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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Damen walked out of the office with his crow familiar (Night Wing) perched on his shoulder, he began heading to his dorm "Hey, Night Wing. You know which way we go to room 256? " asked Damen looking to his shoulder as the crow flew off of his shoulder and within a second transformed into a beautiful young lady with bluish green eyes and black hair "How am I supposed to know?! We just got here, maybe we could wing it and hope we go the right way" suggested Night Wing looking over at Damen. Damen laughed a bit "That's your suggestion for everything. Maybe it's over here inbetween the 200's and 300's" said Damen as he started walking down the hallway looking for room number 256. Night Wing rushed to him "Hey wait up! You always are in a rush for everything, come on relax a bit" she nudged him as he tried to find there dorm "I'll 'relax' once we find our dorm" explained Damen continuing to search.
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[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Damen walked out of the office with his crow familiar (Night Wing) perched on his shoulder, he began heading to his dorm "Hey, Night Wing. You know which way we go to room 256? " asked Damen looking to his shoulder as the crow flew off of his shoulder and within a second transformed into a beautiful young lady with bluish green eyes and black hair "How am I supposed to know?! We just got here, maybe we could wing it and hope we go the right way" suggested Night Wing looking over at Damen. Damen laughed a bit "That's your suggestion for everything. Maybe it's over here inbetween the 200's and 300's" said Damen as he started walking down the hallway looking for room number 256. Night Wing rushed to him "Hey wait up! You always are in a rush for everything, come on relax a bit" she nudged him as he tried to find there dorm "I'll 'relax' once we find our dorm" explained Damen continuing to search.

After Daggora was done in the Cafeteria she decided to go find Morris and Hela. She was headed to the Dorms when she she saw a Girl and Guy walking down the hallway. She overheard the boy saying that he would relax once he found their dorm room. She quickly walked over and tapped them both on their shoulders.
Night Wing was the first to notice since Damen was to busy trying to find their dorm to care about anything else "Oh hya!" said Night Wing turning around to see a young lady.
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[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Night Wing was the first to notice since Damen was to busy trying to find their dorm to care about anything else "Oh hya!" said Night Wing turning around to see a young lady.

Daggora smiled. "Hey! I could help but over hear that the two of you are looking for your Dorm, and I thought I could help."
"Found it! Night Wing!" yelled Damen looking for Night Wing and noticing she was talking to someone, he walked towards them looking at the other girl "Thanks for your help but I happened to have just found it" he explained. Night Wing looked at him "Alright I'm coming" she chuckled a bit as he walked away and went into their dorm "Don't mind him he's a bit to. . .serious most of the time. What's your name?" she asked.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]
"Found it! Night Wing!" yelled Damen looking for Night Wing and noticing she was talking to someone, he walked towards them looking at the other girl "Thanks for your help but I happened to have just found it" he explained. Night Wing looked at him "Alright I'm coming" she chuckled a bit as he walked away and went into their dorm "Don't mind him he's a bit to. . .serious most of the time. What's your name?" she asked.

Daggora smiled at the girl in front of her. Night Wing, the boy had called her. "It's fine. My name's Daggora, but you can call me Dag. And your....Night Wing was it?"
"Yup, well nice to meet you. I'm sure we'll see each other at some point" said Night Wing as she morphed into a crow and flew into the dorm that Damen had just went into to, transforming back into a human and closing the door behind her. As she walked up to a bed she threw her backpack onto the ground as she layed on one of the two beds. It was soft, large and comfy all at the same time and she felt like napping for hours once she touched it. Damen came out of the bathroom not wearing a shirt and instead having a black shirt over his right shoulder. "You going to relax now and lay down, you've been up since 4 o'clock last night" explained Night Wing moving over as she plopped herself down on her claimed bed motioning for him to lay down on the bed beside her. He looked over at her with his red and black eye as he slide on his black shirt and sat down on the side of the bed "I'm not tired" said Damen. Night Wing looked at him in disbeleivment "I know when you're lying. You need some rest" she explained while turning on her side. He turned over as he lay on the bed looking up at the cieling and slowly closing his eyes.
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[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]"Yup, well nice to meet you. I'm sure we'll see each other at some point" said Night Wing as she morphed into a crow and flew into the dorm that Damen had just went into to, transforming back into a human and closing the door behind her.

Daggora blinked, startled at the quick exit. Before shrugging and going into her room. She yawning and shifted into her black house cat form, crawling under one of the two beds, and curling up and falling asleep.
joey: okay this is new- i walked into the main hall joey: guess down that hall is the ice magic classes
Night Wing closed her eyes as well while the both of them relaxed. Damen…go to sleep, Said Night Wing directing her thought at Damen. "I'm trying too…" He said aloud as he slowly let himself relax. And finally they both fell asleep.
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Lily walked into the entrance with Silver who seemed edgy.

Silver walked into the entrance with Lily and slowly morphed into human form. "Lily do you know where the dorms are?" "No I don't silver we will just have to find them." lily said.

They walked around for a while finally finding there dorms were located. The both glanced at each other and sighed. They found there dorm where they decided to unpack what little they brought with them.
Willow wandered around the campus searching for her dorm. "It's gotta be in the 300 building obviously..." Willow scratched the backnof her head and eventually made it to her dorm. She opened the door and fixed her clothes in the proper dresser. She put her suit case away and sat gently on her bed. She slid of her shoes and put her hair in a high messy bun.

With a gasp she quickly walked over to her bag and took out a picture. She held it tightly to her chest and sighed. With one last glance at the picture, she placed it under her pillow. Willow thought it was best to go out and explore a bit. She got up from her bed and slipped on her shoes and grabbed a hoodie. Throwing the hood over her body she made sure to keep the hood on her head.

Willow walked down the hall while whistling and decides to go to the cafeteria. Maybe some hot coco will cheer her up.
Amethyst Rose Matthew

Amy, after gone through a terribly tiring and exhausting orientation, had been assigned a schedule and dorm room. Using her gravity manipulation power, she roamed the halls, looking for room number

354 while her suitcase and duffel bags floated along behind her. "348... 350... 352..." She muttered so herself quietly, counting down the numbers before she reached 354, "ah there you are. Room 354." Using her room key, she entered the room and set down her suitcases by the bed near the window. Since she had arrived first, she naturally assumed that she would have top priority. Although she wasn't particularly thrilled with the idea of having a roommate, she had heart that her roommate was also a relatively shy and reserved person. Amy herself wasn't shy, but she didn't particularly enjoy socializing or conversing.
Aoi's small frame pushed through the hallways of the school. Her eyes wandered the halls surrounding her and she couldn't help but shiver with excitement. Thoughts, scary ones, came into her head and ruined her moment, however, and Aoi was suddenly staring at the floor with widened eyes instead of smiling. Never the less, Aoi gathered herself together while staring at the floor and began to the dorms, holding a map in one hand and her suitcase dragged behind her in the other. She didn't bring many clothes, most of her clothes back at home were fancy dresses anyways. Her only clothes in the suitcase were two pairs of jeans, two types of shorts, six shirts, a nightgown, and one dress that was pretty costly. Her shoes were heels, sandals, and sneakers. It was all she needed. Plus, she thought that if she really needed anything else there might be somewhere like a store to buy stuff. She wasn't worried about money, that was certain. She made extra sure to pack quite a bit.

Aoi held a small smile as she combed the halls, her direction was the dorms. She wondered if her room mate had already beat her there, and if so, how awkward would it be? What if they didn't like each other? Aoi sighed.

When she got to the dorms she scanned around swiftly. She'd have to find room three-hundred fifty-four. Aoi began walking past rooms, looking at every door as she stuffed her map into her pocket. "Err... 301.. 302. 03. 04. 05." Aoi muttered as she passed through. When she did find three fifty-four, she missed it and kept walking forward. That was until she realized it and turned back, walking to the room door and staring at it. If her room mate was in there, should she knock? She could just open the door, but what would she walk in on? It was fair to say that Aoi didn't like having room mates for dorms. It was so confusing. The choice was hard, but Aoi decided to slowly open the door and peer inside, fitting herself in the room soon after and looking to the beautiful girl who was also in the room. Aoi's eyes flicked to the side. She wasn't sure how she felt about this. "Um, hello. I'm Aoi Bluestreme, and I'm assuming your my room mate?" Aoi asked, introducing herself and regretting what she said soon after. She didn't know if it was right for her to ask that, or if it was wrong. It might just be both. Aoi shivered.

Nathaniel Casteil Corbin&Dakota David Yammar

Nathaniel sighed. The school was so big and boring. He suddenly felt like being with his brother. Which wasn't normal for Nate. He shook his head wildly and gasped when someone ran into him. He turned to look at whoever did, and he only said it's okay before leaving back into the cafeteria. He didn't feel like leaving that area, not wanting to run into Dakota.

Nathaniel sighed and shifted a card out of his pocket, putting the corner of it in his mouth. He didn't chew on the card, just let it hang there. It was a queen of spades.


Dakota began walking to the dormitories his walking was more skipping.

Dakota made it to the dorms quickly and looked around. He had to find room 235. Duck walked through the halls quickly and found his room, walking in without hesitation. When he was in, he was relieved to see that no one was in the room yet. Dakota put his bags by his chosen bed and laid onto it, falling asleep. He figured his dorm mate, whoever it might be, would wake him up when they got there.
Lily heads out of her dorm after finishing her part of unpacking. She pulls out her school map and jigs off to the cafeteria. Eventually she finds it and walks in and noticed there weren't many student she chose a place near the wall to stand.

Silver watched Lily leave their dorm. She wasn't in any mood to scout the school and student while trying to get use to being in human form 24/7. She dropped down on one of the beds and stayed there reading a book Lily got her.
Hel simply chuckled and continued to walk down the hallway. "I can raise the dead, turn invisible, ect." She replied, scanning the left doors.
Lily scans the students, She wanted to get to know them but it would have to wait. She needed to try to since if there was a dark magic user in the school so she could at least keep a small distance away. She hated when she feels her powers drained. "How you holding up?" lily thought to silver. "It feels weird, but I will manage." Silver thought back. "since your in the dorm and if you lock the door you can go wolfy." Lily said with a smirk. "really funny, but thanks I need to relax so get out of my head." Silver sighed. "Okay." Lily said while pulling back to her own thoughts.

Silver was glad she could morph back to her wolf form since she wanted to get use to her surroundings. She wandered around the room. Then remembered she needed to lock the door. She morphed back to human so she could then morphed back to wolf and sat on the bed. Looking around the room.
Night Wing woke up and looked over at Damen as she stretched "Well well, who's the sleepy one now?" she said too herself as she rolled over and snuggled against him, falling asleep.

A while later Damen woke up, he slightly got up looking over at Night Wing as he got up shaking her a bit "I'm going too…go out for a bit" said Damen getting up and going to the washroom to brush his teeth, Night Wing woke up a bit later "…okay. I'm going to take a shower…" There was sleepiness in her voice as she walked into the bathroom, ignoring Damen who didn't seem to care at all, she went into the shower and closed the curtain as she slipped off her clothes throwing them over the curtain and on the side. She turned on the warm water, Damen finished brushing his teeth and left the bathroom putting on his coat as he walked out of the dorm.
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Having unpacked slightly, Amy wandered the room, exploring it's corners. Although there wasn't much to explore, she still wanted to get a feel of what she was in for. She would be at this dorm for the next couple years, and she might as well familiarize herself with it earlier on. There was a small, already stocked bathroom, complete with towels and toiletries. Everything was neatly arranged, and Amy huffed with satisfaction. Right outside the bathroom, there was a small closet, filled with shelves to arrange their belongings. There were two beds: one with a view outside the window--which Amy claimed without hesitation--and one directly next to it, separated by a nightstand. There were covers provided for them, though Amy preferred to use her own. She had brought a duffel bag packed with a royal blue bedspread and a pearl-colored silk duvet. In case it was cold, she also happened to back a few comforters, comeplete with fuzzy covers.

After Amy had finally finished changing the sheets, not actually having to lift a finger (gravity manipulation), she flumped onto her newly made bed, sighing contently. Staring at the ceiling, she couldn't help but wonder how her little brother, Nicholos, was doing. Was he adjusted to the pristine, high-class environment offered at Kings Academy? A smile threatened to form as she thought about how clumsy he'd be compared to the rich, older kids. As she sat upright, preparing to send him a text, she heard the door creak open. That must be my new roommate, she thought. All signs of a smile were wiped off her face, as she looked towards the door. It was a small girl--petite. Staring at her with indifferent Amethsyt eyes, she merely bowed her head politely when Aoi introduced herself. She decided to add her name, as a polite gesture, "It's nice to meet you, Aoi Bluestreme. I'm Amethsyt Rose Matthew."

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[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Night Wing woke up and looked over at Damen as she stretched "Well well, who's the sleepy one now?" she said too herself as she rolled over and snuggled against him, falling asleep.
A while later Damen woke up, he slightly got up looking over at Night Wing as he got up shaking her a bit "I'm going too…go out for a bit" said Damen getting up and going to the washroom to brush his teeth, Night Wing woke up a bit later "…okay. I'm going to take a shower…" There was sleepiness in her voice as she walked into the bathroom, ignoring Damen who didn't seem to care at all, she went into the shower and closed the curtain as she slipped off her clothes throwing them over the curtain and on the side. She turned on the warm water, Damen finished brushing his teeth and left the bathroom putting on his coat as he walked out of the dorm.

As Damen let the door slam closed Night Wing, still in the shower, heard it "Man. . .sometimes I wonder what it's like to have an always growing ability and having the role to help the supernatural. . .he barely even sleeps" said Night Wing talking too herself while washing her hair. Once she was finished showering she went back out into the dorms and put on her clothes, switching from her warm purplish jacket to a black hoodie and throwing herself on her bed.

Meanwhile Damen was out walking down a hallway '*sigh*. . .I wonder if this academy will be as good as they say'. He seemed tired but didn't act like he was, he searched for some kind of class looking down hallway after hallway for some sort of class on magic or something.

@Anyone that wants to try and interact with Damen
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Hel sighed and continued to walk down the hall, and finally found the dorm rooms. She took the knob and opened the door finding another hall full of doors. She scanned the door's labels and looked for her room. She finally found it, and walked inside, closing the door behind her. There was a large room, two beds on both sides of the room. A dresser, and side table.

She unpacked her clothes and trinkets, and sat on her dull colored bed.
Daggora woke slightly disoriented, before remembering where she was. She heard someone sit down on the other bed in the room. She crawled out from under the bed and stretched before turning back into her human form. She sat down on the bed and yawned before looking at the other girl. It was Hel. She waved and smiled.

@Queen of Fantasy
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The evening sun's rays was beating lightly on Slips skin, causing a layer of light sweat to form over him; and the dust of the long walk surrounding his white trainers in a coating of black specks and brown, dried dirt. The denim jacket would be shifting slightly, the buttons completely undone and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows revealing his back short sleeved shirt underneath. As the building comes into view, Slips raises his neck and letting his hazel eyes gaze upon the unmistakable symbol of the school which they were looking for, and giving a satisfied sigh and tugging on the crimson bag over his left shoulder. As he approached the wall, he slumps over, his hands on knees with heavy breaths as he looks around "Seems I got here before Crimson, never thought I'd live to see the I beat a fitness maniac." He quickly sits himself down by the wall, having one legged propped up in angled position while pulling out a small cigarette and attempting to light it with a green lighter.
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