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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Mary smiled at Johnny. "Oh I've just been reading up on the area and some other things what have you been up to." Mine rubbed her hand ignoring the crow for a second and followed standing behind Ent. "I can not ignore what you said you claimed that one day you'd kill every living organism that would include Mary. And I won't allow that." She said ready to back up Johnny.

@Johnathan Laurence @metalcity

metalcity said:
Ent ignored Aedus and swiftly moved his hand, a dark wind started to blow Aedus out of Ent's way. Ent continued his way out the library, Ent adjusted his view to Aedus "Does a spoiled brat really need to show off?" He said with a evil look in his eye's.
[QUOTE="Johnathan Laurence]Johnny teleports in front of Ent " you dont cause pain to my friends with out consequences " shouts Johnny as he attempts to punch Ent

As Aedus saw Ent walk off he let his swords turn back into tiny flames before using them to teleport in front of Ent only to be hit in the back of the head by another boy causing him to fall to the ground, a trickle of blood coming out of his forehead
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Nenma Takashi]Mary smiled at Johnny. "Oh I've just been reading up on the area and some other things what have you been up to." Mine rubbed her hand ignoring the crow for a second and followed standing behind Ent. "I can not ignore what you said you claimed that one day you'd kill every living organism that would include Mary. And I won't allow that." She said ready to back up Johnny. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25358-johnathan-laurence/ said:
@Johnathan Laurence[/URL] @metalcity

Night Wing knew what was gonna happen and reached out at Damen 'Umm Damen, a bit of help please would be nice…' she thought hoping that Damen would hear as she flew off Mine's shoulder, transforming into a young lady looking at Ent creating two small balls of bluish green energy, the same color as her eyes, "Come on can't we all forget about this?" she asked.
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Ent looked at the boy threatening to punch him "Thats cute." Ent said as he was about to grab the fist but as he did so Aedus appeared in front of him, and took the hit. Ent looked at Aedus emotionless. Then he looked up at the boy "You hurt my friend, that was a big mistake." Ent said as he grabbed Aedus and moved him out the way, he took of his coat and placed it on the back of his head, leaving Aedus to use it to stop the bleeding. Then Ent got back up and looked at the boy in the eyes again, his eyes grow read with anger. "You cool on dying?" Ent said as he turned the air into a dark wind sword, he grabbed hold of it and charged at the boy.

@Kj carswell
Damen ran up to Ent with half his body made out of darkness as he grabbed Ent by the shirt "Leave it alone…it's not worth it……" he said in his usual calm and not caring voice, while stepping out of the darkness that shrouded him, he glared at Ent with his black and red eye wondering what Ent would do next.
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Ent stopped, completely for what seemed to be no reason. He watched as the boy charged at him and he simply just side stepped out the way, he used the wind to push the boy running to run faster than what seemed like he could handle, after doing so another boy grabbed hold of Ent. Ent sighed and looked at him "This is a fight, if you don't want to die. Move out the way." Ent said to him.

@Kj carswell
@Johnathan Laurence and @anyone else in the library
As Johnny was about to fall he teleports behind Ent grabbing his arm digging his claws into his flesh and in the process trips him to the floor completely annoying damen
Aedus Used Ent's coat to wipe away the blood trailing down his face I need to do something, Ent is going to end up killing everyone Aedus thought, shivering on the ground What can i do? he can get rid of my fire easily... i'm useless Aedus started crying as the realization suddenly hit him My power is useless, i'm too much of a wimp to help anyone Aedus thought as he began sobbing
"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Ent shouted as a large wave of black wind moving everyone away from Ent, doing so the boy teleported to Ent and digged his claws into his arm, then tripping him to the floor. Ent showed no sign of pain, he just looked at the boy in the eyes, then blasted him self into the boy with a big wind of dark wind under himself. As he was blown into the boy he headbutted him and then headbutted him again in the nose.

@Kj carswell
@Johnathan Laurence and @anyone else in the library
@Johnathan Laurence[/URL] and @anyone else in the library
Damen used nothing but pure darkness to drag Ent away from johnny as he smashed Ent in a wall "If your gonna fight anyone……fight me" he said gritting his teeth. He didn't want to fight anyone but if this put people in danger it was his duty to help no matter if he liked it or not that was his promise to Night Wing and Night Wings parents and he wasn't going to go back on his word.

Night Wing turned back into a crow as she perched herself once more on Mine's shoulder seeming to agree with what Mine had said.
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Mine has finished her scan and had and idea for a weapon but needed Mary to make it she sent the info to Mary's phone and Mary ran for the parts finding any metal she could in the area from the desk laps to fold up chairs. Putting them together with the force field tech Mine was already equipped with. They made and air tight bubble Mine ran to Ent grabbing Ent and making the bubble. "Good with that bubble being air tight Ent shouldn't be able to get out. Since he seems to create wind he should be able to breath if not Mine has a oxygen tank that can last him 24 hours." Mary sighed hoping this would work.

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Ent just looked at the man, he really could not care any less about anything other than killing the boy that hurt his friend. "If you want me to fight you, hurt my friend. However I will kill you, I would recommend that you team up to take me down." Ent said as he used his tail to slash at the boys leg, then he waved his damaged arm to throw blood in the boys face. Then a force field thing was placed around Ent.

@Kj carswell
@Johnathan Laurence @Veyd Sahvoz
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Damen protected himself with darkness before Ent could take him out "I don't want to fight anyone…I came because of a promise I made……" explained Damen as he stood back not seeming to care about the scene at all.
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Ent looked at the shield, he could not care less "key part is 'shouldn't be able to get out'." Ent just sucked in all the oxygen and used Dark Wind Breath, then he blow it all out making the shield grow in size then it cracked. Ent just kicked the shield out and it shattered into many pieces, "I am done with this, back to plan A" Ent said as he completely removed all air from the library, forcing everyone to suffocate. Ent walked over and picked up Aedus and jumped out the window, making sure that no air could enter the library.

@Kj carswell
@Johnathan Laurence @Veyd Sahvoz
At the last second Damen surrounded himself and everyone else in darkness before they lost oxygen, the next thing they knew they were all in a different hallway and Damen began walking away.
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Aedus was getting scared at the sounds of everyone fighting This is all my fault, i need to do something to help, but i can't i'm useless Aedus thought the words of his old 'Friends' echoing in his head. Aedus started to get angry Every Time i try to help i end up making things worse. But not this time, I'm going to stop the fighting even if it kills me Aedus though becoming more determined as Adrenaline started coursing through his veins once again.

Aedus fele someone pick him up, looking up he saw that it was Ent, Upon seeing Ent Aedus got even angrier. Digging into his pocket he pulled out a match, striking the match against the box throwing it away as it lit. Aedus made the flame that appeared grow higher than the school building before teleporting into the heart of it
"I am the one you need to fight. I tried to be nice, i just wanted to have some friends, i wanted to be considered normal" Aedus shouted, the anger getting to him "One of us is going to die, only one of us will leave here alive" Aedus shouted as he sent massive balls of fire at Ent that would explode upon impact. His kindness had been broken, his mind was filled with anger because of everything that had happened.


Damon blinked blankly at Kryotic, managing to keep his cool this time. "Wow. How unprofessional." He sighed as he lead Kryotic to his bed. "Just go to a way younger guy and try to hit it up. You, good sir, are incredibly unprofessional." He shook his head admonishingly before taking his shirt off way too casually. "And your face. It's too nice. Too... Fucking unprofessional." He continued with a slight smirk, looking to the teacher expectantly.

(@Acey -skip?-)
Nami fidgeted in her sleep, seeming to be having a nightmare. She moved around on the armchair, calling out small words in her sleep that were hard to understand.
Mine stood up and began poking at her face to make sure she was ok. "The bubble will need some modifications with what we had it requires a value release of some kind. Uhh Mine?" Mine stopped and nodded. "Health check is green glad your safe Mary." Mary chuckled. "Thanks Bis sis Mine." Mary then began taking note of Damen's teleport she snapped her finger. "Idea for new gadget a teleport gadget of some kind." She was cut off by shouting and looked out a window to see the roaring flames. "Do those guys ever learn!" She hopped out the window and tackled Ent away from the attack.


As Ent hit the floor, he laid there on the floor "So you can handle knowing that you killed a man. My cold corpse at your feet, the guilt, the drama, the congrats you will get from everyone. You can handle it?" Ent said as he started to get up, sending a dark wind through the fire, then the wind blow them into nothingness.

metalcity said:
As Ent hit the floor, he laid there on the floor "So you can handle knowing that you killed a man. My cold corpse at your feet, the guilt, the drama, the congrats you will get from everyone. You can handle it?" Ent said as he started to get up, sending a dark wind through the fire, then the wind blow them into nothingness.
Night Wing wanted to do something, but she just flew around in the air trying to decide if she should help or not.

Damen looked out the window with his red eye but didn't care he just kept walking on.
Mary stood up blocking Ent's sight. "Stop that's your friend right you got mad when he got hurt and you'd be sad if he died. Cause he's your friend stop talking about killing people so easy like your some kind of killing machine built for only that!" As she said that she glanced at Mine who's two reasons for living was kill all of Mary's enemies and protect Mary.



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