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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Upon noticing his incapability to fight, she ended her final aerial kick with a straddle, opting to avoid abusing him further with landing on either side of him instead. "Geeze, it's a good thing I can stick my landing," she remarked, looking over his condition. Guess he can't avoid something even when it's a blade. Upon noticing blonde hair on the blade that whizzed past her, she slowly turned to its origin. "And you think that was a good idea?" she challenged, staring at him with repugnance. She removed her legs from Aedus' sides and readied her stance.

(She was doing gymnastics and crap and you cut her hair? okay whatever xD )

@GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz @Magattahana
Zane grinned and mimicked her stance, eyes glowing. "You started it."

(Forgive me, Zane's got a bad habit of picking fights.)
Night Wing rolled hr eyes "I think this has been enough fighting for the day. . .let's all just go have couple of drinks and have some fun" suggested Night Wing, hoping this fight wouldn't end up like the one between Ent and everyone or like Aedus's and Ent's first fight.
Just stab me and walk off, cause thats what you do in training you put people in real danger Aedus mentally shouted at heather And that's another shirt ruined Aedus mentally sighed before disappearing, leaving only embers behind and reappearing where his sword had got flung to. Aedus saw that heather and the other boy looked like they were about to fight, Aedus limped over so that he was stood between them "If you two fight, i'm going to give you both third degree burns" Aedus said, though it was mostly directed at heather, as he wasn't too happy that he now had a hole in his leg.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana @Magattahana
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(I am NOT about to read up on how either of those transpired omg)

Heather held her stare with the boy, not bothering to turn around. "No. If he wants this, who am I to object?" She stood expressionless, wondering what he planned on doing. "Aedus, I apologize for your wound. I thought you would have dodged it since that's what we were focusing on. But don't interfere with personal matters, dear. this is for real," she finished, not willing to take her eyes from her foe.

(So I did read up on your bio. Your mimic doesn't copy physical attributes, correct?)

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @Magattahana
Zane unraveled the boxing tape on one of his arms to reveal some very nasty scars. "Already got some." He pointed at Heather. "...And she started it. Someone should teach her some manners."

(He can mimic any physical movement, but not any sort of supernatural powers. He knows a myriad of fighting styles and can copy his opponents, so fighting him is essentially like fighting your own reflection.)

@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana @GingerBread
Magattahana said:
Zane unraveled the boxing tape on one of his arms to reveal some very nasty scars. "Already got some." He pointed at Heather. "...And she started it. Someone should teach her some manners."
(He can mimic any physical movement, but not any sort of supernatural powers. He knows a myriad of fighting styles and can copy his opponents, so fighting him is essentially like fighting your own reflection.)

@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana @GingerBread
Night Wing walked over to the 3 of them "Come on guys, it doesn't matter who started it just please. . . can we just all get along?" asked Night Wing, not wanting for them to actually full on fight.
Zane was rewrapping his arm with an overconfident smirk. "I was merely observing your little fight because I had been wandering around the halls for hours with nothing better to do than read about Venezuela. So, I mean, you can't really blame me for having a seat and watching."

(Yes, he can do the splits, lol.)
"You guys can fight later, not now because if you do fight now, you will get third degree burns and i can promise you that's not something that you want" Aedus retorted, becoming annoyed at how fight happy everyone is. he turned his attention towards the boy "And why does it matter if she started it, be the bigger man here and walk away" Aedus said before turning his attention towards heather "You both need to shut up and walk away. I don't want to hurt anyone but i don't like fighting either and right now you're not on my good side, whether you thought i would dodge it or not doesn't matter, you shouldn't have brought dangerous weapons to a Training fight" Aedus pointed out before summoning some fire in his hand and forming it into a gun that shoots fireballs

@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana @Magattahana
Heather was still rather pissed that he cut off some of her hair, but she did have to admit that she owed Aedus for throwing an actual knife at him. She snorted and walked over to the equipment rack, putting away the stuff they had gotten out, pretending she didn't want to slit his throat at the moment. She was trying hard to collect herself, but couldn't manage to keep her personalities under control. She knew what she had to do as a last minute resort, but tried not to let it go that far.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @Magattahana
Zane sighed and turned his back on Aedus. "Alright, alright..." He turned around and grinned at Heather. "You're lucky Fireball here isn't in the mood to watch me mop the floor with you." He walked over to his book and picked it up before walking back to the group with a markedly less arrogant smile.

It was as if his whole personality changed from 'combat mode' to 'friend mode'. He extended his hand out to whomever was willing to shake it. "I'm Zane Hawkins. It's nice to meet you all," he shot Heather a funny look. "That includes you, Knife Girl."
"See that wasn't so hard" Aedus said as he gave a grateful smile to both of them, letting the fire gun he held disappear before shaking Zane's hand "I'm Aedus" Aedus said as he finished the handshake, his cheery personality coming back as his anger faded.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana @Magattahana
Magattahana said:
Zane sighed and turned his back on Aedus. "Alright, alright..." He turned around and grinned at Heather. "You're lucky Fireball here isn't in the mood to watch me mop the floor with you." He walked over to his book and picked it up before walking back to the group with a markedly less arrogant smile.
It was as if his whole personality changed from 'combat mode' to 'friend mode'. He extended his hand out to whomever was willing to shake it. "I'm Zane Hawkins. It's nice to meet you all," he shot Heather a funny look. "That includes you, Knife Girl."
Night Wing picked up her jacket and walked over to the other 3 when suddenly Damen walked in, leaning against the side of the door clutching at his stomach as a red substance came out from it "Mind if I join in?" he asked, though it wasn't really a question.
Heather glared at him, still cleaning up the mess. She decided not to speak to him due to living on the tipping point of her temper. Once she was satisfied with her glare, she returned to her work, making sure not to look at his face. You better appreciate this, pyro.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @Magattahana
Aedus shrugged in response to Zane's question before he looked over to where the new voice had come from. Aedus saw damen leaning against the side of the door with what Aedus assumed to be blood coming out of his stomach "Hey are you alright?" Aedus asked damen, worry tainting his voice.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana @Magattahana
Heather glanced at the door to see what the commotion was about when she saw Damen. She got up, dusted herself off, and casually walked over, curious about his condition. "And what did you do today, pray tell?" She was puzzled, unsure how he could have injured himself so badly.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @Magattahana
Zane walked over to the bleeding stranger without saying a single word. He unwrapped his arm, again revealing the scars. "Hold still." Without actually waiting for the stranger to respond, he began wrapping his abdomen in the bandages in an attempt to stop the bleeding, or at least slow it down.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @Kazehana
GingerBread said:
Aedus shrugged in response to Zane's question before he looked over to where the new voice had come from. Aedus saw damen leaning against the side of the door with what Aedus assumed to be blood coming out of his stomach "Hey are you alright?" Aedus asked damen, worry tainting his voice.
@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana @Magattahana
Damen looked up at them with his mismatched eyes "I'm fine, just got stabbed a lot and I'm now bleeding out…" explained Damen in a plain tone, walking over to them but coughed up blood "Mind getting me something to stop the…bleeding?" he asked, trying to use the side of the door as leverage.

Night Wing rushed over to him wondering what had happened "What were you thinking?!" she exclaimed, worried about hin bleeding to death.
(Uhm, he totally started wrapping Damen, so I'll just ignore that part)

Heather cocked her head to one side, simply thinking. If you can read minds, and you have all that magic, how in the world did you get yourself stabbed? She kept asking herself those questions, not actually wanting to ask them at the moment. She was in enough trouble as it was.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @Magattahana

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