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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Damen imediately noticed who it was despite her being a cat "You're that girl Night Wing was talking to earlier. . .what are you all doing out roaming the halls?" asked Damen wondering why so many peoples were near.

Daggora looked up at Bird Girl's friend and directed her thoughts at him so that she could talk to him without shifting back. ~I wanted to see if anyone else was here.~ She paused before asking another question, that had come to her as an after thought. ~By the way, what's your name. I mean calling you bird girl's friend is fun and all, but It seems kind of rude.~
Damen glanced over at the man in front of him "What. . .freaked out by my red and black eyes? Don't worry I'm not going to. . .eat your soul" he joked, most people think his red eye is something magical. Really it was just Heterochromia Iridum, but it did tend to give him some magical advantages sometimes. He looked over at Daggora "I don't have telepathy ya know. .. " he grumbled looking back at Slips "Well I guess it's an academy for studying magic and learning how to hone your abilities. . .I don't know. Anyways I think I'm going to go see ya" said Damen turning around going in the same direction as the cat.
Daggora Keket]@SubwayZero [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24503-veyd-sahvoz/ said:
@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL]
Daggora was walking down the hallway in her black cat form when she saw three guys. She noticed one of them was the guy she saw earlier with the bird girl and decided to walk over and see who he was talking to. She came to a stop, and sat down in front of the two new guys, beside Bird girl's friend.
Slips quickly glances over to the cat, giving a momentary stare and raising and eye brow in brief curiosity "Huh, didn't know this place housed cats." Slips briefly puffs from the cigarette, before letting the hand fall again and returning his brown eyes towards the guy in front of him.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Damen glanced over at the man in front of him "What. . .freaked out by my red and black eyes? Don't worry I'm not going to. . .eat your soul" he joked, most people think his red eye is something magical. Really it was just Heterochromia Iridum, but it did tend to give him some magical advantages sometimes. He looked over at Daggora "I don't have telepathy ya know. .. " he grumbled looking back at Slips "Well I guess it's an academy for studying magic and learning how to hone your abilities. . .I don't know. Anyways I think I'm going to go see ya" said Damen turning around going in the same direction as the cat.

Slips immediately gives a partial grin, then giving his own words in return "Heh, good luck trying to find my soul. Think the thing got lost long ago." As the two part he gives a quick yawn but letting his brow raise again upon the mention of 'telepathy', but quickly shrugs it off before twisting round on his heels and leaving with the departing words. "I'm gonna go catch up with the big guy now. See round, or not."
Renshi was on his way towards the training grounds when he saw a lot of people in the hallway. He quickly turned around and walked the other way hoping he can make a detour towards the training grounds.

@SubwayZero @Veyd Sahvoz @Daggora Keket @ExoHunter
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SubwayZero said:
Slips immediately gives a partial grin, then giving his own words in return "Heh, good luck trying to find my soul. Think the thing got lost long ago." As the two part he gives a quick yawn but letting his brow raise again upon the mention of 'telepathy', but quickly shrugs it off before twisting round on his heels and leaving with the departing words. "I'm gonna go catch up with the big guy now. See round, or not."
Daggora hissed at the newcomer and shifted back into her human form, clothes and all. "Call me a cat again, I dare you!" She glared at the guy's back.
Ent walked towards his new home, he wasn't thrilled but he guessed he should make the most of it. He noticed People giving him strange looks as he tried to hide his cat ears and tail; He was annoyed that he couldn't show them. As he held the letter of introduction tightly in his hand he walked into the school through the towering gates. Ent looked around he noticed people talking and being nice to each other Urg, I have to eliminate these beings. Ent let out a long winded sigh as he approached the sign that was there to welcome new students. He felt better knowing that he was at the right place. Ent looked around "Wonder where the dorms are?" He questioned to himself before heading towards a map, he looked at the layout of the school "Don't like it." He said in a stone cold voice before heading off to the canteen. His belly rumbled and he sighed at the thought of communicating with one of these creatures.
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[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]Daggora hissed at the newcomer and shifted back into her human form, clothes and all. "Call me a cat again, I dare you!" She glared at the guy's back.

Slips gives a brief look over his shoulder, his eyes catching a glimpse of the human form, but letting nothing short of a puff of his cigarette in response, and a few tired words escape along with a short smile "Seems I struck a nerve, eh? Come find me if you ever feel like needing a light... calms you down and does wonders." Slips tries to walk off for now, attempting to move on in the direction of his other arrival partner.
SubwayZero said:
Slips gives a brief look over his shoulder, his eyes catching a glimpse of the human form, but letting nothing short of a puff of his cigarette in response, and a few tired words escape along with a short smile "Seems I struck a nerve, eh? Come find me if you ever feel like needing a light... calms you down and does wonders." Slips tries to walk off for now, attempting to move on in the direction of his other arrival partner.
Daggora rolled her eyes as the guy walked away, and turned in a different direction. Not feeling like being called a cat again, but feeling too vulnerable in her human form, she let herself grow cat ears, claws and a tail, and changed her eyes, and teeth accordingly. Feeling satisfied with that she began to walk in the opposite direction as the smoking newcomer. She was looking around when she saw a boy, but what caught her attention was the fact that he had cat ears and tail like she was currently sporting. She walked over to him. "Hey." she said softly as she came up behind him, not wanting to scare the boy. "You look a little lost, want some help?"

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Renshi finally made it to the training ground without encountering anyone. "Nice I made it. One day I'll have to get over my shyness. But for now time to get to training!" His behavior changed from begin shy to being more calm and fire up about training. Renshi adjust his wireless headphones as the song changes to a up beat training montage type of song. He then commence his training.
Hey Guy's I just put the Class Assignments in the Overview Tab, but Class's won't start until tomorrow afternoon, and even then, until I get some Teachers (which reminds me, PM me if you want to make another character to be a teacher) It will just be 'Getting to know each other' classes and Battle Training.
Alistor sighed as he looked around the shelves in the schools library searching for a book on lifting curses but had no luck so far, his piercing yellow eyes glowed angrily as he pushed himself off the ground and up towards some of the higher shelves. "Dammit..still nothing." He said as he lowered himself back to the ground he'd only gotten through half of the collection of books and still found nothing. "Maybe I just need something to eat..that'll help me think of something." He said quietly before turning to leave but was only faced with a group of spirits staring blankly at him. "Move dammit!" He raised his hand and forced the lost souls to leave his sight and continued on his way out, avoiding the confused and scared looks of some of the students. This curse had been working his nerves for the past three hundred years and only got worse as the years passed on and he'd finally had enough so he spent the last few months looking for spells to remove his curse but each one had failed ans it seemed like the only way out if it was death and to be honest he wasn't ready for that yet. "Maybe I can talk to dad about it on the next full moon but until then I'm stuck with these guys." He sighed and lowered his head as he pulled up the hood on his cloak and propped himself up against a wall outside of the cafeteria. "One day it'll get better."

(Open to anyone)
After Renshi's long hours of training he walks back inside the school covered in sweet and must. He walks past the cafeteria feeling really hungry when he sees Alistor and his glowing eyes. He was too shy to continue walking but he new he had to get over it, just to get some food. So Renshi walks over towards Alistor and introduces himself. "Hi my names is Renshi Mayhem or Ren for short, kind-of new here.", he says in an shy manor, while sticking right hand out for a handshake. He still had his headphones on and the music was blasting so he wasshy and loud.

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Alistor slowly lowered his gaze down to the boy who'd approached him and introduce himself. Not many people went out of their way to get acquainted with Alistor so he gained a bit of respect for the kids bravery. "Alistor Minax.." He said as he shook the boys hand extended hand with his own."I'm new here as well."

@Kj carswell
Since his music was blasting he didn't quite hear Alistor's name. He turns his volume down on the headset with his left hand, while shaking Alistor's hand with the right. "Uuhh im sorry my music was blasting. Can you repeat what you said?",still being kind of shy. @EclipseRising
Daggora rolled her eyes as the guy walked away, and turned in a different direction. Not feeling like being called a cat again, but feeling too vulnerable in her human form, she let herself grow cat ears, claws and a tail, and changed her eyes, and teeth accordingly. Feeling satisfied with that she began to walk in the opposite direction as the smoking newcomer. She was looking around when she saw a boy, but what caught her attention was the fact that he had cat ears and tail like she was currently sporting. She walked over to him. "Hey." she said softly as she came up behind him, not wanting to scare the boy. "You look a little lost, want some help?"

Damen walked around for a while before arriving at his dorm. As he opened the door he noticed Night Wing asleep already "You really are a sleepy head. . ." he chuckled a bit as he threw off his coat against his dresser, not wanting to wake Night Wing up. He slowly layed down on his bed and fell asleep within 5 minutes.

Night Wing woke up a minute after Damen had fallen asleep. She smiled as she went to go get changed, taking off her jacket and jeans and slipping into a shirt that went past her waist. A couple minutes later she went back to the beds, looking over at Damen she thought if she should lay down with him to give him comfort but she knew he had to get some sleep so she lifted up the covers on her own bed, plopped herself down, and fell asleep.
Alistor sharpened his gaze as he looked at the boy. He hated a lot of things but he really hated having to repeat himself to someone, his eyes glowed angrily as he spoke "I said..my name is Alistor Minax..and that I was new here as well." His words were cold and his grip tightened as they shook each others hands.

@Kj carswell
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Renshi's eyes widen as Alistor eyes sharpened, and sweet began dripping down his face. Renshi became very paranoid. (Oh No he's glaring at me, and he's now squeezing my hand, what could I've possibly done wrong. I am shaking his hand with the right hand right? God why did I come over here.) He releases Alistor's hand hoping he will also let go. "Nice to meet you."
Night Wing had just fallen asleep having a nice dream that she was having a spa bath and got the chance of going in a sauna, she smiled as she dreamed. Damen was just falling asleep when he immediately got out of bed, opening the door as fast as he could "Who's there!!. . ." he yelled as he saw a faint outline of someone of turning around a corner. Still in his pj's he ran after the eavesdropper, Night Wing on the other hand woke up to see Damen rush out "Where are you going Damen?" she asked but realized he'd already left.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Night Wing had just fallen asleep having a nice dream that she was having a spa bath and got the chance of going in a sauna, she smiled as she dreamed. Damen was just falling asleep when he immediately got out of bed, opening the door as fast as he could "Who's there!!. . ." he yelled as he saw a faint outline of someone of turning around a corner. Still in his pj's he ran after the eavesdropper, Night Wing on the other hand woke up to see Damen rush out "Where are you going Damen?" she asked but realized he'd already left.

*mysterious eavesdropper is mysterious, also for now he will be called MEC, for Mysterious Eavesdropping Character*

The MEC was sneaking through the 200's dorms when he heard footsteps from one of the rooms. He mumbled a curse and ran forward, using his superspeed to get to the end of the hall. As he turned the corner, he heard a male voice yell. "Who's there!" Followed by footsteps racing towards him. He kept running, straight through a window at the end of the hall, the glass shattered around him, but he didn't stop. He ran to the gate surrounding the courtyard of the Academy and jumped over it. His night-vision guiding him safely through the forest on the other side.
Silver walked out her door In here human form hearing all the commotion and spotted a girl with cat features and was curios on it. She wanted to walk over but was nervous to since she wasn't near didn't want to leave the dorm. She walked out anyway and started to the Cat girl. She sent Lily a quick message. "You coming to the dorm yet?" "Almost there." Lily Said. "I am going to attempt to socialize." Silver said back. "Good. I will head straight to dorm then." Silver was almost to the cat girl when she saw lily walking in the dorm.

@Daggora Keket
LilyannaGaming said:
Silver walked out her door In here human form hearing all the commotion and spotted a girl with cat features and was curios on it. She wanted to walk over but was nervous to since she wasn't near didn't want to leave the dorm. She walked out anyway and started to the Cat girl. She sent Lily a quick message. "You coming to the dorm yet?" "Almost there." Lily Said. "I am going to attempt to socialize." Silver said back. "Good. I will head straight to dorm then." Silver was almost to the cat girl when she saw lily walking in the dorm.

@Daggora Keket
Seeing as the boy never replied, and just kept on walking, Daggora decided to walk around some more. She saw a girl nearby, sart walking towards her before stopping, and decided to try and make another friend. She walked over to her. "Hello. My name's Daggora. What's your's?" She asked the girl.

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