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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Zane had kept a blank, analytical expression on his face while applying the bandages. Finished, he stepped back and inspected his handiwork. "That should at least slow the bleeding down, but regardless of how you got stabbed, you should really let us take you to the infirmary."
Kazehana said:
(Uhm, he totally started wrapping Damen, so I'll just ignore that part)
Heather cocked her head to one side, simply thinking. If you can read minds, and you have all that magic, how in the world did you get yourself stabbed? She kept asking herself those questions, not actually wanting to ask them at the moment. She was in enough trouble as it was.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @Magattahana
Damen turned to look at Heather "If I used my powers all the time then I wouldn't be here…I don't want these abilities, plus I can only use most of my abilities at night time" explained Damen, after Zane wrapped his wound "I'm alright…" said Damen, not answering Aedus because he didn't want to tell them, just yet, about what he just saw. Night Wing pulled his collar down a bit.
(I literally wrote about him reading minds while simultaneously forgetting he could read her mind. What)

Heather looked down, a bit embarrassed she had forgotten that he could do that. She didn't actually want him to answer, otherwise she would have just asked. Geeze, this would be so much easier if you couldn't tell what i was thinking. Takes the mystery out of everything. Do you want me to do anything? You can just nod yes or no.. She looked back up, a bit awkward, to see what he would do, if anything, in response.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @Magattahana
Zane observed the odd body language between Heather and Damen, and began thinking about what it could mean. He then looked at Night Wing, Heather (henceforth known as Knife Girl), Damen, and Fireball Aedus. A barely visible smile appeared on his face. I think I'm going to like it here.

(I find it amusing that Damen is going to hear Zane think that.)

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @Kazehana
Kazehana said:
(I literally wrote about him reading minds while simultaneously forgetting he could read her mind. What)
Heather looked down, a bit embarrassed she had forgotten that he could do that. She didn't actually want him to answer, otherwise she would have just asked. Geeze, this would be so much easier if you couldn't tell what i was thinking. Takes the mystery out of everything. Do you want me to do anything? You can just nod yes or no.. She looked back up, a bit awkward, to see what he would do, if anything, in response.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @Magattahana
"I can't read every thought, only your thoughts that are refered to me" explained Damen as he nodded at her meaning yes. He looked at Night Wing "Sorry for making you worry" he said, while still leaning against the wall. Despite the wrappings around him he still bled heavily.

(Damen can only read people's thoughts that are refered to or about him, and it only works within a certain radius)
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Night Wing went to Damen and placed her hands over his wound attempting to sooth it so it didn't hurt him, not that he even showed any reaction to heavy blood lose or the pain. He glanced a bit at Aedus "Cauterizing the wound would infect it…I'll be alright" he stated, even though he wasn't and he was losing too much blood. Night Wing looked up at him "What happened to you Damen?" she asked, wanting for him to talk to her instead of shutting everyone out.
Heather explained the situation rather quickly to a nurse, who agreed to see Damen right away. Heather ran back to the training room with the nurse, panting because I just realized she ran in heels and damn that's hard. "I got... the nurse..." she breathed, collecting her composure. The nurse had brought supplies to help her control his heavy flow (lol wonder what that's like xD ).

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @Magattahana
Zane was lost in thought despite the gravity of the situation. He missed his twin sister. His eyes fell to the book in his hands. He wasn't really the reading type, and the only reason he tried was because his sister encouraged him to do so.

"You can't be all brawns without at least a little brains, Zany."

And he missed making fun of her accent.

Heather re-entering the room knocked him out of his train of thought and back to reality, and so he focused back in on the situation. He was glad Damen would be okay and he had gained a little respect for Knife Girl, seeing as she ran to the infirmary and back in high heels.

(Sorry for writing a small novel here, lol ^-^ ;)

Kazehana said:
Heather explained the situation rather quickly to a nurse, who agreed to see Damen right away. Heather ran back to the training room with the nurse, panting because I just realized she ran in heels and damn that's hard. "I got... the nurse..." she breathed, collecting her composure. The nurse had brought supplies to help her control his heavy flow (lol wonder what that's like xD ).
@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @Magattahana
Damen looked at the nurse "Do you have any white wrappings?" askef Damen, already knowing what he wad going to do with it. Night Wing looked at Damen right in the eyes "Please Damen…tell me" she pleaded, a bit of tears welling in her eyes. Damen looked down for a bit as he took the white wrappings, his eyes widening a bit but he didn't say anything "I--.......I'll tell you later" he said, guilt and shamfulnesd on his face as he tryed his best to keep his chill.
Heather rolled her eyes. This was a time to be worried, not overly sentimental. (Was about to write something, but I don't think she knows their relationship, so nvm) Geeze, if you're not gonna tell the rest of us, you'd better at least whisper it to her or something. I don't really care, but she probably needs this right now. I mean look at her; she could explode into tears any minute, and i don't feel like drowning today. She kept a neutral expression, looking casually to the side to pretend like she didn't really care.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @Magattahana
"Why can't you tell Night Wing now? do you not want us to hear?" Aedus asked, not willing to back down until he got an answer Damen i owe my life to Night Wing, so just tell her, don't upset her... please Aedus thought, confident that Damen could hear him

@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana @Magattahana
Kazehana said:
Heather rolled her eyes. This was a time to be worried, not overly sentimental. (Was about to write something, but I don't think she knows their relationship, so nvm) Geeze, if you're not gonna tell the rest of us, you'd better at least whisper it to her or something. I don't really care, but she probably needs this right now. I mean look at her; she could explode into tears any minute, and i don't feel like drowning today. She kept a neutral expression, looking casually to the side to pretend like she didn't really care.
@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @Magattahana
Damen looked at them all, then back to Night Wing who hugged him tightly before letting go a bit, remembering his injury. Damen sighed a bit as he spoke "…It's my fault……they died because of me……I was caught off guard when I heard a wife and a daughter scream. 20 of them were already there and before I knew it I was in the ground bleeding out…" explained Damen, not wanting to continue but knew that he had to tell some one "They killed them…after they had their 'buissness' they killed them in front of my eyes as I bled out…"
Zane's face turned cold. "Hunters...?" The thought of those intolerant murderers made him so angry he couldn't see straight. People like that were responsible for him not having a home.
Having come from a peaceful school, Heather had never heard of such violence. Who would do that to him? Or women and children? Who are hunters? Why didn't he just tell Night Wing and not the rest of them? Why can't I stop asking questions? Heather had no answers for any of these questions, and stood with eyes glazed over, not sure how to process it. Real violence..

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @Magattahana
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Damen looked down as Night Wing hugged him, worried about him, and remembering his promise he said when the two of them found out his step parents were killed and he lost the last piece if family he had. Since then, the two of them have always been together.
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Zane shot Heather a look, although this one was much kinder than the ones he gave before. "You okay, Knife Girl?"
"I'm fine," she replied, slightly tart. Seeing the emotional moment, Heather became slightly uncomfortable and decided it was best for her to not be there. Later, weirdo. Don't you go off dying anytime soon, ya hear? She backed out of the doorway and headed back to her room, hands clasped behind her back, hoping to read a book or play a game or something relaxing for once today.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @Magattahana
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GingerBread said:
Aedus went silent not sure how to react to what Damen had just said, the expression on his face was a mixture of horror and sadness. The sadness and horror was quickly replaced with empathy "It's not your fault, they didn't die because of you. They were killed by some assholes who don't deserve to live" Aedus said as he silently seethed
@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana @Magattahana
Damen got up "Not much I can do now…I think I'm just gonna go" he said, starting to walk away while still clutching his stomach. Night Wing followed, turning into a crow and sitting on his shoulder hoping to give him some comfort.
Aedus turned to look at Zane "No idea" Aedus replied "I might just go, unless you want to do something, to be honest i'd rather not be alone... especially after hearing that"

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Zane grinned. "What do you want to do? I'm up for anything! Especially after wandering in the halls for five hours with nothing to do!"

He shuddered a little when he remembered the sheer boredom.

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