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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Nathaniel Casteil Corbin&Dakota David Yammar

Dakota listened, keeping with his smile. "Nope, I haven't a clue." Dakota said. I wonder if their all asleep. Dakota thought.

@Daggora Keket
Devial's eyes narrowed. "They better not be skipping....." He murmured to him self. "Marcus would have a field day with that."

@xRobotical Loverx
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were in the same class? great , and your right I do owe you one . With that Franklin Dashed towards class
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*Knocks on the door*

The classroom was surprisingly empty he would've thought there'd be more people in class

"May I come in Ma'am"

@xRobotical Loverx
Ent was waiting for a reply from the other student but then decided that he needed to learn how these creatures develop there minds in classes. He sighed and got out of bed, he got washed and dressed. Ent picked up his planner that he got yesterday that was left on his desk in his room, that he was apparently sharing now, this still annoyed him. "Guess I can interact with this male later." He said out load, he put on a jacket and started to walk out of the room, he glanced back at the boy If we share this room, its gonna be hard to decide my next plan of action. And dammit I'm not making friends, I need to carry out my job. He thought to himself as he started to make his way out of the dorms.

@anyone that wants to interact with me
[QUOTE="The Elusive Shadow]*Knocks on the door*
The classroom was surprisingly empty he would've thought there'd be more people in class

"May I come in Ma'am"

@xRobotical Loverx

(It's sir actually.)

Devial looked up at the student by the door. "Yes, yes. Come in, sit down." He gestured towards the desks. "What's your name?"
Nathaniel Casteil Corbin&Dakota David Yammar

Dakota listened as someone else came into the class. Well, I'm not the only student in this class anymore. That's relieving. Dakota thought as he watched the other student. Dakota decided to turn and walk over to the desks, taking a seat. He had nothing better to do.

@Daggora Keket @The Elusive Shadow
(Sorry about that)

Franklin came in and sat at the nearest desk he could find.

"My name is Franklin sir, Franklin Reed"

after saying that Franklin took out a pen and a notebook

"You wouldn't mind me asking you some questions would you?"

@xRobotical Loverx
Devial nodded at the guy's answer to his name, and marked him off the attendance list. He looked up at Franklin's question though. "I'm sorry?" His brow crinkled in confusion as he frowned at the notebook and pen in Franklin's hand.

@xRobotical Loverx
"Well I'd like to ask a few basic questions such as why aren't there any public records , maps , state and district news articles concerning this place? , its as if RWA doesn't even exist ."
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[QUOTE="Johnathan Laurence]Johnny came to the classroom door slowly and raise his hand and knocked softly

(Your in Class B. You have Free time. Class A is the only class in session right now)
Devial's eyes lit up with understanding, and his smiled. "For safety of course." He leaned back in his chair. "Wouldn't want to be attacked by hunters or something." Devial's voice took on a dark tone. "Unless, of course, you want to die?" He smiled and went back his normal happy self. "The Librarian would know more. She's the one with all the blueprint's and things. You can go as her during your free time."

@The Elusive Shadow
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It's morning, people would be eating. With that thought Ent decided to go to the canteen. Upon arriving Ent scouted out the setting with his eyes, he noticed the boy he bumped into yesterday and some other random students he saw. He noticed a table that no one was on, he gladly walked over to it and placed his bag under the table and pulled out a book.

@Veyd Sahvoz if u wanna interact with someone u can go sit with Ent
"I'm assuming it was for the same reasons that the newspaper articles regarding my incident altered the story a little bit "

(referring to him killing those hunters, see Bio)

@Daggora Keket
Devial smirked. "Exactly." He looked at the two boys in the class room. "Anymore questions? From either of you?"

@xRobotical Loverx
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Renshi walked in line and bought his new friend a sandwich for Breakfast. He was about to leave when he say that same guy from yesterday. "Great this guy" Renshi continued on towards Class A, ignoring Ent. When he arrived at Class A he just walked in without a care. "Ah Franklin I got your sandwich." He shouted interrupting class then he tossed the sandwich at Franklin. "Enjoy Class bro. " He says in a Cheery fashion putting thumbs up. Renshi then hears the announcement about his class. "Well I guess it's time for class." Renshi walks off heading towards the training room with his headphones on. @xRobotical Loverx
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Johnathan ears perks up slightly as he rubs Damion's head ( wolf name ). " see ya later boy" says Johnathan as he opens the door to his dorm and walks quickly to the training room.
Damen and Night Wing finally arrived at the cafeteria, Night Wing was in her crow form perched up on Damens shoulder seeming to have fun not having to fly or walk "I guess this is the cafeteria. . .where do you want to sit?" asked Damen, Night Wing flapped her small crow wings and flew off Damens shoulders and transformed into a beautiful young lady wearing a black jacket/hoodie and blue jeans "How about over there" pointed Night Wing as she sat down. Damen came back a couple minutes later with a plate full of bacon and eggs, hashbrowns, and waffles. He set it down on his side of the table as he passed Night Wing the same thing except instead of eggs and hashbrowns he got her a ceaser salad "You always seem to know when I want a salad" stated Night Wing "Well maybe it's because you look like you wanted something other than meat" he chuckled a bit as they began eating.
Devial snickered as the boy who threw Franklin's sandwich at him left. Before answering Franklin's interrupted question. "Figuring out your limits with your abilities." He winked and smiled. "For now anyway."

@The Elusive Shadow
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Marcus was Standing beside the door to the training room, waiting for all of his students to get there, his face carefully blank.

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