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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Celestia noticed someone was tapping her on the shoulder, she turned around to look who it was. After hearing what he said she shoved her hands in her pockets and found out the dorm key stating '122', she swiftly got up and looked out side the door at the sign next to it labeled '122'... She then made her way back in and held the key in front of him as if to say 'look'.

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"Okay... But this is my dorm" Aedus said pulling out an identical key "And i don't have a roommate, you may have been given the wrong key" Aedus explained, not wanting to accuse the girl of being a liar, but he was absolutely sure that he didn't have a roommate

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Celestia tilted her head in curiosity, the fact that the luggage was sent to this dorm room and that she has got the same key meant it was no mistake, but she didn't really know what to do about it... then again she didn't know anything about living with someone else in the same room either, of course it could make sense due to having two separate beds in one room, but she didn't like the idea either way. "Don't worry, I'll go request a new room..." she said whilst looking at the boy once again.

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"Yeah sorry about the mix up" Aedus awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck as he apologised, even though it wasn't his fault This is not what i needed, i just wanted to go take a nap, but no. there had to be someone unpacking in my room Aedus thought bitterly to himself, not in the best of moods after everything that had happened so far

She left the room quietly and made her way towards the main desk once again, a few minutes later she got there to ask if she could have a new room and was instantly denied... 'So we can't change rooms because it's already been arranged...baka, baka system!!" she thought as she walked along sighing. 'Well I wonder what I should do now then... I guess i'll go get my stuff and sleep outside on school premises or something..' She thought to herself. She got back to the room and knocked before entering swiftly, ignoring the person and heading for her luggage.

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"Yeah, I have another room.." she said whilst hiding her face so it didn't show that she was lying, she gathered her luggage, "I'll be going now, sorry to trouble you" even though she knew it wasn't her fault and she had to go through the trouble too.

"What number is your new room? And Would you like a hand carrying your stuff" Aedus asked, giving the girl a small, kind smile, feeling kind of guilty for making her go through all this trouble

"U-urmmm...room...1..24...yeah room 124, and i'll be fine, thanks for the offer though" she said whilst promptly making her way out, "Thanks and see you again..maybe" she said as she quickly walked away in order for him to not realize.. 'room 124...really was that the best I could say?.. he literally only has to look down the corridor and notice that i'm not heading towards that room, I better move fast then.'

Suspicious that it was so quiet, Rouge poked her head outside of her dorm room door. She had to pause their game of Sorry!, but thought it to be far too boring to be real. Especially since it's this school of all places. She saw a girl moving.. out? Rouge thought she should investigate, so she walked down the hall to the girl. "Hiya," she began with a smile, "do you need some help?"

"Oh...hi, nice to meet you... I'm okay thanks, i'm only heading down the corridor." She said hoping that she could get away from everyone, she didn't want them to know that she was going to sleep outside due to dorm problems.

"Oh, but it's no problem, and it looks like you could use some help," she replied, taking a few bags into hand. Once she was situated, she returned her gaze back to the girl and smiled. "So where are we going?"

Celestia soon realized that there was practically no way of getting out of this, so she had to succumb to telling her the situation...

"Okay, I'm sorry I lied... to be truthful I have no where to return too... so I was heading to sleep outside.." She said whilst looking away slightly blushing from embarrassment.

Her smile waned, but still held firm. "Now, that won't do. How are you meant to do well here without proper bedding?" she mused, thinking of solutions. "Let's have a talk with the main desk, shall we?" she asked rhetorically, starting to head that direction.

When they arrived at the main desk, Rouge inquired as to what the girl was supposed to do for bedding. The main clerk replied that she already had a room, room 122. She inquired about a key, and the clerk sighed, giving her another key. She warned them about losing keys too much, saying something about a fee if it happened again. Rouge politely thanked the clerk, then turned back to the girl, "Well that's that. Let's go back and set up!" she said with enthusiasm. Picking up the bags, she headed back to the dorms.

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Celestia was still out of it, she followed behind and stopped for a second to say "But I don't want to annoy the mister in there..." she stood still for a couple of seconds and then proceeded to follow on behind again knowing that she practically couldn't get out of the fact that he may be annoyed that she also lied to him even though she was only trying to not annoy him.

@Kazehana @GingerBread
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Rouge didn't quite hear her say anything, mainly because she was humming to herself. She thought the halls could use some music or something to make the long treks she seemed to have to always take a little less boring. when they made it back to the room, she swung the door open, simultaneously stating, "Your new roommate has arrived!" with a bit of silence as she recognized who exactly she was talking to. After freezing for a second, still with her arm out from opening the door and smile from earlier, she slowly set down the bags and walked back to her room. As she went, she said to the girl, "Good luck with that," before returning to her room, still retaining her casual smile.

@CelestiaVanGuard @GingerBread
Damen and Night Wing continued to walk around, Damen saw two girls that he had sern before even though he wasn't even looking at them. Night Wing flew around, chirping a little tune as she remained on Damen's shoulder.

@Anyone (I'm at school so I might not reply)
Aedus looked at the girl confused "New roommate? is heather my new roommate?" Aedus wondered aloud until he saw the other girl "Why are you back so soon? did you forget something?" Aedus asked, not at all assuming she could be his roommate as she had said she wasn't and why would she lie to him.


(@Kazehana Sorry edited it, just a bit tired at the moment :/ )
Celestia sighed for a second before saying "I-i'm your new roommate....apparently.." whilst looking at him.

"Sorry...about lying to you earlier.. I just didn't want to annoy you..." she says whilst looking away and slightly blushing yet again due to embarrassment and guilt.

"Okay" Aedus replied, just accepting the fact that he now had a roommate Guess i can't just bring ent in here at any time Aedus thought before turning attention back to the girl "So, the only rule i have is, Don't touch my stuff. Good? Good. Now i'm going to take a nap, like i wanted to before" Aedus said as he allowed himself to fall into his bed and slowly start to fall asleep.


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