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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

"My name is Silver, nice to meet you." Silver said with the a small smile. "May I ask you why you have Cat features?"

[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]Seeing as the boy never replied, and just kept on walking, Daggora decided to walk around some more. She saw a girl nearby, sart walking towards her before stopping, and decided to try and make another friend. She walked over to her. "Hello. My name's Daggora. What's your's?" She asked the girl.

[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]*mysterious eavesdropper is mysterious, also for now he will be called MEC, for Mysterious Eavesdropping Character*
The MEC was sneaking through the 200's dorms when he heard footsteps from one of the rooms. He mumbled a curse and ran forward, using his superspeed to get to the end of the hall. As he turned the corner, he heard a male voice yell. "Who's there!" Followed by footsteps racing towards him. He kept running, straight through a window at the end of the hall, the glass shattered around him, but he didn't stop. He ran to the gate surrounding the courtyard of the Academy and jumped over it. His night-vision guiding him safely through the forest on the other side.

Damen rushed to the window using his red eye to scan the outside. Nothing. Damn!, he thought as Night Wing came rushing out with a shirt that only went down to her thighs "What happened?" she asked, "Some one was eavesdropping on us. . .but they got away" he clenched his teeth as Night Wing walked up to him and massaged his shoulders as she turned him in the direction of their dorm "Maybe you should get some sleep, come on off you go mister serious" she joked as they walked back into their dorm.
LilyannaGaming said:
"My name is Silver, nice to meet you." Silver said with the a small smile. "May I ask you why you have Cat features?"
At Silver's question, Daggora tilted her head, confused before looking down at herself and realizing what the girl meant. She looked up at the girl sheepishly. "Oh... that. I-uh. I'm a shapeshifter. As for why, I have them right now...well, I just don't really feel completely comfortable in my human form."
Silver smiled. "I am having the same problem with that but I promised My friend to remain in my human form and try to blend in. I am a natural Wolf." Silver replied.

LilyannaGaming said:
Silver smiled. "I am having the same problem with that but I promised My friend to remain in my human form and try to blend in. I am a natural Wolf." Silver replied.
Daggora's eyes widened in excitement. "That's so cool!"
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Damen rushed to the window using his red eye to scan the outside. Nothing. Damn!, he thought as Night Wing came rushing out with a shirt that only went down to her thighs "What happened?" she asked, "Some one was eavesdropping on us. . .but they got away" he clenched his teeth as Night Wing walked up to him and massaged his shoulders as she turned him in the direction of their dorm "Maybe you should get some sleep, come on off you go mister serious" she joked as they walked back into their dorm.

Once they were in the dorm Night Wing pushed Damen too his bed "Is something bothering you?. . .you seem. . .upset or something" asked Night Wing as she spread herself across her bed and he layed down on his "Nothing, it's just I feel like there is something about this school. . .that just doesn't seem right. Your right it's probably nothing, sorry for waking you up" explained Damen as he rolled on his side falling asleep once more but this time for good.
Silver looked down. "I thought I was the only person like that here, Well I better get back to my room before my friend gets worried." Silver said casting another Rare smile.

LilyannaGaming said:
Silver looked down. "I thought I was the only person like that here, Well I better get back to my room before my friend gets worried." Silver said casting another Rare smile.
Daggora smiles back at Silver. "Me too. I'll see you around alright. Maybe we can for a run as wolves one day?"
Silver looked at Daggora. She might have made a friend for once. "Yes, That sounds great."
LilyannaGaming said:
Silver looked at Daggora. She might have made a friend for once. "Yes, That sounds great."
Daggora's smile grew. "Great!" She hadn't had anyone to go on a run with since she left the Blakley's.
Silver Smiled again. She exchanged a good bye before running to the dorm, forgetting to shut the dorm and ran into lily.

"Ow." Lily groaned.

"Stop ease-dropping I felt you in my head the whole time." Silver growled As she said this she used a raised voice. Then remembered they weren't in the forest anymore. and quieted down and sank into the bed.
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Daggora saw Silver run into her dorm and heard a thump, followed by muffled speaking. She frowned, but decided not to pry. She turned to go back to her dorm. She was almost there when she heard a loud shattering sound. She ran towards it and was met with the sight of a broken window. She heard a door nearby close, and crept towards the window to inspect it. Most of the glass was on the ground outside, so most likely, someone jumped through it to get outside. She frowned, wondering why someone would do such a thing. The night breeze blew her hair and fur around. She decided to head back to her room and come back in the morning to check it out during the daytime. She turned around and walked back to her room. She stepped inside and closed the door, careful not to wake up Hel. She then quickly fully shifted into a black house cat and crawled under her bed, she felt uneasy, and took forever to fall asleep.
Franklin got out of the black BMW he was being chauffeured in, all the while holding a map and a brochure for the school , he then gave a quick look around and started walking towards the school grounds . Franklin had already decided on the fastest route to his dorm,he was going to go through the school grounds into the cafeteria up a flight of stairs and then voila room 423. although this didn't count for any distractions while getting there.

Franklin had a lot of question's about this place - who founded Raven-Wing?,are there more people with powers like his?,who were the hunters? - but he knew he would have to wait until tom to get those answered.

Franklin reached into his pocket and took out a paper with a list of people in his class and the name of his dorm assignment, Alastor

he had a uneasy feeling about him.

(open to anyone)
Renshi was wondering the halls after he met Alistor and went to his dorm and take a shower. He was walking back to his dorm when he heard Damen yelling at something, and that something came running around the corner passing Renshi like a blur. Renshi didn't see a thing. He then heard Damen running towards the corner his at and to avoid confrontation he hid in the nearest electrical outlet by turning into electricity. He hid there for awhile meaning he saw when Damen rushed down the way and back(He didn't really see where he went because of where the outlet was positioned), he heard Dag and Silvers conversation, and he say Dag come around the corner after the loud sound of shattering glass appeared. When everything seemed clear he decided to come out the outlet. (Lemme get something to eat before I go back to my dorm) Renshi began walking toward the cafeteria when he saw Franklin who clearly looked like a new student. When Renshi saw Franklin he hesistated to speak and she stood there looking at him. (God why do you keep putting me in this situations) He thought as he just stood there looking at Franklin. @The Elusive Shadow @Daggora Keket @LilyannaGaming @Veyd Sahvoz
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As Franklin was walking down a hallway from the cafeteria he saw what he assumed to be another student staring at him while standing in the middle of the hallway. Franklin sensed that the kid was hesitant to speak so he used his ability to communicate telepathically and said "You know, we don't really have to say something to each other "
He looks around shocked that someone is in his head. He finally looks directly at Franklin and thinks (Is that you?) while pointing his left index finger at Franklin. (If it is please get out of my head)

@The Elusive Shadow
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The Kid started pointing at him while still standing in the middle of the hallway , the entire thing was a bit awkward

"Yes, obviously do you see anybody else around ?"
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(Well you didn't have to get smart) He thought shyly while rubbing his head. The kid was making Renshi feel stupid. He finally decides to speak with actually words this time trying to overcome his shyness "Umm hey my name is Renshi, Renshi Mayhem, or just Ren." @The Elusive Shadow
Franklin thought to himself that now that he was here it would be in his benefit to get acquainted with a few of the other students and inquire as to what their powers were .

"And i am Franklin , Franklin Reed its good to meet you , now that I've shown you what i can do I think its only fair that you show me some of your powers"
Ent made his way to the canteen, he opened the door and made his way inside. With not knowing what they where selling he tried to smell out the food, his ears twitched and his hat fell off "There goes my hat." He said to himself, his tail swayed side to side and he started walking down the hall way. He saw two people kinda looking at each other not saying anything, they looked drunk to Ent. While waking down he bumped into a gray haired boy, he quickly turned his head to look down on they boy. "Go back to talking instead of getting in my way." Ent then turned his head to look at the other male, he examined him then turned his head back to the boy he bumped into.

@Kj carswell @The Elusive Shadow
The kid asked about Renshi's powers who at first was pretty shy to show him, but his hidden nature took over and he was more than glad to reveal his abilities. "Well umm", he says while rubbing his head, "I guess if thats what you want to see", he said in a more fired up manor as a grin came across his face. He holds up his left hand and black lightning began emitting from it. As Renshi was showing off his abilities some guy came and bumped into him say "Go back to talking instead of getting in my way" as if Renshi was in the wrong. While Renshi is using his powers he wasn't as shy as before so he spoke his mind. "I'm pretty sure that you bumped into me sir. You should watch were you're going.", he said in a more calm fashion, as he glared at the new guy. @metalcity @The Elusive Shadow
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Tension filled the air as Ent and the boy glared at each other, Ent wanted to make the boy suffocate but he know that was a bad idea it it was his first day at this school. He sighed "What ever helps you sleep at night." His ears twitched and Ent looked up at them Calm down, stupid ears He thought to himself before looking back down at the boy.

@Kj carswell @The Elusive Shadow
Renshi felt the air in the hallway being filled with tension between him and the random kid. He put his left hand down as the lightning emitting from started going away, meaning Renshi's personality is back to his usual shy nature.Being unaware of his behavior change Renshi's looked at the guy who was thinking something sadistic about him. It left him uneasy but he had to respond "Umm yeah what ever helps you sleep at night too.", he said in a shy manor while rubbing the back of his head. (please don't saying anything back, please don't) @metalcity @The Elusive Shadow
This was getting out of hand , and all this on the first day of school he couldn't let this go on

("I wouldn't suffocate him if i were you , the only way this could end well is for you to just walk away . oh and whats with the ears?")
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Feeling successfully that the boy could only repeat Ent, he smirked and was about to leave the two but then the other boy spoke, he couldn't just leave after being instructed to. Annoyed that the other boy read his thoughts he quickly turned to him, Ent really wanted to kick the two boy's asses but as a small black wind started to shake around Ent's hand but it quickly dissipated as he know this wasn't the smartest idea. "Why should I tell you?" He said as he started to look the boy up and down.

@Kj carswell

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