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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

"I tried to be kind yesterday to you, I even saved you. And what did you do, let me remember. huh, oh yea you got scared." As Ent said to Aedus as a dome came around Ent's head. As his breathing became weaker he just smiled "Wow nice, where you learn this? Kindergarten?" Ent smiled as he prepared a Dark Wind Breath. He laughed then dark wind shot from his mouth destroying the dome. "That was cute." He said as he continued to stare down the both of them.

@Kj carswell @GingerBread
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Hehe it's funny. I guess I shouldn't underestimate you. He then looked at the Ardis and saw how much he changed from a trembling with fear kid to a kid who's ready to fight. He admired his courage and strength. Alright for you man. I'll apologize. He looked at Ent. I'm sorry for disturbing your peace. He waited for Ent to apologize. @metalcity @GingerBread
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"Thank you." Ent stated sarcastic, he turned around and walked back other to the history section and pulled out a book on modern technology. He showed no interest in Aedus or the unknown sleeping boy.

@Kj carswell @GingerBread
Aedus Nodded as the boy apologised, he then towards Ent watching as he walked away, adrenaline was influencing the decisions Aedus was making in the worse way "Ent! Y-you need to Ap-apologise too" Aedus demanded as he got in a fighting stance, his whole body shaking with fear Why did i do that, I'm gonna be killed. I can't just run away though Aedus thought, all the possibilities of what Ent might do to kill him running through his head

@Kj carswell
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Crimson watched as Ent walked away without apologizing, still having no idea who he is. He then looked at Aedus who again started shaking with fear. He placed his left hand on his right shoulder. Calm down, if things go bad I'll have your back. There's no need for you to be afraid. He said while looking at Ent. @GingerBread @metalcity
Ent turned his head over to Aedus, he looked at him unimpressed. He closed his book and walked over to him, he lowered himself down to Aedus's size and placed his hand on his head "What are you trying to accomplish, do you actually plan on fighting me again. I will ask you the question I asked you yesterday again. I can handle seeing your corpse at my feet, can you do the same? I will kill you, now is not the time." Ent changed his expression to a reassuring friendly smile, as if he thought he was being kind.

@Kj carswell
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Johnny look at Crimson and Aedus and Says Slowly "Well Ent can suffocate but of you to death so thats a reason to be scared" as johnny looks at Ent and rolls his eyes he always have to be a dick
Crimson looked at Johnny with a blank expression. I'm not afraid of death. I faced many life or deaths situations and overcame them. So if I was suffocated to death by this guy, he said while pointing to Ent with disgust , then that only means I was weak. @Johnathan Laurence @GingerBread @metalcity
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Aedus took a deep breath in an effort to control his shaking and make it stop "No i can't handle seeing anyone or anything D-de-dead" Aedus fear and shaking returned worse than before upon finishing his sentence "But you won't kill me, you could've done it before and didn't, so either you kill me now" Aedus said holding out his arms and closing his eyes, his whole body uncontrollably shaking "Or i'll Have to F-fi-fight you" Aedus added This is so stupid, He's gonna kill me why would he keep saying those things if he couldn't do it. Aedus was rooted to the spot by a mixture of fear and false bravery

@Kj carswell
Johnny smirks knowing Crimson he never back down without a fight " well i was looking forward to a fight but i guess not " says johnny disappointed
(holy shite guys xD I'm not reading all of your posts)

Damen had been walking around for some time now, the book about magic eyes was intriguing but he hadn't enough time to read it. He had finally made it to the cafeteria, he ordered a large salad and some taco's. He sat down taking a sip from his dr.pepper and enjoying his meal.

Night Wing had a blast at the lounge with Nami and Mine but she had to get something to eat eventually and it was close to dinner time. She'd been walking down hallway after hallway when she came across the library, hearing what happened in side but instead just walking away.

(finally xD )
Mary watched the augment wanting to step in but without having any parts or equipment good enough for the job she couldn't she then had an idea. She reached in her pocket for a button then pressed it sending a signal to Mine which made her hurry to thw library. "Mine you mind taking care of that?" Mine looked over scaned the area seeing how the air levels were low and nodded. She grabbed to shoulder of the boy who seemed to be the cause of this. "Stop this stupid show or I will be forced to use well force."

@Kj carswell

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A crow flew into the scene and perched itself on Mine's shoulder watching everything that went on seeming amused.

(funny how this is all happening in the library where we're supposed to be quiet xD XD)
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Ent smiled "What do you think a bitch like you could do." Ent said as he used Pain Inducement sending pain through out the girls hand that was placed on his shoulder. Ent took a gasp of air as he used up a lot of power How could I forget, I can hardly use this power. He thought as he started sweating, he turned his focus back to Aedus "I wont fight you unless you annoy me a lot, that is how my friends work. How ever, while saying that. I will kill you, along with every other creature on this planet. So wait till then, then you might be stronger and can beat me." Ent gave another friendly smile to Aedus as he stood back up to his normal size, he picked up his book and started to walk to the library exit.

@Kj carswell @Johnathan Laurence and @anyone else in the library
The crow on Mine's shoulder chirped while looking at Mine turning it's head slightly 'What was that all about?' asked Night Wing speaking in Mine's mind while still in her crow form.
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Aedus willed the fire that was still in the room to go in front of the exit of the library stopping Ent from leaving before teleporting there himself "I T-told y-you to apologise" Aedus reminded Ent "You're not L-le-leaving until you do"

Ent ignored Aedus and swiftly moved his hand, a dark wind started to blow Aedus out of Ent's way. Ent continued his way out the library, Ent adjusted his view to Aedus "Does a spoiled brat really need to show off?" He said with a evil look in his eye's.

Night Wing thought if she should call Damen about this…scene wonderingvif he might be able to help but instead she remained as a crow perched on Mine.
(I know you guys are a bit preoccupied at the moment but once this is over, if anyone wants to find a cute little sleeping Nami then go ahead xD )

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