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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

"A book on Reckoners, i need to find 3 facts about them for homework,Wish i didn't have to though" Aedus said muttering the last part "Sorry about Ent by the way" Aedus said, giving Night Wing a small smile

@Veyd Sahvoz
GingerBread said:
"A book on Reckoners, i need to find 3 facts about them for homework,Wish i didn't have to though" Aedus said muttering the last part "Sorry about Ent by the way" Aedus said, giving Night Wing a small smile
@Veyd Sahvoz
"Ah I'm not scared" explained Night Wing as she sat down across from Aedus "I'd like to see him try and eat a pretty young girl" said Night Wing as she started doing the puppy eyes, her bluish green eyes glistneing and sparkling a bit.
johnny looks surprised at the cookie in his mouth and eats it " i ... i just fount out my mom committed suicide and her funeral in a couple of days " mumbles johnny as he slowly eats his cookie
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]
"Ah I'm not scared" explained Night Wing as she sat down across from Aedus "I'd like to see him try and eat a pretty young girl" said Night Wing as she started doing the puppy eyes, her bluish green eyes glistneing and sparkling a bit.

"It shouldn't matter if you're scarred or not, he shouldn't make threats to cook you and eat you" Aedus said, frowning before looking up and seeing Night Wing doing the puppy dog eyes, this brought a warm smile to Aedus's face
As Ent started to leave the school he was reminded about how much he hates people and his expression changed to annoyed. He left the gate and people gave him an odd sear, a group of people walked up to Ent "Get back in the whore house you animal." They said as they pushed Ent back beyond the gate. They laughed and pointed "Wish to say that again? I dear you." Ent said as he looked at the boy emotionless, he started to walk back towards the gate. The boy laughed and walked slightly closer to the gate. Ent raised his hand and clicked his figures and a dark wind pulled the group of boys together, smashing them together. There heads cracked as they all collided and there bones broke, then when thrown apart the force of the wind blow the remaining of there head's off. Everyone screamed as the brains and blood squirted everywhere and blow all over the floor. Ent placed his hands in his pockets and continued on his merry way to a super market.
metalcity said:
As Ent started to leave the school he was reminded about how much he hates people and his expression changed to annoyed. He left the gate and people gave him an odd sear, a group of people walked up to Ent "Get back in the whore house you animal." They said as they pushed Ent back beyond the gate. They laughed and pointed "Wish to say that again? I dear you." Ent said as he looked at the boy emotionless, he started to walk back towards the gate. The boy laughed and walked slightly closer to the gate. Ent raised his hand and clicked his figures and a dark wind pulled the group of boys together, smashing them together. There heads cracked as they all collided and there bones broke, then when thrown apart the force of the wind blow the remaining of there head's off. Everyone screamed as the brains and blood squirted everywhere and blow all over the floor. Ent placed his hands in his pockets and continued on his merry way to a super market.
Damen gasped at the sudden loss of an entire group of people, he couldn't believe that many people just. . .gone! In a second. He felt a grim source as he rushed to an exit out of the school Could it have been a hunter?. . .but how, they can't get in the school, thought Damen. He stopped as he sent out 2 darkness beasts to look around outside in the forest, and he himself became a shadow and slithered around the school.

GingerBread said:
"It shouldn't matter if you're scarred or not, he shouldn't make threats to cook you and eat you" Aedus said, frowning before looking up and seeing Night Wing doing the puppy dog eyes, this brought a warm smile to Aedus's face
Night Wing looked at Aedus "Would you hurt a little crow? . . . please mister don't eat me" she joked "I'm just messing with ya. Anyways have you seen Damen, I haven't seen him since this morning?" asked Night Wing.

Tabitha's innocent eyes widened in surprise, not expecting to hear that. "Oh, um... I don't know what to say. I'm sorry?" she said pathetically, saying "I'm sorry" as if she wasn't sure if that was right to say. Finally however, Tabitha figured out what to say. "I don't know you mom but," she paused briefly. "If I lost my mom while studying away from home- Well, I'm sure I'd feel horrible." She looked down at the basket she was holding, starting to feel heavy. She looked up at him, feeling guilty for having to ask right now. "Do you mind holding this for a secon-" She shook her head, deciding against it. "Instead, you can take these. I'll leave them inside your dorm." With that in mind, Tabby pushed past him and set the cookies down.

@Johnathan Laurence
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Night Wing looked at Aedus "Would you hurt a little crow? . . . please mister don't eat me" she joked "I'm just messing with ya. Anyways have you seen Damen, I haven't seen him since this morning?" asked Night Wing.

"No, sorry. I still haven't met him myself" Aedus replied "We can go look for him if you'd like" Aedus offered, giving Night Wing a smile
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Johnny just looks ather blankly " thanks for that " as he smiles and put own a shirt just noticing he was shirtless " umm wanna go tot he lounge with me i can teleport us there " asks Johnny nervously

Tabitha tilted her head, a little confused as to why he was suddenly acting so nervous. "Okay..." she said slowly, crossing her arms. She didn't know much about teleportation, but she heard stories of it being insanely difficult and often causing injuries to whoever was being teleported. Since he offered however, she hoped it wasn't that bad. She was just glad she had made a new acquaintance, if not friend, who didn't immediately ask her about the gloves. She had made up countless lies about why she wore them her whole life, but it just didn't seem right to start this friendship off on a lie.

@Johnathan Laurence
GingerBread said:
"No, sorry. I still haven't met him myself" Aedus replied "We can go look for him if you'd like" Aedus offered, giving Night Wing a smile
Night Wing perked right up "Sure!" she said seeming glad that she would get to meet and spend time with more people.
As Ent continued he walked down a dark alley way, a group of hunters approached Ent. Ent looked at them uninterested. They started to swarm around him, they didn't say a word as they where organised, they all charged at Ent with a plan off attack. They tried to slice but Ent just sighed as the oxygen in the air completely left. They tried to push forwards but the sudden lack of air stopped then in there tracks, as Ent contained walking he pushed his way through the slowly falling body's. As he reached the end of the alley way he saw a few small shops, Ent started with one and made his way through each store.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Night Wing perked right up "Sure!" she said seeming glad that she would get to meet and spend time with more people.

"Any idea where he could be?" Aedus asked as he began collecting up the books he and Ent had gotten out and putting them back on the nearby shelves, keeping the cooking one as he would probably need it later.

Domxx said:
Nami smiled at him, 'I might come. ..it would be nice to hear you play.' She sipped her drink once more, 'my magic isn't all that amazing...I can analyse situations at the speed of light...and I can also mess with people's minds..' she frowned at the way she had worded it before continuing, 'if I am close to the person Involved and they give me consent to do so then I can read their mind or I can..' her voice saddened, 'erase their memories of me.'
Kyo thought for a moment. "Well that's definitely something..." Kyo set his coffee down and hugged Nami, "Too bad you'll never have to erase my memories. Forgetting something just causes too much problems." Letting go Kyo took another sip of coffee and used a portal to sent his guitar into his hands. "Now then, if you'd like you could hear me practice something."
GingerBread said:
"Any idea where he could be?" Aedus asked as he began collecting up the books he and Ent had gotten out and putting them back on the nearby shelves, keeping the cooking one as he would probably need it later.
Night Wing thought for a moment "Well if anything he'd be either walking around the school or something, training, or at the library. . " explained Night Wing as she headed to the door "You coming?" she asked seeming to be happy while spending time with Aedus, despite just meeting him.
Dnaleri017 said:
Kyo thought for a moment. "Well that's definitely something..." Kyo set his coffee down and hugged Nami, "Too bad you'll never have to erase my memories. Forgetting something just causes too much problems." Letting go Kyo took another sip of coffee and used a portal to sent his guitar into his hands. "Now then, if you'd like you could hear me practice something."
Nami tensed up when he hugged her. "Don't jinx it.." She mumbled under her breath. She plastered a smile on her face and nodded, "Okay." she said somewhat cheerfully.
Domxx said:
Nami tensed up when he hugged her. "Don't jinx it.." She mumbled under her breath. She plastered a smile on her face and nodded, "Okay." she said somewhat cheerfully.
Kyo chuckled, "Alright, how about this." After tuning his guitar Kyo started playing Viva La Vida by Coldplay
Johnny smiles at her as he grab her head gently and teleported them tot he lounge johnny looks at her and opens his mouth to say something but he decides not to as he walks to the chairs
Dnaleri017 said:
Kyo chuckled, "Alright, how about this." After tuning his guitar Kyo started playing Viva La Vida by Coldplay
Nami sat silently watching him, her mouth open slightly in concentration. She watched his hands as they moved over the strings.

Tabitha immediately wanted to move away the second he touched her, but by the time she did, they were already in the lounge. She wasn't 100% sure why she felt nervous about being touched, but if she had to guess, it would be based on the fact she can't touch anyone- with her bare hands at least. Still, once that moment was over she went to sit down at a chair nearby his'. "My name's Tabi- Tabby." she stated, deciding her real name was too much for most people to remember. "What's your name?"

@Johnathan Laurence
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Night Wing thought for a moment "Well if anything he'd be either walking around the school or something, training, or at the library. . " explained Night Wing as she headed to the door "You coming?" she asked seeming to be happy while spending time with Aedus, despite just meeting him.

Aedus checked out the Cooking book before walking over to Night Wing "Yeah" Aedus Replied happily "So any place you wanna check first?" Asked, excited at the idea of making more new friends
Domxx said:
Nami sat silently watching him, her mouth open slightly in concentration. She watched his hands as they moved over the strings.
As the song started up Kyo started singing the lyrics as well as playing the song. He was so focused on the song that he hadn't realized everyone watching him play.
Dnaleri017 said:
As the song started up Kyo started singing the lyrics as well as playing the song. He was so focused on the song that he hadn't realized everyone watching him play.
Nami hadn't noticed either because she was so focused on watching him play that her eyes turned bright blue as she analysed every note that he played and every movement that his hands made.
Domxx said:
Nami hadn't noticed either because she was so focused on watching him play that her eyes turned bright blue as she analysed every note that he played and every movement that his hands made.
As Kyo finished the song he put his guitar down and took a sip of his coffee, now noticing everyone was watching and clapping his eyes were wide. "Uh... thanks?" Chuckling nervously he looked down.
GingerBread said:
Aedus checked out the Cooking book before walking over to Night Wing "Yeah" Aedus Replied happily "So any place you wanna check first?" Asked, excited at the idea of making more new friends
"Hmm. . . .not really but we could go walk around and hope we find him" suggested Night Wing, she seemed eager to go and walk with him, though they'd have to be ready for when class started.

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