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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]"Hmm. . . .not really but we could go walk around and hope we find him" suggested Night Wing, she seemed eager to go and walk with him, though they'd have to be ready for when class started.

[/QUOTE] "So just go on a peaceful walk and hope we find him? that sounds good to me" Aedus said, smiling happily.
[QUOTE="Kj carswell]
Crimson made a soft chuckle. Hehe angry, you still think I'm angry at you?. Tell me, he said as he lifted her head up. What color are my eye? Are they amber or are they crimson? Are they glowing or not? He asked starring into DG's eyes knowing good as well his eyes are Amber. As crimson waited for an answer he began thinking. (You need to open up DG, I will never hurt you. Did I really just think that, I mean I just met this girl and I'm already getting pulled in. It's too late to back out now.Wait why would I back out. I enjoyed every last minute I had with her yesterday. That dryer incident was hilarious.) He thought as a soft smile came across his face while starring into DG's eyes. @Kj carswell
(Sorry if it takes me a while to respond, I'm on my phone instead of my laptop today.)

GingerBread said:
"So just go on a peaceful walk and hope we find him? that sounds good to me" Aedus said, smiling happily.
Night Wing took him by the hand and dragged him in the hallway "Come on slow poke" she giggled a bit as she let go of his hand "So, Aedus. Tell me about yourself" she asked. She knew that it might have been alot to ask but if she was going to be walking with him the least they could do is say a few things about each other.
(It's cool)

The spark of hope, grew to a nice warm flame when Crim said he was happy. She smiled at him slightly, and then giggled as his stomach rumbled and he stepped back. "Yeah, I could go for some food." Her smile became a full blown grin. "Want to go see what the cafeteria has for breakfast?"

@Kj carswell
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Hell yeah but um he lifted up his arms and smelled his arm pits and mad a stank face. Yeah I need to shower first. how about this, you go on ahead and find us a table and I'll meet you there when I get out the shower?? @Daggora Keket
A scream entered from the distance, growing progressively until a jet powered carrier slowly let down in the middle of the courtyard. The moment it touched down, a door slid open and a Sable clad figure stepped out with three cases, one large on its back, two medium in its hands. The vehicle left immediately afterwards and the figure stopped for a second, tilting its head. A voice was reaching out to it through its mask, "Echo, your schedule room number have not been given to us yet. The map will appear on your interface shortly." The walking shadow traveled underneath a tree and waited there like a statue.
Hair in bun, Heather typed quickly on her laptop, frantic to make sure her parents knew she arrived safely. She forgot to email them when she got on school grounds, and she knew they would worry. Once she finished, she quickly showered, not bothering to shave her legs. She didn't have time today, so she instead opted for nude stockings to go with her sundress. She put on some mascara, foundation, and lip gloss, keeping it basic. She let down her hair, then brushed and curled it.

It took entirely too much time for her liking, but she managed to cut about 20 minutes by not shaving and using minimal makeup. It didn't really matter; boys never noticed the small stuff anyway. As soon as she was done, she put on some 3" heels, grabbed some coffee, and headed out the door, wondering what kind of shenanigans she could get into.
GingerBread said:
Aedus wasn't really sure how to answer "I don't really have cool powers like everyone else here, i can control fire and teleport using fire but" Aedus pulled out his box of matches and held them up "If i don't have these and there's no fire around, i'm kind of useless" Aedus explained "I'm really not that interesting to be honest, i'm Kind of a coward really"
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing raised an eye "Well I guess we're sorta the same. I can turn into a crow and sense peoples emotions but that's pretty much it. . .the only other thing is being able to do this" explained Night Wing as she held out her hand and hovering in her palm was a medium sized ball of bluish green energy. The same colour as her eyes and it moved around in shape and size, it then became blackish red, then a bright light.
Daggora laughed. "You got it." She walked over to the door and looked back at him over her shoulder, smiling. She waved goodbye before walking out and heading down to the cafeteria. Speaking of showers, she would have to take one before going to bed tonight. Thankfully she had taken one before she ran into Crimson last night, so she didn't stink like apparently had. Walking into the cafeteria, she looked around at who all was there, before going to get her food. She got a bowl of gritts with a plate of bacon, eggs, and chocolate chip pancakes. Taking her food to an empty table, she sat down and put butter and syrup on her pancakes and began eating.

@Kj carswell
[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]Daggora laughed. "You got it." She walked over to the door and looked back at him over her shoulder, smiling. She waved goodbye before walking out and heading down to the cafeteria. Speaking of showers, she would have to take one before going to bed tonight. Thankfully she had taken one before she ran into Crimson last night, so she didn't stink like apparently had. Walking into the cafeteria, she looked around at who all was there, before going to get her food. She got a bowl of gritts with a plate of bacon, eggs, and chocolate chip pancakes. Taking her food to an empty table, she sat down and put butter and syrup on her pancakes and began eating.
@Kj carswell

(Reminds me; is it morning still, or afternoon?)
Damen decided to go talk too people, for once, he walked around a bit wondering who he might come across. 'You never know what you might miss out on' is what Night Wing used to say to him "Guess she was right. . ." said Damen, talking too himself.
Alright, see you when I get there. Crimson watched as she left looking back at him waving. he returned a wave and closed his door behind her. Crimson then took his clothes off walking into the shower. He took about a 10 min shower because he also washed his hair. When he got out he dried off walking out the bathroom. He put on his deodorant and lotion so he won't be ashy. he then went into his closet and pulled out another suit. When he was done with everything he left the room with his key and walked towards the cafeteria. When he stepped in the cafeteria he immediately searched for DG. Wren he found her he waved while walking into the line getting him some grits with shredded cheese, scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, and cinnamon toast, topping it off with OJ. He walked over toward DG, and sat across from her. @Daggora Keket
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Night Wing raised an eye "Well I guess we're sorta the same. I can turn into a crow and sense peoples emotions but that's pretty much it. . .the only other thing is being able to do this" explained Night Wing as she held out her hand and hovering in her palm was a medium sized ball of bluish green energy. The same colour as her eyes and it moved around in shape and size, it then became blackish red, then a bright light.

[/QUOTE] Aedus was in awe at the ball of energy "That's really cool" Aedus stated before Lighting a match and controlling the fire making it grow bigger before separating it into 3 balls of fire and miming juggling them, when he was actually moving them with his mind "This is pretty much the coolest thing i can do with it besides teleporting" Aedus said
Daggora had just finished off her pancakes when Crim walked in. She smiled and nodded at him when he waved. While he was getting his did, she tore her bacon into bits and mixed them into her grits with her eggs, butter, salt and pepper (It's actually really good). She had only taken a few bites when he sat across from her. She smiled at him quickly before going back to her food.

@Kj carswell
Heather roamed the halls, not sure who she would meet next. And by golly, she was finally ready this time. She wasn't tired, she got ready, she didn't look like garbage, etc. etc. She turned a corner and saw but the only person she had met so far, Damen. I'll never meet anyone new, will I? She asked herself, unsure of how many students actually went here. She frowned a little because she realized she didn't know much about this school. Her parents did all the research and made the decision on their own for her to come here in the first place.

Shaking off her worries, she walked up to him and smiled, "Hey, what are you doing up and about? Not looking for more girls, I hope," she teased. Heather couldn't help but try to suppress her faint smile, only slightly successful.

@Veyd Sahvoz
GingerBread said:
Aedus was in awe at the ball of energy "That's really cool" Aedus stated before Lighting a match and controlling the fire making it grow bigger before separating it into 3 balls of fire and miming juggling them, when he was actually moving them with his mind "This is pretty much the coolest thing i can do with it besides teleporting" Aedus said
An idea sparked into Night Wings mind as she looked at him "Do you mind showing me? Maybe you could teleport us to somewhere in the school we haven't been yet?" suggested Night Wing with a grin.
Kazehana said:
Heather roamed the halls, not sure who she would meet next. And by golly, she was finally ready this time. She wasn't tired, she got ready, she didn't look like garbage, etc. etc. She turned a corner and saw but the only person she had met so far, Damen. I'll never meet anyone new, will I? She asked herself, unsure of how many students actually went here. She frowned a little because she realized she didn't know much about this school. Her parents did all the research and made the decision on their own for her to come here in the first place.
Shaking off her worries, she walked up to him and smiled, "Hey, what are you doing up and about? Not looking for more girls, I hope," she teased. Heather couldn't help but try to suppress her faint smile, only slightly successful.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen looked over to her as he sighed "I have more important things to do, and that I'd rather do, then stalk peopl. . . could you please stop implying that I'm a pervert?" asked Damen, expecting no real answer knowing she was likely going to joke around with him.
Daggora looked back up at Crim's question and swallowed. "Grits, bacon, scrambled eggs, salt, pepper, and butter, actually." She shrugged. "My favourite way to eat breakfast. And, yes. It's very good. " She chuckled. "What about you? Any strange way that you like to eat your food?" She smiled and took another bite.

@Kj carswell
GingerBread said:
"I need there to be fire to teleport to" Aedus said, sounding apologetic, Looking at fire in his hands Aedus got an idea "I could throw this fire somewhere in the school and then teleport to that" Aedus offered
@Veyd Sahvoz
"Sure" said Night Wing seeming very excited for this. She'd shadow walked with Damen before but not fire teleportation.

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