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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

GingerBread said:
The Hunter kept a neutral expression as his head was separated from his body, blood sprayed all around and over Ent as the Hunters body fell limp onto the ground.
Ent grabbed hold of the hair on the decapitated head. As the blood sprayed over Ent he stopped, he looked at it in confusion. Like it was to easy. But then he licked the blood next to his mouth and began to laugh insanely. He couldn't stop himself, the madness filled up in him.

(some one should really stop ent before he does something he shouldn't *cough cough* kill everyone in and out of the school *cough cough*)
Aedus started crying as the reality of the situation hit him like a tonne of bricks "I-I'm....s-scared" Aedus admitted "I-I.... don't.... want... to... d-die" Aedus started curling up into a fetal position.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Johnny awakens from his sleep as he looks around. He noticed that he not in his room but inside Crimson's. Suddenly the memories of last night events came upon his mind and then he got up as his stomach grumbles. He then leave the dorm room towards the cafeteria hoping they had some pancakes left over @Anyone
Ent laughed out in mad happiness "OH OH OOHHHHH!!! THIS FEELING IS GREAT!!! I JUST WANT ALL OF YOU IN FRONT OF ME." Ent said as he spun around, dark wind shot from his palms slicing everything in half. Corpses built up as the civilians feel quickly "BORING BORING BORING!!! CAN I NOT HAVE SOME FUN IN YOUR LAST MOMENTS OF LIVING!!!!" Ent continued to shout. He looked around, blinded by his madness not letting him remember anything that happened. The only thing he can think of is death. Ent charged towards looked like a school. He walked in "WHO WOULD LIKE TO JOIN THE SLAUGHTER!!!" He shouted as he saw a boy and girl "YOU LOOK LIKE CANDIDATES FOR THE DEATH!!!!!" He didn't know what he was shouting but he charged towards them, winds picked up.

@GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz
Aedus saw Ent charging towards them shouting something about death, summoning the last of the strength Aedus pushed Night Wing out of the way, taking the hit himself which caused his wounds to open up even more "O-oi....K-kitty" Aedus said weakly, struggling even to stand, his face devoid of colour.

@metalcity @Veyd Sahvoz
GingerBread said:
Aedus saw Ent charging towards them shouting something about death, summoning the last of the strength Aedus pushed Night Wing out of the way, taking the hit himself which caused his wounds to open up even more "O-oi....K-kitty" Aedus said weakly, struggling even to stand, his face devoid of colour.
@metalcity @Veyd Sahvoz
"Aedus! What are you doing?!" she asked while getting up and teying to get the two of the out of there.
Kazehana said:
Jaune smiled, "Aw, why not?" She said, trying to find a way out. Violette commented, "I'm done here." Rouge nodded, "Alright girls, now!" On her mark, they all snapped their fingers as they consented to recombine where Verte stood. Heather grabbed her boots from Verte's invention, "Sweet, new shoes. Well that was fun," she commented.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen sighed, looking ovet at Heather "I don't want to hurt any of you…but you are all great fighters. Using gymnastics to fight would be a good idea, if I didn't have the ability to sense your every move" explained Damen, walking towards the exit.
Aedus couldn't do anything as Ent grabbed him and punched him in the face, sending him to the ground again "N-night.....Wing....Just....go...I-I'd....slow.... you...down...anyway" Aedus said before he started to cough up blood.

@Veyd Sahvoz @metalcity
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Night Wing gasped as Aedus was punched "I'm not going anywhere!!", she imbued her fist in some sort of energy and punched Ent im the face then the nuts "Snap out of it!!!!!" she shouted.
metalcity said:
As the boy fell to the ground a new challenger approaches. "WELCOME WELCOME. DO ENJOY THE SHOW!!!" He laughed as the girl punched him in the face, then the girl went to punch the shadowy area Ent's tail grabbed her wrist suppriaingly and pulled her to the ground. "THE ONLY THING SNAPPING HERE IS YOUR SPINE!!!!" Ent went to kick her in the face.

(I am ok with surprise attacks hitting as long as they are a surprise. But saying that's what you did I will most likely avoid it which may irritate you. So becareful with what you do so Ent can react in some way. I will do the same.)
Damen felt a sudden headache "night wing…" he whispered to himself as he rushed down the hall to find her, hoping she hadn't been hurt.

Night Wing turned into a crow before she was hit and flew away only to come back and attempt to knock him in the head, her beak slightly imbued with a light aura as she ripped through the air aiming herself for his face to carch him off guard.
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"T-too...s-scared to....F-fight....me....K-kitty?" Aedus asked as he struggled to get on his feet "I-If...you...want....to...kill.... anyone....Ent....you'll...have to.... kill me....first" Aedus said as he began to cough up even more blood, his face becoming paler.

@metalcity @Veyd Sahvoz
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Damen felt a sudden headache "night wing…" he whispered to himself as he rushed down the hall to find her, hoping she hadn't been hurt.
Night Wing turned into a crow before she was hit and flew away only to come back and attempt to knock him in the head, her beak slightly imbued with a light aura as she ripped through the air aiming herself for his face to carch him off guard.

As the bird flew in Ent span around and so did the way the win flowed in the near by area, it would change from a light breeze to strong winds coming from each area. Making it impossible to fly.
Night Wing turned back into a human as she aimed her fist at his head.

Damen heard people yelling and screaming, he kept running but remembered he could become a shadow.
Aedus tried to walk towards Ent but only succeeded in falling to ground I can't let him kill Night Wing, I won't let him kill her Aedus thought, as he got up once more and shambled behind Ent, Pain shooting through his body. Aedus Wrapped his arms around Ent's torso restricting Ent's arms, though his hold on Ent was weak I hope this distracts him so Night wing can get away

@metalcity @Veyd Sahvoz
Johnny makes it to the cafeteria getting his pancakes and on and sitting down. He sniffs the air trying to find Crimson but he fails. He frowns slightly as he grab a fork and eat. @Kj carswell
GingerBread said:
Aedus tried to walk towards Ent but only succeeded in falling to ground I can't let him kill Night Wing, I won't let him kill her Aedus thought, as he got up once more and shambled behind Ent, Pain shooting through his body. Aedus Wrapped his arms around Ent's torso restricting Ent's arms, though his hold on Ent was weak I hope this distracts him so Night wing can get away
@metalcity @Veyd Sahvoz
(Full nelson!!! xD )

Night Wing was hit in the head, but before she hit the ground she managed to turn into a crow and fly away slightly, she attempted to hit him again in the face or stomach so he'd snap out of it.
Domxx said:
Nami smiled at him and left the cafe. She kept walking for a bit, seeming lost in her own world then she stopped realising she had to wait for Kyo.
Catching up Kyo looked around while walking with Nami. "You know, its quite peaceful around this part of town. I like it, in fact I know a really great place with an amazing view not too far from here, wanna go there?"
A crimson light flashes next to Ent blinding everyone. Crimson stepped from the light with a sippy cup filled with his blood. Crimson gently pulled Aedus from Ent and gave him the cup. Drink up, Johnny will be here in a second to take you to the infirmary. Just relax I'll take care of this. He said dryly while looking at Ent (Johnny come to the front of the school. Shits about to hit the fan. I need you to take Aedus to the infirmary.) Because Johnny is in Crimsons pack he can speak to him via telepathy.

@Johnathan Laurence @GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz @metalcity
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"N-no....I'm...not...running....away...anymore" Aedus argued attempting to walk over to Ent to attempt to restrain him again only to fall to the ground, letting out a cry of pain as he hit the ground
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Johnny stops and head towards the front of school quickly due to a demand given by his alpha . As Johnny nears the smell of blood lots of blood fill his nostrils as he see Aedus and Crimson " what happened" asks johnny as he grab Aedus gently and was about teleport them to the infirmary.
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Don't I know it.. Heather thought. As she watched him leave, she was curious where he was suddenly headed off to. Since she had no idea where she was, she decided to follow him. Could be fun, she thought. When she heard people shouting down the halls, she slowed down a little, unsure what was going on. Perhaps this was normal for this school? As Damen disappeared into a shadow (I'm assuming that's what just happened), she sped up, her heart racing.

After rounding the final corner, she stood in horror as she watched a fight with people she'd never seen before in a blood-splattered hallway. She wasn't sure if it was just boys roughhousing or something until she saw a girl trying to protect a boy that looked pretty near death. It looked like someone new arrived, trying to get the boy to drink something rather suspicious, and she had to wonder what was going on. She stood in shock, unsure if or how she could help.

@Kj carswell @whoever else is here I lost track

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