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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Devial walked down the hallway, coffee in hand and headed to Room 25. He was the guidance counselor at RWA, but he liked to help out with the teaching too. It helped him get a feel for the students before they saw him in his office. When he got to the specified room, he walked in, slightly surprised that someone else was in here before him, and set all of is stuff, really just a laptop and a folder full of papers, on the big desk in the front. He took a sip of his coffee before opening the laptop and logging on. As the computer loaded, he took out the Attendance list. "May I ask what your name is?" He asked the boy already in the class room.

@xRobotical Loverx
As Damen brushed his teeth Night Wing came into the bathroom after him "So what class do we have first?" She asked as she hugged Damen from behind, squeezing him so tightly that he gasped for breath "Class....B....okay you can stop squeezing the life outta me" said Damen. She let go of him "You know you could at least try to show emotion in the morning. You look like you had a rough night. . ." Said Night Wing brushing her teeth and grabbing a bottle of mouthwash, sipping some and passing the bottle to Damen.
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Renshi walked into the cafeteria and saw that there was a line for the breakfast food. He waited in line patiently, while singing out loud somewhat good somewhat bad. When it was his turn to get his food he grabbed 3 pancakes, 4 turkey sausage, and 4 turkey bacon, scrambled eggs, grits with shredded cheese on top, and some 2 pieces of cinnamon toast. To top it off he grabbed a cup of oj. He paid for his meal and made his way to a table and sat alone until someone wanted to come and sit with him.
Nathaniel Casteil Corbin&Dakota David Yammar

Not only was his brother not there, but it seemed that no one was in the classroom yet. Dakota jumped when he heard someone else come in to the classroom and turned to see the teacher. He let out a small sigh and watched the teacher as he walked over and set his things ready. Duck only waited, and when he was finally asked a question he smiled. "Dakota David Yammar, sir. But I prefer to be called Duck." Dakota said. He wasn't sure if he might have just sounded kind of stupid or just embarrassed himself, but either way Dakota kept smiling.

@Daggora Keket
@xRobotical Loverx

Devial smiled as the boy's aura shifted to show that he was embarrassed, yet the boy kept smiling. "It's ok to be embarrassed you know." He said as he marked the self called 'Duck' off the attendance sheet. He looked back up at the boy. "Mind telling me why your embarrassed?"
Franklin didn't really get any sleep last , most of his time was spent unpacking , arranging all his books in alphabetical order , getting his wardrobe organised and separating and arranging his files.

The rest of his time was used up in doing some research on the school and after 2 hours of checking government and state records, maps of different years from the 1700's- the current date,historical documents of the area and state newspaper articles found literally found nothing , as far as the rest of the world was concerned RWA didn't even exist . He decided to leave the issue for the moment and went to sleep.

the 30 min snooze that he did get was interrupted by the alarm which meant he had to get ready in 15 min , so he picked himself up got into the bathroom , brushed, took a hot shower got into his regular clothes , put his keys in his pocket and head out towards the cafeteria. Not realizing that his dorm mate Alister had never made it to the dorm.

@Kj carswell
Nathaniel Casteil Corbin&Dakota David Yammar

Can this guy read my emotions? Or am I just that much of an open book? Dakota wondered. "Well, I wouldn't mind but I actually don't know exactly why I feel embarrassed." Dakota said, bringing an arm up to scratch the back of his head. "I guess I just feel silly though." Dakota said.

@Daggora Keket
"Ah." Devial said. "Is it because you call yourself Duck?" He smiled again, eyes twinkling in amusement. "Cause you can always change that you know."

@xRobotical Loverx
Nathaniel Casteil Corbin&Dakota David Yammar

"Maybe." Dakota said, bringing his arm down again. "Yeah, I could. But I like being called Duck. Plus other people already know me as Duck, so if I were to change it it might become pretty confusing." Dakota said. "Well, anyways, what do I call you, sir?" Dakota then asked, realizing that he hadn't known the older male's name yet.

@Daggora Keket
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]As Damen brushed his teeth Night Wing came into the bathroom after him "So what class do we have first?" She asked as she hugged Damen from behind, squeezing him so tightly that he gasped for breath "Class....B....okay you can stop squeezing the life outta me" said Damen. She let go of him "You know you could at least try to show emotion in the morning. You look like you had a rough night. . ." Said Night Wing brushing her teeth and grabbing a bottle of mouthwash, sipping some and passing the bottle to Damen.

Damen took the bottle and sipped some mouthwash, rinsing his mouth and spitting it out "I think we have some free time for a bit so you want to have breakfast?" Asked Damen as he went to go take a shower, "Hey I was just about to take a bath" explained Night Wing, a bit upset with the fact Damen stole the shower "Then I'll just jump in with you" she smirked, "When I shower I like to have privacy and not have to worry about turning around and seeing you naked" Explained Damen as he turned the hot water, Night Wing didn't seem to care as she slipped off her black and white shirt she had on and hopped into the shower standing behind Damen "Well in that case don't turn around" said Night Wing as she turned around so that they were facing back to back. Damen sighed as he quickly washed his hair and got out of the shower, putting on his clothes and continued getting ready.

(Just so you know they are not in a relationship whatsoever, Damen just doesn't care and no they have never seen each other naked and they aren't going to)
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Alistor sighed as he slowly lifted his head only to be greater by a group of spirits and the terrible light of the morning sun. He hadn't bothered going to his room last night instead he camped out under a tree outside of the dorm area. He made a motion towards the ground and was immediately lifted up onto his feet where he noticed groups of students already heading to class. "The guy said class B had free time so I might as well get settled in." He looked over at his bags which he'd slept on last night and smiled slightly and aimed his palm at the ground, watching as it began to glow ominously. "Surge servum. (Rise Servant)" he whispered and watched as the ground near his bag began to move and twist. Within minutes the corpse of what looked like a butler had risen from the ground and grabbed Alistors bags in his decaying hands. " sequitur (Follow.)" Alistors' voice was low and his words seemed to send chills as he spoke but the corpse did exactly as it was told and follow directly behind him as they entered the school and began walking up the stairs towards his dorm. The halls were filled with students as many if them discussed their schedules and others still trying to find their way around. "Ahh 423." He said while opening the door it seemed that his roommate had already left for the morning which left him a bit of time to get settled in, he didn't bother closing the door as he stepped inside and threw himself on to the unoccupied bed. "You can start packing things up." He said as he sat up and gestured for the corpse to start setting his stuff up which it began doing instantly. While Alistor sat quietly in a small state of meditation.

(Open to anyone)
Devial nodded at Duck's answer. "Good answer. Very well thought out. And your respectful, Marcus will like that. I have a feeling your going to get along, just fine here at RWA." Devial smiled and stood up, picking up a dry-erase marker on his way to the white board on the wall behind him. "I, am Mr. Carlistle. However, seeing as that's my husband's name as well, and he's the Headmaster, just call me Devial." He said, Writing Mr. Devial C. On the board in his flowing script.

@xRobotical Loverx
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Johnathan opens the door to room 423 slightly and peek in. He noticed a guy sitting quietly and knocked slightly on the door hoping he didn't disturb him.
As Franklin entered the cafeteria he saw Ren with a bucket of food in his mouth waving at him .

("cant you eat your food properly, there are people around you")Franklin said telepathically while walking over and sitting down on the chair across him

@Kj carswell
Nathaniel Casteil Corbin&Dakota David Yammar

Dakota shifted under the compliment. "Thanks, I just hope this is the right place for me." Dakota said. He knew that the school was for people with powers, Dakota and Nathaniel had powers, but Duck thought compared to other people's his powers might seem lame. It was just portals. Dakota watched as the teacher stood up and began writing on the board. Husband? So, Mr. Devial is the headmasters husband. Dakota wasn't expecting that, but he smiled brightly. "If you don't mind my asking, how would you describe the headmaster?" Dakota asked. He was curious as to how Mr. Devial might describe his husband to a student.

@Daggora Keket
Alistor looked over at the door and rose to his feet as he headed towards the door, his eyes scanning over the new guy. "Can I help you?" He said while watching the corpse slowly shuffle to his side as he spoke. "Go turn on the light." He said quietly while looking around the dark room, the corpse grunted softly and did as he was commanded while Alistor awaited a reply from the stranger.

@Johnathan Laurence
" Oh hi well this is my dorm room" says Johnathan as he looks at the corpse moves. Johnathan fidgets with his fingers nervously as he waits for the light to turn on.
Devial was startled at Duck's bluntness, yet his aura just showed pure curiosity. Devial went to sit back down in his chair, and thought about it for a second, tapping the dry-erase Marker against his chin. "Well.....he's nice. Fair, but kind of strict. Hates PDA, which I find Hilarious." He chuckled for a second. "He believes that everyone is equal. Both Human's and those of us with our....gifts." He smiled. "He always protect's those who need protecting, and absolutely despises bullies. He's very trustworthy and honest. He's....." He snort's. "Well, he's Crowley. But, enough about him, you wouldn't happen to know where any of the other students are, would you?"

@xRobotical Loverx
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As Franklin was walking over he spoke to me via telepathy about having manners. I swallowed my food and responded by voice. "So what if they're around, Ima be myself. It's not like there's a beautiful girl I'm trying to impress or something." He said right before he made a sandwich with the cinnamon toast, sausage, and eggs. "Are you going to eat bro? If you need some help I gotcha." @The Elusive Shadow
Lily got Silver up and ready before getting ready her-self. She then checked their schedules and was glad to have the same class. At least she wasn't alone. She and silver roamed the halls looking for the class rooms. Class A specifically.

Silver was still a little mad at lily Ease dropping last night, but soon got over it. She wondered what this school was going to be like and the journeys her and Lily came here for. She never really understood the ways of humans, but she was growing familiar with them.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Damen took the bottle and sipped some mouthwash, rinsing his mouth and spitting it out "I think we have some free time for a bit so you want to have breakfast?" Asked Damen as he went to go take a shower, "Hey I was just about to take a bath" explained Night Wing, a bit upset with the fact Damen stole the shower "Then I'll just jump in with you" she smirked, "When I shower I like to have privacy and not have to worry about turning around and seeing you naked" Explained Damen as he turned the hot water, Night Wing didn't seem to care as she slipped off her black and white shirt she had on and hopped into the shower standing behind Damen "Well in that case don't turn around" said Night Wing as she turned around so that they were facing back to back. Damen sighed as he quickly washed his hair and got out of the shower, putting on his clothes and continued getting ready.
(Just so you know they are not in a relationship whatsoever, Damen just doesn't care and no they have never seen each other naked and they aren't going to)

Night Wing sighed as she heard Damen slam the bathroom door Guess he's probably a bit tired she thought as she finished in the shower. She dried herself off and slipped into her black hoodie and pants, walking out of the bathroom "Well I'm ready, you coming?" asked Night Wing as she walked over to Damen, "Yeah" said Damen as they left their dorm and began walking to the Cafeteria.

@Anyone who wants to interact with them
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"yea, I just came here to grab a bite before class and i'm already running late so get me a sandwich for the walk will ya? "

@Kj carswell

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