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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

"Hmph," she wasn't sure how to respond to that. "So," she began, resting her elbows on the table and her chin on her hands, "you're skilled at being a pervert?" she mildly joked, trying to lighten the mood a tad, at least for herself. She wasn't quite ready to discuss her abilities; after all, she just got here. And it didn't define her as a person. Well, it did, but not in a normal way.
Celestia walks through the gates of her 'new school to be' providing they actually accept her fully, she was accepted on paper/online, but since they haven't seen what she looks like, it could cause problems... She walked through the two main doors and looked around for a few seconds, she then proceeded to walk up to a counter with someone behind it hoping for guidance.
Dnaleri017 said:
"Well I'm playing here at the café tomorrow night so you can join me then." Kyo chuckled, "So what about your mind game magic, what kinds of stuff do you do?" Kyo took another sip of his coffee and sunk into the sofa a little. "I might just have to crash here if this coffee stays as good as it always is."
Nami smiled at him, 'I might come. ..it would be nice to hear you play.' She sipped her drink once more, 'my magic isn't all that amazing...I can analyse situations at the speed of light...and I can also mess with people's minds..' she frowned at the way she had worded it before continuing, 'if I am close to the person Involved and they give me consent to do so then I can read their mind or I can..' her voice saddened, 'erase their memories of me.'
Aedus was making his way towards the library, intent on researching the Reckoners. On his way to the Library Aedus saw Ent "Ent! Hey" He called out as he walked over to Ent

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Ent turned around, not sure with how to interact with Aedus he kinda just stared into Aedus's eyes. "Errrrrr...." He said as he started scratching the back of his head. "What do you want now?" Ent said slightly annoyed and stern but he quickly started to eat more of his salad, he hoped he didn't hurt Aedus's feelings but at the same time most of him didn't care.

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GingerBread said:
"N-nothing, just wanted to say hello" Aedus replied before looking at the ground "Also S-sorry again about y-yesterday" Aedus apologised.
"What happened yesterday?" Ent asked, trying to forget his cat side showing he wanted to forget all of last night. He hoped Aedus wouldn't bring it up. "O-Oh and hi." Ent finished.
She walks up to the counter and talks to the person, shortly after she is handed a schedule with her lessons/classrooms in, she also gets handed a key to her new dorm room. Celestia walks towards the dormitory constantly looking at the key she was given, it read '122'. After walking for a short while, she found herself inside the dorms, and began to look around for a room labeled 122, Celestia made her way to the door after finding it, she thought to herself 'This must be the dorm room where I'll be spending my nights in then...' She opened the door and looked around.
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metalcity said:
"What happened yesterday?" Ent asked, trying to forget his cat side showing he wanted to forget all of last night. He hoped Aedus wouldn't bring it up. "O-Oh and hi." Ent finished.
"I was B-being a N-nuisance" Aedus admitted sadly "S-so, sorry about Th-that" Aedus added, still feeling bad for being a nuisance yesterday Also you acted really cute Aedus thought, not saying it out loud, feeling like that was something Ent wanted to forget

GingerBread said:
"I was B-being a N-nuisance" Aedus admitted sadly "S-so, sorry about Th-that" Aedus added, still feeling bad for being a nuisance yesterday Also you acted really cute Aedus thought, not saying it out loud, feeling like that was something Ent wanted to forget
Ent folded his arms after finishing his salad and throwing the rubbish on the ground "Nope, don't remember that." he said in a stubborn voice.
Aedus Frowned when he saw Ent litter "Oh, O-okay" Aedus said before going to pick up Ent's litter "Y-you shouldn't Li-litter" Aedus stated gingerly before putting the litter in a nearby bin "I guess it's Kitty litter though" Aedus said before slapping his hands over his mouth as he realized he had said that out loud

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GingerBread said:
Aedus Frowned when he saw Ent litter "Oh, O-okay" Aedus said before going to pick up Ent's litter "Y-you shouldn't Li-litter" Aedus stated gingerly before putting the litter in a nearby bin "I guess it's Kitty litter though" Aedus said before slapping his hands over his mouth as he realized he had said that out loud
Ent didn't care much about what Aedus said until he tried to make a joke about Ent being a cat "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you properly. Was that a joke about me being a cat?" He said as his voice filled with rage as he started to slowly walk closer to Aedus.
As Aedus saw Ent walking over sounding angry, his face had an expression of fear on it "N-n-no" Aedus managed to stutter out, his hands shaking with fear.

Ent walked over to Aedus, he became more pissed with each step. Luckily for Aedus they worn't standing to far apart. Ent clenched his his and raised it as if he was going to punch Aedus but as he was about to punch him he changed his fist and flicked Aedus on the nose hard then placed his hand on top of Aedus rubbing slightly and changed his expression into a smile "I don't like having the piss taken out of me for being part cat. I hate the fact I am part cat, means I turn all cute and stuff. I think it would be beneficial if you made your last joke now so I don't put you in the body bag with the other people that made fun of me." Ent said as he giggled slightly at Aedus's face and continued rubbing/patting his head.

metalcity said:
Ent walked over to Aedus, he became more pissed with each step. Luckily for Aedus they worn't standing to far apart. Ent clenched his his and raised it as if he was going to punch Aedus but as he was about to punch him he changed his fist and flicked Aedus on the nose hard then placed his hand on top of Aedus rubbing slightly and changed his expression into a smile "I don't like having the piss taken out of me for being part cat. I hate the fact I am part cat, means I turn all cute and stuff. I think it would be beneficial if you made your last joke now so I don't put you in the body bag with the other people that made fun of me." Ent said as he giggled slightly at Aedus's face and continued rubbing/patting his head.
Aedus blushed as Ent rubbed his head "S-sorry, I-I didn't mean to make F-fun of Y-you. Th-that would b-be Claw-ful of m-me, A-as it m-might create a Cat-astrophe A-and Th-that would b-be far f-from Purr-fect. A-anyway M-making C-cat jokes J-just to annoy Y-you would just B-be Paw" Aedus replied, still shaking but unable to stop himself from making cat puns

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GingerBread said:
Aedus blushed as Ent rubbed his head "S-sorry, I-I didn't mean to make F-fun of Y-you. Th-that would b-be Claw-ful of m-me, A-as it m-might create a Cat-astrophe A-and Th-that would b-be far f-from Purr-fect. A-anyway M-making C-cat jokes J-just to annoy Y-you would just B-be Paw" Aedus replied, still shaking but unable to stop himself from making cat puns
"Ok, your pushing your luck kid." Ent said as he used Pain Inducement on Aedus's lips "Try make puns now piss head." He evilly smiled but kept rubbing Aedus's head as he seemed to like it. Confused why though.
metalcity said:
"Ok, your pushing your luck kid." Ent said as he used Pain Inducement on Aedus's lips "Try make puns now piss head." He evilly smiled but kept rubbing Aedus's head as he seemed to like it. Confused why though.
Aedus let out a small whimper as it felt like his lips were being crushed "S-stop please" Aedus managed to Whimper out as tears started to form in his eyes as a reaction to the pain.
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"If you bring this up again it will be 10 times harder." Ent said annoyed. He reduced the pain to near nothingness "You are such a wimp, it was only a little pain. Any ways want to go do something?" Ent asked as he gently wiped away Aedus's tears.

metalcity said:
"If you bring this up again it will be 10 times harder." Ent said annoyed. He reduced the pain to near nothingness "You are such a wimp, it was only a little pain. Any ways want to go do something?" Ent asked as he gently wiped away Aedus's tears.
"I won't M-make any more J-jokes or p-puns" Aedus promised, giving Ent a small smile "S-sure what do you want to do?" Aedus asked, trying to stay on Ent's good side.

"I asked you for a reason." Ent explained as he took a step back from Aedus so he wasn't to close. He looked around slightly to see if there where any events on today.

Kazehana said:
"Hmph," she wasn't sure how to respond to that. "So," she began, resting her elbows on the table and her chin on her hands, "you're skilled at being a pervert?" she mildly joked, trying to lighten the mood a tad, at least for herself. She wasn't quite ready to discuss her abilities; after all, she just got here. And it didn't define her as a person. Well, it did, but not in a normal way.
Damen got even redder "Gods no! *sigh* it's complicating. My gift grows every day, and is always changing.…And I'd never use it for sexual purposes……it's because *sigh* it's complicating. My gift grows every day, and is always changing.…And I'd never use it for sexual purposes……I promised I'd put it to good use…" explained Damen, there was sadness and regret in his mismatched coloured eyes. He snapped out if his gaze and went back to eating.
GingerBread said:
"I don't r-really know, I-I was going to do h-homework" Aedus explained "A-and i doubt you'd want to w-watch me read books" Aedus said, smiling
I guess that could show me how to study properly, reading through these book is a pain. I just want to get this mission over and done with. Ent pondered. "Sure why not. Bored any way, the only other thing for me to do is go see a teacher or some 'ball shit' as your sociality says." Ent said acting smug as he actually know a phrase people said. "Where you going to go anyway's?" Ent asked out of curiosity.
Night Wing flew around some more when she saw Aedus, remembering him from earlier and deciding to go see him 'Hey Aedus. Mind if I tag along with you for a bit?' asked Night Wing chiping at him.
metalcity said:
I guess that could show me how to study properly, reading through these book is a pain. I just want to get this mission over and done with. Ent pondered. "Sure why not. Bored any way, the only other thing for me to do is go see a teacher or some 'ball shit' as your sociality says." Ent said acting smug as he actually know a phrase people said. "Where you going to go anyway's?" Ent asked out of curiosity.
"I was going to go to the library, are you sure you want to come?" Aedus asked, worried that if Ent got bored he might start fighting people. Aedus then noticed the crow from earlier "Sure, i don't mind" Aedus replied to Night wing

@Veyd Sahvoz

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