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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

"You are not fine, you are in pain walking." Ent got up and stood in the way of the exit, pushing the other boy out of the way "You will stay here." Ent commanded as he gave a slight smile to Aedus. He ignored the other boy.

@Kj carswell
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"I-I'm Fine Honest" Aedus said, giving a small smile to prove his point, Seeing that Neither Ent or the other boy would move Aedus dug into his pocket and pulled out a match and lit it intending to throw it past both of them and teleport out.

@Kj carswell
Ent sighed as he pushed the boy out the door way, he left the infirmary "Fine, don't waste your matches. However I will go with you so you don't kill yourself." Ent said in annoyance as he waited to see where Aedus would go.

@Kj carswell
Crimson stumbled back a little. He then saw Aedus pull a match out his pocket. Crimson shot an aura bullet at the match destroy it Ohhhh no you don't. You ain't going anywhere. Get in bed and get some rest. @GingerBread @metalcity
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Upon seeing the aura bullet destroy the match Aedus flinched causing him to fall to the ground again. As he hit the ground aedus let out a cry of pain, tears were starting to form in his eyes he quickly wiped them away hoping Ent or the other boy didn't notice

@Kj carswell
Ent saw that the boy 'attacked' Aedus, Ent turned to him in anger. He dug his foot into the back of the boys leg and moved his arm around his neck, pushing him to the ground, ready to break his neck. "If he want's to leave, let him leave. You are not his parent. So let him do what he wants." Ent said as he slowly moved his hands to break his neck.

@Kj carswell @GingerBread

(be careful, I wouldn't do anything stupid as u know, he can break it. :) )
Crimson felt every each of Ent's attack, causing him to flare up again creating a pressure change. He touched the ground infusing it was his crimson aura. He then used it as a median to teleport himself out of the attack. Before Ent could react he axed kicked Ent in his spine. Crimson wounds begin healing do to his wolf blood. Surprising this time I didn't want to fight I did at first though @metalcity @GingerBread
Night Wing and Damen went up to order, Night Wing ordered half a gyro wrap and Damen ordered chicken fingers and honey dill sauce with fries. They sat down at a table beginning to dig into both of their meals. Night Wing looked at Damen's fries "May I have some?" she asked but taking one anyways, "You just did. . .I guess you could" he said while letting her have a couple more. "Hey Damen. . .we didn't go to class today did we" she said. "Now that you mention it no we didn't. . . .they probably forgot. And we didn't have that training match the other day did we?" asked Damen as he smirked, "Well in that case let's go" said Night Wing smirking as well.
(no, he can react. He just attacked you, he would expect you to do something, its not like he came out of no where. Teleporting behind him would be the most logical thing to do in this situation.)

As the boy moved out of Ent's grasp Ent jumped forwards, he felt a breeze on his back as the boy attempted to kick him. Ent removed the air around Ent and the boy then he turned around and tried to kick the boy in the chest.

@Kj carswell @GingerBread

(also, Ent is part cat so he has cat like reflexes.)
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Aedus got up unsteadily, his body screaming in pain Aedus whimpered in response to the pain. Seeing Ent and the other boy had started to fight Aedus decided to use it as an opportunity to try to sneak away. As he limped away he felt pain ripple throughout his body with every step, Aedus tried not to let out a sound so he wouldn't alert Ent or the other boy but the pain became too much for him and he let out a semi-loud cry of pain.

@Kj carswell
Crimson willed his aura to graphics a hold of Ent'a ankle before it reached Crimson. The aura then squeezed Ent's ankle with immense pressure nearly breaking the bone. He then willed his aura to lift Ent into the air and throw him down the hall. @metalcity @GingerBread
As the boy attempted to throw Ent he grabbed hold of the boys head, so when thrown he took the boy with him. As they flew down the hall way Ent punched the boy in the face, breaking his nose. When they collided with the ground, Ent sat on the boys back and pushed the boys face on the ground, leaving a blood mark as they continued to move across the floor. Ent didn't allow the boy to move no matter how much he struggled. When they smashed into the wall Ent lifted the boys head so it smashed into the wall, however this broke Ent's ankle but the pain didn't bother him.

@Kj carswell @GingerBread
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Daggora rolled her eyes at the boys fighting and went back to her book. 'As long as they don't hit me I'm fine.' She thought to herself.
Aedus looked back at the fighting between Ent and the other boy I should try to stop this fight, i can't just walk away Aedus thought before reaching into his pocket and bringing out a match and lighting it. As Aedus willed the flame to grow bigger he felt a massive pain in his chest, Letting out another cry of pain and Clutching at his chest Aedus tried to continue, trying to will the fire to form a sword. Aedus let out a loud scream of pain as he tried to do this, tears forming in his eyes as he fell to the ground; the fire disappeared, his body not being able to handle what he was doing

@Kj carswell
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Crimson went flying down the hall with Ent taking ever attack he dished out as if it war nothing except the last on when he smashed his hat into the wall. When Ent attempted top smash Crimsons head in the wall he held up Ent's arm with his right forearm and he began punching Ent in his mouth with his werewolf supernatural strength causing Ent's mouth to bust and bleed terribly @metalcity @GingerBread
Damen and Night Wing arrived at the training room "Well this is gonna be fun. . . .you ready Damen" asked Night Wing as she took off her jacket revealing her black shirt, Damen did the same but was wearing a redish black shirt with a dragon on it ". . . . Ready"
Ent watched as the boys face bleed more as skin hanged from flesh. He Was about to finish the job but he heard Aedus cry out in pain. Ent wanted to kill the boy but he knew that he couldn't just let Aedus suffer. Ent sighed and elbowed the boy in the back of the neck, knocking him out. Ent got out and walked over to Aedus. He caught Aedus and took sat him down. "It is ok now, I didn't kill him. Where do you want to go?" Ent asked trying to be nice.

Night Wing sent a wave of energy at Damen, he deflected it with darkness as he went up to her and paralyzed her body momentarily. They had begun their battle.
Aedus looked up at Ent, his eyes filled with tears and tried to speak but as he opened his mouth another wave of pain erupted in his chest causing him to let out another pain filled Cry as he gripped his chest again in an attempt to stop the pain.


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