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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Ent sighed Is it so hard to rest at this place, if I keep rushing to new events I'm never gonna learn the population. Ent thought as he packed his book away and slung his bag other his shoulder, he looked around the canteen at the other students, then left the canteen and made his way to class. He went up to his class and stood out side in the hall way waiting to be told he can enter the room.

@Daggora Keket
Johnathan arrives at the training room and notices somebody standing there. He slowly nears and opens his mouth to say something but he second thinks about it and decides not to.
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Marcus sees Renshi walking up with his hands in his pockets nodding to the beat of the music. When he reached Marcus. He took his left hand out his pocket. "Yo." he said calmly while making a what up gesture work his left hand's index and middle finger. @Daggora Keket
Nathaniel Casteil Corbin&Dakota David Yammar

Dakota watched the scene unfold in front of him, only staying quiet as he sat in his chair. When the announcement came up, it suddenly caught Dakota's attention. I wonder if Nathaniel is in class B. How will he do? Does he even know? What if he's asleep? Dakota wondered, although he sighed soon after. Jeez, I'm acting like I'm his mother. Duck thought.

@Daggora Keket @The Elusive Shadow


Nathaniel listened to the announcement and sighed. He's have to go to class now. Nathan stood up and walked down to his class, his eyes combing everything around him as he did so and he smiled slightly.

((I'm going offline for a bit. I'll be back soon))
Renshi heard Franks voice in his head and is surprise of the range his has with his telepathy. (Naw don't say that, because it might actually happen) He chuckles aloud. Which makes him seem weird in front of Marcus. @Daggora Keket @The Elusive Shadow
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[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Damen and Night Wing finally arrived at the cafeteria, Night Wing was in her crow form perched up on Damens shoulder seeming to have fun not having to fly or walk "I guess this is the cafeteria. . .where do you want to sit?" asked Damen, Night Wing flapped her small crow wings and flew off Damens shoulders and transformed into a beautiful young lady wearing a black jacket/hoodie and blue jeans "How about over there" pointed Night Wing as she sat down. Damen came back a couple minutes later with a plate full of bacon and eggs, hashbrowns, and waffles. He set it down on his side of the table as he passed Night Wing the same thing except instead of eggs and hashbrowns he got her a ceaser salad "You always seem to know when I want a salad" stated Night Wing "Well maybe it's because you look like you wanted something other than meat" he chuckled a bit as they began eating.

"Thanks Damen" said Night Wing feeling full from the delicous salad, she transformed into a crow once more flying around the cafeteria "We should get to class. Don't want to be late, I'd hate to be given detention on the first day" chuckled Damen as he put his arm out for Night Wing to land on as they made their way to the training room. 'I bet you can't beat me there' Said Night Wing directing the thought at Damen as she flew off down the hallway. Damen smirked as he jumped up and became a dark spectral, dashing down the hallway as if he were a shadow, it was almost impossible to pin him down "Looks like your gonna lose!" yelled Damen as hey both went at extraordinary speeds. They eventually made it to the training room and crashed into the doors as they stumbled into the room. Night Wing transformed back into a girl as she slowly got up, nudging Damen to get up aswell.
"Oh sorry about the. . .I'm Night Wing" said Night Wing getting up and brushing herself off "I'm Damen Kuroki" said Damen as he got up and looked at the students revealing his red and black eyes.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]"Oh sorry about the. . .I'm Night Wing" said Night Wing getting up and brushing herself off "I'm Damen Kuroki" said Damen as he got up and looked at the students revealing his red and black eyes.

Marcus's glare lessened and he nodded. "Very well. In you go." He motioned at the door to the training dome.
Renshi covered his mouth laughing as Damen and Night Wing came crashing into the room. Renshi then walked into the training dome

*I'm back for now*
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Ent looked up at the man "I guess you are the teacher for this particular lesson, I am..." Ent hesitated, not sure whether they know his actual name or his fake one, so he decided to go with his fake one. How ever he still didn't want people to know his name from a situation like this so he placed a vacuum around each student while he spoke his name "Ent, just Ent." He said in a cold tone, same with his eyes. He then allowed air to travail around each student again, no one knew his name except himself and the teacher. He gave the teacher a cold look, he was not happy with his class "mates" that where making a racket.

@Kj carswell @and anyone else
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"What's so funny?" asked Damen glancing over at the guy laughing 'That was quite the entrance' said Night Wing in Damens mind laughing a bit even though she hadn't said a word.
metalcity said:
Ent looked up at the man "I guess you are the teacher for this particular lesson, I am..." Ent hesitated, not sure whether they know his actual name or his fake one, so he decided to go with his fake one "Ent, just Ent." He said in a cold tone, same with his eyes. He gave the teacher a cold look, he was not happy with his class "mates" that where making a racket.
@Kj carswell @and anyone else
Marcus glared at 'Ent'. "There's not an 'Ent' in this class. What's your real name, I despise nicknames."
Yo your entrance was grade A awesome He puts two thumbs up while chuckling a little. "Names Renshi or Ren." When Ren realized that Night Wing was a female by getting a good look at her he started to freeze up as sweet started to drip down his face. @Veyd Sahvoz
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Ent continued to glare at the teacher "Well to bad, try matching that name up with a name on that paper. if you will excuse me I have a lesson to be tough teacher." He said as he started to walk towards the class rooms entrance.

@Daggora Keket yea, Ent is a bit of a dick xD

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