little martial arts can benefit anyone... even someone who can throw fire." Zane greedily ate the rest of the food on his plate and got up to get seconds.

"Well i can make weapons out of fire, so learning how to fight without a weapon seems a little redundant to me" Aedus replied, shrugging before finishing his salad.

"Think about it," Zane called to him from the other side of the cafeteria as he was getting his food. "You could cloak your fists in flames to make your punches or hotter! Imagine how devastating a burning roundhouse kick could be!"

"If i'm up against someone with a weapon, the last thing i'm going to do is punch them" Aedus replied, shaking his head slightly "Anyway i can already fight well enough in hand to hand combat"

@Magattahana (I've Gtg. Cya :) )
Zane shrugged. "Eh, suit yourself." Before long he had scarfed down the rest of his food.

He got up and they went their separate ways. Zane recommenced his wandering around the school.

(Okay. Cya :D )

@GingerBread @Anyone
Damen and Night Wing walked along to go walk around, perhaps a classroom or something like the library. Night Wing chirped about

while sitting on Damen's shoulder, Damen still had his normal chill face and additude on as they walked in a silent manner.
Celestia managed to calm down and made her way to the dorms hoping her luggage was delivered. She got to her dorm room whilst somehow avoiding most people, she opened the door and looked in before walking in to see if her luggage had come, surely enough it had so she began to unpack.
Aedus stayed sat at the table while Zane walked off What should i do next? Aedus asked himself mentally before yawning I guess i could go back to my dorm and take a nap, it wouldn't hurt Aedus decided as he began to walk to his dorm

Aedus arrived at his dorm, walking in he saw there was a girl unpacking
I wasn't informed i had a roommate Aedus thought before gingerly tapping the girl on the shoulder "Excuse me, I think you're in the wrong room"


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