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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

My name's Amethyst. And thank you, though they seem to change color quite often.

Amethyst liked this crow, she didn't have to physically speak to communicate. All she had to do was think.

Your eyes are quite pretty.

@Veyd Sahvoz
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Pollen shook his head yet again "The reckoners are the ones who determine right and wrong when it comes to this school. it is wrong to use these to enslave another species, that is the only requirment, everything else is perfectly acceptable, though none of you have the lifespan necessary in order to learn how to defy death, or how to enslave other humans en masse. keep in mind, however, that any enslavement as a result of these abilities is considered punishable, and will lead to you being hunted by the reckoners. the problem was so widespread in the old world among my species and the Saratorians that both of our species were engaged in a full fledged war with the reckoners, and even with our combined might, we still lost." He looked at the clock ((when does this class end))
[QUOTE="Pollen Nak]Pollen shook his head yet again "The reckoners are the ones who determine right and wrong when it comes to this school. it is wrong to use these to enslave another species, that is the only requirment, everything else is perfectly acceptable, though none of you have the lifespan necessary in order to learn how to defy death, or how to enslave other humans en masse. keep in mind, however, that any enslavement as a result of these abilities is considered punishable, and will lead to you being hunted by the reckoners. the problem was so widespread in the old world among my species and the Saratorians that both of our species were engaged in a full fledged war with the reckoners, and even with our combined might, we still lost." He looked at the clock ((when does this class end))

"So is that why you offered to teach here?" asked Damen as he appeared by the door of the class after overhearing some of the thing Pollen was talking about.
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[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]"So is that why you offered to teach here?" asked Damen as he appeared by the door of the class

Staring at the intruder Pollen sighed "Hello again, to answer your question, yes, that is why I came to teach here, to keep balance intact. I wish to see your species grow and thrive beyond its current infantile state, before I die, which is coming soon, I can feel it in my bones"
[QUOTE="Pollen Nak]Staring at the intruder Pollen sighed "Hello again, to answer your question, yes, that is why I came to teach here, to keep balance intact. I wish to see your species grow and thrive beyond its current infantile state, before I die, which is coming soon, I can feel it in my bones"

Damen walked into the classroom a bit ". . .do you know of the 3 of 7 magic eyes that are long since forgotten and forbidden?" asked Damen not making a big deal out of it but still some what curious of Pollen's answer.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Damen walked into the classroom a bit ". . .do you know of the 3 of 7 magic eyes that are long since forgotten and forbidden?" asked Damen not making a big deal out of it but still some what curious of Pollen's answer.

Pollen shook his head "such matters do not concern the Reckoners, and thus, I have not been allowed to study them, if they relate to the dark arts, feel free to educate the class, otherwise, please leave, I will be more than happy to speak to you after class."
Pollen sighed "class dismissed, I have had some books on the reckoners sent to the Library, you are to bring me at least three new insights concerning the reckoners next class. otherwise, goodbye."
Nami wandered the school. Since she had only just joined she wanted to see all the rooms and check out the place. She half hoped that someone would come up and talk to her, although she is shy, because it is better than her having to work up the courage to talk to someone herself.
Rin gave Amethyst a polite smile and nodded back. After he read a few more pages in his book, he looked up to see what she was doing. When Rin found her staring at some sort of crow on the table. "What's up?" he asked as he looked back and forth trying to find the connection.
Renshi got bored and hungry in the lounge, mainly because his friends were no where to be found. So he decided to head to the cafeteria for brunch, while he waits for his class to start. He left the lounge, thinking about what class would be like today. (I wonder what we would be doing today. Yesterday I think I heard him say something about putting us in teams. Is that for like a tag team battle or something. If so I'll be alright with teaming up with anyone stank Ent. I wonder why he acts the way he does. But I'm not gone dawn on it for long) He thought as he walked the halls heading towards the cafeteria.
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Nami wandered the halls, looking down at the map she had made of the school to find out where her classes were. She didn't want to get lost in the school and was completely preoccupied with studying the map that she wasn't looking where she was going.
GingerBread said:
Aedus was lost in thought at the back of the class and didn't hear the teacher dismiss the class
"Mister Aedus, please come here, I wish to speak with you, evaluate your mental state."
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[QUOTE="Pollen Nak]"Mister Aedus, please come here, I wish to speak with you, evaluate your mental state."

"Hmm?" Aedus looked up upon being addressed "Okay" Aedus said as he walked over to the teacher
GingerBread said:
"Hmm?" Aedus looked up upon being addressed "Okay" Aedus said as he walked over to the teacher
Pollen grabbed the Saratorian and set it on the desk between himself and Aedus "This creature has harmed you, but it is..... remorseful. it regrets what it did to you, now that It can see that you meant it no harm. It iwshes to apologize to you, you may hold the creature should you so wish, it has given you permission to do so."
Domxx said:
(Can Nami join in anyone's rp? Sorry if I'm being awkward or annoying)
((You can stop by Pollens classroom if you want, be warned, he isn't very friendly))
Johnny get to his dorm room and open the door to Damion sitting their wagging his tail back and forth " Hey boy whatcha you doing " asks Johnny as he pats his head and go sit down on his bed finishing his brownie. He looks around and noticed it seem that the room is messed up he started and decided to clean his side of the room. As he starts to clean he finds a old picture of his brother Damion ( Yes his pet wolf and his brother have the same name) he seats on the ground and stares at the picture. Johnny smiles as a flashback comes up. " Hey Johnny " says Damion as he comes behind him and ruffles up his long black hair. " Yes?" asks Johnathan as his brother circles around him and sits in front of him. " Well me and Nathan are not going to be here for a couple of days so don't worry about it ok" says Damion with a hint of sadness in his tone. Johnny nods his 12 year old mind not fully grasping what his brother is saying until the day his mom inform him that Damion was killed by a group of hunters. Johnny looks up from the picture tears falling down his cheeks as he sat the photo down Damion comes up to him and licks his face sensing his sadness. " Stop..it " shudders Johnny giggling as Damion continues his assault. Johnny then gets up and walks out of the room and walks towards the library slowly staring at the ground thinking " yea gone forever".

( Anyone wanna cheer up Johnny?)
Domxx said:
Nami wandered the halls, looking down at the map she had made of the school to find out where her classes were. She didn't want to get lost in the school and was completely preoccupied with studying the map that she wasn't looking where she was going.
Damen grabbed the girl's shirt as he gently pulled her away from almost colliding with another person "Watch yourself" he said while walking on.
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Pollen sighed as the Saratorian suddenly fled beneath the folds of his robes "You are dismissed Mr. Aedus, be sure to do the Homework."
Mary was in the library grabbing books for future research most were books on the school some maps and some history. Mary had gone ahead to her dorm to drop off her stuff and took Mary's stuff with her. She exited the library with a tower of books unable to see in front of her at all. When she got out the door she bumped into something and fell down laughing as she did she looked up and saw a crying boy. "Hey sorry kid did that hurt or something?"

@Johnathan Laurence
Before making a turn leading towards the cafeteria, Renshi notice Johnny walking the other way alone looking down at the ground as if he was sad about something. Renshi, as Johnny's friend ran up to Johnny and placed kind of hard and kind of soft which shocked Johnny. When Johnny looked up at Renshi he saw the concern in Renshi's eyes. He man are you okay, you seem a little down. What's wrong? He asked as they stood in the middle of the hallway. @Johnathan Laurence
[QUOTE="Pollen Nak]Pollen sighed as the Saratorian suddenly fled beneath the folds of his robes "You are dismissed Mr. Aedus, be sure to do the Homework."

[/QUOTE] Aedus nodded before walking away Relieved that he didn't have to touch the Saratorian again What homework? i should've been listening Aedus thought not really wanting to do anything or interact with anyone after having to deal with his memories I'll go to the library and find a quiet corner, hopefully i'll be left alone Aedus thought as he began making his way towards the library. Once he got to the library he went to the back and sat down in a corner becoming lost in his thoughts once again
(If anyone wants to interact with me go ahead
:) )
Johnny noticed Ren and a girl. " Oh sorry " he says as he give a hand to the girl to pick her up and then says a little low " well past memories nothing really "

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