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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Damen, on his way to the cafeteria, stopped bu the library. He walked in quietly as usual as he looked around the section that had books on magical properties and what-not. After a while of looking through them he finally found a book on magic eye's, he immediately took it with him as he went in search of a chair so he could sit snd read more about the 7 different magic eyes.
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" Well me and mary kinda bumped into each other literally and than she fell so i helped her up he then camed and was skaking like crazy and i knew exactly why" says johnny grinning like a idiot
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Ent reached the library, he opened the door and looked around. Not many people where in there so it made his job easier. He walked around looking for the history section. He saw Aedus sitting in the corner, still annoyed by yesterday he decided to ignore him and continue his search.

Crimson walked through the gates of RWA while listening to music on all black wireless headphones and was chewing gum. He was wearing a black and white suit (the same type of suit that was in the CS) while he walked in. (I hope this school isn't a waist of my time.) He thought was he opened the doors to RWA. He walked in looking at a piece of paper with his dorm room number, and class on it. "Hmm class B huh, located in the training dome. he said while walking the walls (I wonder if there are any people here if strong gifts such as mine. If not I'll be highly disappointed) he thought. He looked at a map nearby on a wall somewhere and he say where the dorms was located, walked towards his dorm room 112 finding it with ease. He walked in a put his stuff down on a bed that wasn't occupied. His roommate Joey was nowhere to be found, but he didn't really care. Looks like i got a room to myself. I wonder if girls were aloud in guys dorms. If they wasn't who was gone stop me from bringing one in. He said as he held up his left hand and crimson aura came off of it. After getting settled in his dorm he left without his headphones and just walked around the school whistling.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/tumblr_mmdsd15IYS1r0wq3eo1_500.jpg.c7ecfcc93cbbea7b168ab4c6816c51e7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88331" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/tumblr_mmdsd15IYS1r0wq3eo1_500.jpg.c7ecfcc93cbbea7b168ab4c6816c51e7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Crimson made his way to the library where he say an empty round table. He yawns loud enough for the whole library to hear him. He then sits at the round table then props his feet up on the table, and folded his arms as he fell asleep snoring loudly in the library. @metalcity @GingerBread @Anybody
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Aedus was broken out of his again when he heard someone loudly snoring, deciding to do something about it he walked up to the boy who was asleep and snoring, Gingerly poking him "H-hey you shouldn't be sleeping in the library"

@Kj carswell
As Ent found the history area, he gave a little evil giggle knowing that he was one step closer to completing his mission. How ever it stopped when a loud snoring struck his ears. "This is a library, you are support to be quiet." Annoyed he walked over to the boy, he saw Aedus trying to wake him up but he ignored him and pushed him out the way. "Wake up you piss head, this is a library!" He loudly said in annoyance as he hit the unknown sleeping boy round the back of the head.

@Kj carswell @GingerBread
"I said don't sleep in the library you piss head." Ent said as he kicked the chair over the boy was sitting on. "Go sleep in the dorms." Ent said as he looked down on the boy.

@Kj carswell @GingerBread
Crimson was still waking up from his nap when Ent kicked his chair over. It all happen to fast, one moment he was in the chair the next he was on the floor. Crimson got up feeling a little salty that Ent, a random kid to him, came and kicked him out his chair. That was pretty rude you know. You should apologize,he said as he glared at Ent. While Ent and Crimson were staring down each other, Ent realized Crimsons eye color change to bright red. @GingerBread @metalcity
Ent continued to stare him down "You should apologise for sleeping in a library and being loud, piss head." He said as he got slightly more annoyed at the boy.

@Kj carswell @GingerBread
A chuckles at the statement piss head Surprisingly that's not the first time I've been called that, and I really hated being called that. So now you have two thing so apologize for to my nothing. He picks the chair up from the floor and sets it up right and sits down in it. Its okay take your time, I'll wait. He said as he leaned back in the chair looking at Ent @metalcity @GingerBread
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Ent gave a smile, "Oh, I can not wait to see that voice cry out in pain as you choke on you own tongue as you gasp for air. Why don't I give you a sneck preview?" Ent said in annoyance as the oxygen in the library started to leave, making it harder to breath.

@Kj carswell @GingerBread
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Crimson raised an eyebrow at Ent's statement about him choking and gasping for air. He then watched as as the oxygen in the air started to leave. Crimson just remained calm as the oxygen was leaving like he wasn't worried at all. He just continued waiting for his apology, closed his eyes, and steadied his breathing waiting. @GingerBread @metalcity
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Johnny looks pasts Daggora to see what was the commotion and seen Ent and Crimson. He was about to get up and speak but seen that it was a problem between the two and decided against it.
Aedus was finding it harder to breathe Did Ent do that thing again? Aedus thought worried "E-ent S-stop" Aedus called out, he then turned towards The other boy "Just suck up your pride and apologise... Please" Aedus said his voice starting to tremble at the fear of being suffocated once again.

@Kj carswell
Crimson looked at the kid who was trembling with fear, he felt said for the boy, but he still wasn't going to apologize so instead he opened his eyes releasing a burst of crimson aura that shattered every window in the library refilling the library with oxygen and fresh air. Another effect from the burst was almost all of the books were knocked off their shelves

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/tumblr_meazyrIWO11rn98vpo1_r1_500.gif.735c130f7c7602fb4aee244380cc8fec.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88355" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/tumblr_meazyrIWO11rn98vpo1_r1_500.gif.735c130f7c7602fb4aee244380cc8fec.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@GingerBread @metalcity



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Ent looked over the Aedus "Shut it." Ent snapped as he looked back at the other boy. Ent lifted his hand and started removed the oxygen again. "It is not that simple, that is not how my power works." Ent stated as the air once again became scarce once again. making it harder to breath through out the library. "Now apologise." Ent said once again.

@Kj carswell @GingerBread @Johnathan Laurence

(with johnny you can make him leave the library but this does affect him, well thats if he needs oxygen.)
Aedus's breathing started to return to normal as more air was let in, but it became harder to breathe once again as ent got rid of the air again I've got to do something about this Aedus thought before fumbling in his pocket for a match, Aedus struck the match against the box and then threw the lit match onto the floor, He then willed the fire to grow bigger unknowingly drawing more oxygen into the room to feed the fire, Aedus then took a deep breath and plunged his hands into the fire, pulling out two sword.

He then walked between Ent and the other boy pointing the swords at them
"You two need to apologise, not to each other but to me" Aedus demanded trying to look confident and not show that he was scared out of his mind

@Kj carswell
Crimson raised his eyebrow when he was told to apologize. He then opened his left hand as crimson aura came from it and flowed around Ent's head. The aura enclosed his head in a very tight dome. The dome begins swirling around Ent's head using the same funnel technique to still Ent of his oxygen. @metalcity @GingerBread
Aedus placed the blade of his sword onto the other boy's chest which singed his clothes, his hand shaking as he did so

"I S-said Ap-ap-apologise" Aedus demanded once more, his voice wavering

@Kj carswell

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