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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Aedus saw the girl to move Ent out of the way "This is between me and Ent" Aedus shouted Sending fire ball's at the girl knocking her back before trapping her in a cage made of fire "Get involved and i will burn you to nothingness" He then turned his attention to Ent "I don't need to deal with seeing your corpse as i will burn you to nothingness" Aedus said before laughing as Ent tried to blow out his giant tower of flames, only serving to make it bigger "That trick isn't going to work Ent" Aedus laughed as he sent 3 more explosive fireballs at Ent.

@metalcity @Nenma Takashi
Ent looked at the girl "A killing machine is what is means to be a devil. You wouldn't understand." Ent changed his view to Aedus "So you cant handle seeing a corpse so you burn it to ash, how childish. Do you actually believe that will hid your sin fill act?" Ent took out the box of matches he took of the person he killed yesterday. He throw them at Aedus. "Marry Christmas." he said emotionless, he hoped slightly it would detract Aedus while he continued to gain some of his strength. He luckily managed to gain some of his strength and Ent used Reanimation and bringing back a group of dead. He used them to sworn around Aedus and try to pin him down. Doing this it took out most of Ent's energy and he rolled out of the way of the attack. The reanimated dead tried to get close to Aedus but where consumed by the flames, they started to scream out to stop the pain, on was a 10 year old boy crying. "Mummy, stop the pain. It hurts. MUMMY!!" He cried, but his assault didn't stop and he continued to try and attack Aedus.

@GingerBread @Nenma Takashi
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Night Wing knew she had to get outta there but she couldn't leave Mine, she thought about it…and in a matter of seconds she transformed into her human self, dashed at the cage if fire Mine was in using a special healing type of magic to protect herself as she rushed back out of the battle scene holding Mine up by letting her lean on her shoulder while she went back in the hallway away from the battle. "Are you okay?" she asked in worry.
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Nami woke up, startled and frightened of the nightmare she was having. She looked around the lounge and realised that it was only a dream. She rubbed her eyes and stood up, feeling as though she was missing something. She walked out of the lounge and down the hallways.
Aedus didn't know how to react This kid was already dead he's just trying to play with my emotions Closing his eye's Aedus increased the temperature of the fire burning the small child to ashes. As Aedus did this tears flowed down his face, quickly turning to steam from the heat of the fire, Turning his attention towards Ent "You will pay! I will end your life" Aedus shouted, furious at Ent for what he did, Aedus unleashed a torrent of fire balls at Ent not stopping throwing them, he could feel the toll all of this was taking on him emotionally and physically.

Seth walked into the school tired from excessive computer gaming. He looked around tiredly as he was anti-social but it didn't hurt to atleast ask where the dinning hall was did it?
"So you done fearing me now? Can you go back to how you where around me?" Ent asked as he doughed the fire balls, one hit him burning his arm. He continued as if nothing ever happened to the arm, dispit blood pouring out of burn marks and his cloth protecting the arm flew off as it continued to burn in the wind.

"You killed people for no real reason!" Aedus shouted throwing even more fireballs at Ent "Why shouldn't i have been afraid of you!?" Aedus shouted, his anger making the flames rise higher "The world will be a better place once I... Once i reduce you.... Once i reduce you to-" Aedus felt himself get tired, Unable to keep the control of the flames due to lack of energy the flames started reducing in size until it went out taking the fireballs with it. As the fire disappeared Aedus felt himself get weaker and weaker until he passed out.

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Nami continued wandering down the halls aimlessly, bored and not knowing what to do. She was completely spaced out and once again not looking where she was going.

(if anyone wants to meet her go ahead xD )
Majarkhon said:
Damon blinked blankly at Kryotic, managing to keep his cool this time. "Wow. How unprofessional." He sighed as he lead Kryotic to his bed. "Just go to a way younger guy and try to hit it up. You, good sir, are incredibly unprofessional." He shook his head admonishingly before taking his shirt off way too casually. "And your face. It's too nice. Too... Fucking unprofessional." He continued with a slight smirk, looking to the teacher expectantly.
(@Acey -skip?-)
(Yeah lmao -skip-)

Kryotic blew out a long exhale as he tilted his head back to stare at the ceiling, chest moving with his gentle panting, the faintest remnants of a smile gracing his lips. He looked pretty damn satisfied. He ran his fingers through Damon's hair, gently scratching as he did so, like he would to a cat."You're not half bad. I guess." He smirked almost challengingly, dark gaze lowering down to the lock with Damon's as he lifted his free hand and ghosted his fingertips over the furious blush on the student's face.
After the long aimless day Kyoshi decided to start walking around, turning a corner he bumped into a girl and tripped on himself accidently creating a portal and falling into it and out another on the ceiling. "Ow, I hate when my portals do that..." Sitting up he held out his hand. "Hey my name is Kyo. You are?" @Domxx
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Johnny decides to get something to eat after the commotion in the library and teleport himself into a hallway. He noticed other people hear and decides not tot talk to them feeling quite irritated at the moment as he pass by them in a huff. @Dnaleri017 @Domxx
Dnaleri017 said:
After the long aimless day Kyoshi decided to start walking around, turning a corner he bumped into a girl and tripped on himself accidently creating a portal and falling into it and out another on the ceiling. "Ow, I hate when my portals do that..." Sitting up he held out his hand. "Hey my name is Kyo. You are?" @Domxx
Nami snapped back to reality and looked down at the boy, "Are you okay?" She asked, holding back a giggle. She half stuck out her hand to shake his and then slightly took it back, not sure whether to shake it or not.

Ent watched as Aedus collapsed to the ground, Ent ran over to him and caught him before he could completely fall. He held Aedus in his arms "Sorry about that, guess I went a little to hard on you." Ent said with a smile, glad that he was no longer scared of him, he put Aedus on his back and went to the

infirmary. Aedus got a room and Ent sat on a chair waiting for him to wake up. He continued to read his book on how human technology was as he waited.

Domxx said:
Nami snapped back to reality and looked down at the boy, "Are you okay?" She asked, holding back a giggle. She half stuck out her hand to shake his and then slightly took it back, not sure whether to shake it or not.
"Yea, my portals just like to throw me around when I'm startled for a second." Still holding out his hand he spoke again, "Again, my name is Kyo, what's your name?" Kyo smiled and got up still holding out his hand to greet the girl.
Dnaleri017 said:
"Yea, my portals just like to throw me around when I'm startled for a second." Still holding out his hand he spoke again, "Again, my name is Kyo, what's your name?" Kyo smiled and got up still holding out his hand to greet the girl.
"Ahh, I see" Nami replied in a slightly smaller voice than before. "My name is...Nami." she said eventually, looking at the floor as she stuck out her hand.

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metalcity said:
Ent watched as Aedus collapsed to the ground, Ent ran over to him and caught him before he could completely fall. He held Aedus in his arms "Sorry about that, guess I went a little to hard on you." Ent said with a smile, glad that he was no longer scared of him, he put Aedus on his back and went to the
infirmary. Aedus got a room and Ent sat on a chair waiting for him to wake up. He continued to read his book on how human technology was as he waited.

Aedus shot up his body responded by giving him a feeling of pain, aedus let out a small cry in response to this "What happened? why do i feel like i've gone through hell and back" Aedus thought out loud "And where am i? this doesn't look like my dorm"
Ent looked up from his book at Aedus, slightly surprised that he was already awake. "Well you kinda went insane, however you only passed out due to pushing yourself to much. Don't worry about it." Ent said as he looked at Aedus slightly surprised but he quickly looked back down at his book. "You are now in the infirmary." Ent said as he read his book.

I went insane? and pushed myself too much from doing what? Aedus thought confused by what he had been told. Looking around to see who had told him this, he saw Ent. Upon seeing Ent Aedus tried to back away from Ent only to fall out of the Infirmary bed. When Aedus hit the floor he felt a massive amount of pain shoot through his body this caused him to let out another cry of pain "E-Ent w-why are Y-you here?"

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Crimson woke up in a hallway. He looked around seeing if anyone was around. He say that he was alone. He thought back on what had happen. I was watching other people argue about protecting their comrades and what not, then a fight broke out. Then next the air..... The fycking air!! He risen up from the ground having nothing but crimson aura coming off of him. Crimson was pissed off at Ent and himself because he allowed himself to be knocked out by that attack. He started walking the walls looking for Ent with his red aura coming off of him. He made his way to the infirmary and he saw Ent with his book in his hand, with a bleeding arm and Aegus in the infirmary bed. He started laughing at them both. I see that you went at it. Were you scared? He asked as Aegus as his aura pressure decreased

@GingerBread @metalcity
"I brought you here, I couldn't leave you out." Ent said as he looked up from his book, he sighed His kindness is to toxic, I dislike it. Ent stated in his mind. "GO BACK TO BED! YOU HAVE NOT RECOVERD ENOUGH, FOOLISH BOY." Ent shouted angrily at the boy, then turned his head as he heard someone laughting "Now what does a piss head like you want?" Ent asked as he looked back down at his book.

@Kj carswell
Aedus flinched as Ent shouted at him. Aedus got up letting out a small whimper of pain as he did so "I-I'm F-fine" Aedus said sheepishly before starting to limp out of the infirmary.

@Kj carswell
Damen was near the Cafeteria when Night Wing appeared behind him "How'd it go?" he asked while continuing to walk. Night Wing looked at him "Well. . .I'm not quite sure but last I checked they were trying to kill each other. How was your time walking around all lonely?" she asked, Damen looked at her "Remember that professor from last night?. . . .I stumbled into his class" Said Damen. Night Wing became alarmed slightly "And. . .what did he say?" she asked, "Nothing. . .anyways you hungry?" said Damen changing the subject. Night Wing hated it when he changed the subject because that meant he was hiding something, she rolled her eyes and chuckled a bit "Okay. . .but you're paying. You still owe me from two days ago" explained Night Wing. Damen rolled his eyes and smiled a bit before slipping to his normal face "Yeah yeah you don't have to remind me" he said as they both walked into the Cafeteria.
Helil wonders about the campus in his free time. Hues glancing about to take in the new sights and sounds of the place. A friendly smile painted on pale visage.
Crimson looked at Ent Don't start this again. I think you have too many boo-boos as it is. He said in way women talk to baby's. Then he say Aedus trying to leave the infirmary, so he blocked the door. As much as I hate to admit it but Fuck boy over there is right he said while gesturing with his head towards Ent. Now get back in the bed.

@GingerBread @metalcity

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