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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]Daggora inwardly flinched as he mentioned her nightmare, there was a reason she slept in her cat form under her bed. However she was utterly mortified when he said he held her in his arms all night. Her face turned a bright cherry red, and she covered her face with her hands. "Oh my god, I am so sorry. You didn't have to do that, you could've just woken me up and I would've left, I didn't mean to bother you like that. My gods, you probably hate me right now." She moaned, the words slightly muffled through her hands.
@Kj carswell

Crimson shook his head at her statement about hating her. He then walked towards her and held her again. Why would I hate you? Why would I kick you out for something I had a perfect solution for? You put through no type of trouble, I was perfectly fine doing what I did. DG felt the warmth from his bare skin once again since he was only wearing basketball shorts. Crimson comforted DG, because that's what she needed. He did it because his True Alpha Instincts came over him, there's always a time when an Alpha needed to comfort his pack. Even though DG wasn't apart of his back pack he did it anyway, because he kind of liked her.
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GingerBread said:
"Umm... no, i don't really know him anyway" Aedus said, letting out an awkward chuckle as he tilted his head to try and see what the books the teacher had put under his desk were, not really trying to be subtle about it
@Pollen Nak
Pollen sighed and brought the books back to the surface of his desk, allowing the boy to see. "Do you know how old I am Mr. Aedus?
GingerBread said:
"No, i don't Sir, my best guess would be 60 but i don't really know Sir" Aedus said trying to be as polite as he could about it
@Pollen Nak
Pollen laughed and shook his head "I am 4,683 years old, and I want to die. Mister Aedus, do you know how Hellish it is to live so long, to watch your entire race wiped out, and then to watch your friends among the new races die from natural causes while you fail to age. It is part of the reason I secluded myself away for so many centuries, so that my only friend would be my equally cursed Saratorian, who would be with me always."
[QUOTE="Kj carswell]
Crimson shook his head at her statement about hating her. He then walked towards her and held her again. Why would I hate you? Why would I kick you out for something I had a perfect solution for? You put through no type of trouble, I was perfectly fine doing what I did. DG felt the warmth from his bare skin once again since he was only wearing basketball shorts. Crimson comforted DG, because that's what she needed. He did it because his True Alpha Instincts came over him, there's always a time when an Alpha needed to comfort his pack. Even though DG wasn't apart of his back pack he did it anyway, because he kind of liked her.

Daggora slowly peeked out from behind her hands and angled her head to look at Crim. "Ar-are you sure. Cause I still feel really bad about it. And, I mean, if your just saying this out of pity, It's cool, I'm used to it. Honest. I would rather you just come out and say it if your mad at me or whatever, rather than just be nice out of pity." She bit her bottom lip and looked back down, physically holding herself back from leaning into his embrace. She really hoped that he wasn't just doing all of this out of pity, cause he was nice, and she liked him, and she felt like she could trust him with her life, and she hasn't felt like that about anyone since Toram died. And even then, the feeling wasn't this strong.

@Kj carswell

(Hey, I've to go bed, sorry. Also just a warning I have theater after school again tomorrow, so I probably won't be able to get back on here till after 6pm).
GingerBread said:
Aedus was shocked by how old the teacher was "I'm sorry Sir but i'm not sure i see what this has to do with the books. Are you trying to find a way to stop other people from dying?" Aedus asked, interested to find out what the teacher would say next
@Pollen Nak
Pollen shook his head "I want to die Mister Aedus, that is the knowledge I seek in these dusty old tomes, perhaps one day when one of you students has been trained enough in the dark arts we can go looking for the Great Library of the Reckoning, where all lost Knowledge from my kind is stored, for surely there is a tome there that speaks of how to break my curse, and allow me peace. but for now I remain, your teacher. I will need three new insights on the Reckoners from you by next class, please be detailed, don't tell me things that are obvious, such as what a great reckoning is."
GingerBread said:
Aedus frowned When The teacher said he wanted to die, Aedus was confused as to why anyone would want to die, could he not see the positives in life anymore "So this curse Sir, What would happen if your body was to be completely destroyed? Or do you not know?" Aedus asked, his voice sad but curious
@Pollen Nak
"I have tried that Mister Aedus, I will merely awaken as though it were a bad dream. The reckoners have cursed me, and they are a force much older and much more powerful than myself."
Night Wing flew around seeming to have fun making twirls in the air. She thought of where to go but decided to fly around a bit first before going anywhere

@Anyone who wants to intetact with her, though I gotta get some rest soon so I'll be slow on replying.
Aedus frowned at the teacher's response "I don't really understand why you want to die Sir, but i'm not going to question the matter further and I... Guess i wish you luck in Finding 'Peace' Sir I hope it's not in death though" Aedus replied, not really sure how else to respond. Giving a sad smile "I'm going to go do my homework Sir" Aedus said as he started to leave, Planning on heading to the library to do his homework.

@Pollen Nak
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Pollen shook his head "Death is salvation for someone as old as I, with no lover, and no one of my race. no children, no family. I have nothing Mister Aedus, I exist to safeguard an artifact, and I will exist as long as it is a threat, and it cannot be destroyed. I am little more than an object now, a pawn in a game I didn't want to be a part of."
Vallen reappeared outside his dorm with his chest beside him. "Oh this will certainly be a fun experience" Vallen says turning to his chest "Go to my room I feel like walking around a bit". the chest shambles up the stairs and Vallen walks back out onto the school's campus. As he walked he pulled He lights a cigarette and continues his walk and his examination of the campus ground wondering where the hell the other students were. He was getting hungry after all.
StarKeeper said:
Vallen reappeared outside his dorm with his chest beside him. "Oh this will certainly be a fun experience" Vallen says turning to his chest "Go to my room I feel like walking around a bit". the chest shambles up the stairs and Vallen walks back out onto the school's campus. As he walked he pulled He lights a cigarette and continues his walk and his examination of the campus ground wondering where the hell the other students were. He was getting hungry after all.
Night Wing (still in her crow form as a familiar) decided to fly around outside for a bit but was surprised to get a deathly feeling when she approached a young man. She landed on a tree brach as she crowed at Vallem, seeming as though she was asking him something
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[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Night Wing (still in her crow form as a familiar) decided to fly around outside for a bit but was surprised to get a deathly feeling when she approached a young man. She landed on a tree brach as she crowed at Vallem, seeming as though she was asking him something

Vallen looks at the bird and with a vicious smile he extends his hand cooing "aren't you cute, i suppose you're either a familiar or some kind of shapeshifter, but either way it's rude to squawk>"
StarKeeper said:
Vallen looks at the bird and with a vicious smile he extends his hand cooing "aren't you cute, i suppose you're either a familiar or some kind of shapeshifter, but either way it's rude to squawk>"
Night Wing transformed into a young girl, "I take it you're new as well?…I'm Night Wing" said Night Wing as she turned her bluish green eyes from glistening in yhe sunlight to look at Vallen.
Pollen after watching the boy leave went to apologize to some of the students, calling to the Familiar Night wing and asking her to come too his office after she was done discussing matters with her newfound friend, for he wished to apologize to her.
Ent woke up finding his tail tangled up in his covers, making him giggle slightly at the feeling. He found out that he didn't feel to tired this morning making him think he was going to have a good day. Doing so he got out of bed and untangled the cover from his tail, he walked into the bathroom and took a shower. As the warm water trickled down his body he thought about his mission Sound's like a pain. Why cant someone else kill these beings, they are weaklings so its not hard. God I hate devils, and well you to God. This thought lasted longer but was stopped when the water started to become cold. Ent got out of his shower and put on some cloths, he left his dorm and looked around in the court yard thinking of where to go while he had his free period. He decided to go to the canteen where things can only go well for him, as he would probably end up kicking some ones ass. When he entered the canteen he looked around.

Pollen detected Ent and felt a need to speak with him, sending a statue to speak to him he said "I wish to know why you are here, I am Pollen Nak, please report to my office as soon as possible"

metalcity said:
Ent woke up finding his tail tangled up in his covers, making him giggle slightly at the feeling. He found out that he didn't feel to tired this morning making him think he was going to have a good day. Doing so he got out of bed and untangled the cover from his tail, he walked into the bathroom and took a shower. As the warm water trickled down his body he thought about his mission Sound's like a pain. Why cant someone else kill these beings, they are weaklings so its not hard. God I hate devils, and well you to God. This thought lasted longer but was stopped when the water started to become cold. Ent got out of his shower and put on some cloths, he left his dorm and looked around in the court yard thinking of where to go while he had his free period. He decided to go to the canteen where things can only go well for him, as he would probably end up kicking some ones ass. When he entered the canteen he looked around.
[QUOTE="Pollen Nak]Pollen after watching the boy leave went to apologize to some of the students, calling to the Familiar Night wing and asking her to come too his office after she was done discussing matters with her newfound friend, for he wished to apologize to her.

Night Wing heard the call, looking back at Vallen she said "Sorry gotta go" transforming into a crow she folliwed the direction of the call.
Pollen sat

[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Night Wing heard the call, looking back at Vallen she said "Sorry gotta go" transforming into a crow she folliwed the direction of the call.

he waited for nightwing not bothering to hide the books, simply throwing the Saratorian on top of them.
Damen continued walking down the hallways, headed for the cafeteria. It was still early in the morning but he was slightly hungry, opening the cafeteria doors he headed to the order counter. He went to sit down, alone, and ate his waffles wondering where Night Wing was still.
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[QUOTE="Pollen Nak]Pollen sat
he waited for nightwing not bothering to hide the books, simply throwing the Saratorian on top of them.

Night Wing arrived at the door, transforming back into het human self, surprised to find it was Prof. Pollen who had summoned her. She put her hand around the door knob but stopped. Remembering what had happened the other night with Damen and the proffessor. She turned the handle and slowly walked in "You called me?" she asked, looking at Pollen in a calm matter trying not to get worried.
[QUOTE="Pollen Nak]Pollen detected Ent and felt a need to speak with him, sending a statue to speak to him he said "I wish to know why you are here, I am Pollen Nak, please report to my office as soon as possible"

Ent decided to ignore the call as it would be a waste of his time, he made his way to the food counter in the canteen and brought another tuna salad and milk and started eating/drinking as he started to randomly roam the school.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Night Wing arrived at the door, transforming back into het human self, surprised to find it was Prof. Pollen who had summoned her. She put her hand around the door knob but stopped. Remembering what had happened the other night with Damen and the proffessor. She turned the handle and slowly walked in "You called me?" she asked, looking at Pollen in a calm matter trying not to get worried.

Pollen looked up and smiled, his pale, dead face looking eery, but the smile appeared genuine. "Please take a seat, I have much I wish to say to you, and I would not see you stand, I would ask you to maintain your human form however, it is difficult speaking with a bird."

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