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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Marcus growled. 'They always have give me the troubled ones.' He thought, before waving a hand and trapping 'Ent' in one of his bubbles.

(Check Marcus's profile in the Neutral Characters tab to find out out his bubbles, before you proceed, cause I'm too lazy and busy to tell you about them atm.)
"You are more of a d*@k than you were last night." He said as he turns off his music and puts away his headphones in their case. "Can't you like be umm Idk less of a d*@k." @metalcity
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Johnny laughs to himself at Ren joke and then turn towards damen and suddenly start to stare at his eyes thinking to himself " These eyes are cool"
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[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]Marcus growled. 'They always have give me the troubled ones.' He thought, before waving a hand and trapping 'Ent' in one of his bubbles

Damen had just got here and was already being irritated by this professor "So should we get started?" asked Damen, Night Wing looked over at the teacher aswell seeming to be ticked off a bit by him.
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Ent felt his powers drain, he started to feel weak. "You have to use force for me not giving you my name, are you that much of a sad creature." Then another student gave there opinion on the situation "I agree, lets start this lesson." Ent requested as he looked around the force field. Then gave a deathly glare at the boy who made a mockery out of Ent.

@Kj carswell @Veyd Sahvoz @Johnathan Laurence
Johnathan frowns slghtly as he teleports closer to the teacher and looks at him slightly awaiting a response
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Renshi smiles as Ent gave a deathly glare at him. He then waves at knowing how that works probably irritate him. "What up Arcane." @metalcity
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Ent became even more annoyed by the fact that the teacher had to 'phone a friend' to find his name. "I use Dark Wind Manipulation magic, I can shape and manipulate the darker, destructive and consuming aspects of air/wind." He said coldly, he avoided eye contact with people. His cat eyes started to flap about. Then he changed his look to the teacher "I can show you what I mean if you like?" Ent evilly grinned as he raised his hand up and pointed it towards the boy that was smiling at him, he was prepared to suffocate the boy.

@Kj carswell
@Veyd Sahvoz @Johnathan Laurence
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metalcity said:
Ent became even more annoyed by the fact that the teacher had to 'phone a friend' to find his name. "I use Dark Wind Manipulation magic, I can shape and manipulate the darker, destructive and consuming aspects of air/wind." He said coldly, he avoided eye contact with people. His cat eyes started to flap about. Then he changed his look to the teacher "I can show you what I mean if you like?" Ent evilly grinned as he raised his hand up and pointed it towards the boy that was smiling at him, he was prepared to suffocate the boy.
@Daggora Keket@Kj carswell@Veyd Sahvoz@Johnathan Laurence
Marcus rolled his eyes. "That's quite fine. Thank you." He looked at Johnathan. "You?"
Damon watched the tension build in the room, green eyes bored as they languidly moved from on person to the other. People need to chill out sometimes. He thought to himself, leaning back in his seat and giving a sort of huff of discontent. He considered blocking out the noise for a moment, though he didn't want to miss anything deemed important. So he merely sat there, more than disgruntled with having to deal with all this.
Johnathan looks at the teacher and smiles " i can teleport but only if i seen or know the location. I also have the ability to move things with my mind but not yet discovered how to do so.
Johnathan Laurence]Johnathan looks at the teacher and smiles " i can teleport but only if i seen or know the location. I also have the ability to move things with my mind but not yet discovered how to do so. [/QUOTE] Marcus nodded and looked at Damen and Nightwing. "Your turns." [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24503-veyd-sahvoz/ said:
@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL]
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Johnny looks at the newcomer and teleports beside him and smiles slightly as his claws extracts slowly " well why about you go to your assigned class? " says Johnny
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Marcus looked at the kid Johnny was talking to. "Name?"

(Also, @Majarkhon look at the Neutral Character's Tab to see the Teachers.)
Johnny rolls his eyes and nods slightly and says " sound manipulation huh?, sounds cool " johnny looks at Ent " can you silence that fool" says Johnny
*At the moment, I'm taking my student character, Daggora out of Class B, and into Class C so that I can focus on being the teachers to do so @AnarchyReins I'm putting you in Class B, so head to the training room*
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"Hm, what?" Damon blinked blankly, looking up at Marcus with a raised brow. He spoke and looked like he was rudely awoken from a nap. "Oh right uh. Name's Damon. Siskind." He drawled, holding up a hand to Johnny and effectively blocking his voice from reaching his ears. "Shush now, child, I'm not in the mood."
Ent looked at the two, he was actually confused by the actions the two took. Then Ent became slightly mad at Johnny's request to silence Ent "And why silence me? Did I offend you in a way, shame. Can you not get the job done so you have to rely on someone else to make me quiet, typical." He said as he walked over and leaned up against a wall. He closed his eyes.

@@Daggora Keket @Kj carswell
@Veyd Sahvoz @Johnathan Laurence

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