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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Ent watched as the boy started to leave "He has no idea what he is doing, he is gonna get himself killed. I want to be the one to do that." Ent muttered to himself. He walked after the boy and grabbed the back of his collar and pulled him back slightly. "You wont be able to find matches in school, which means you have to go out side. As matches are your only weapon, you will die. And you see, that's my job so no dying unless its me. Now lets go find you some matches." Ent said with a evil smile as he started to drag Aedus towards the school gate.

Aedus pulled himself out of Ent's grasp "It's fine, i wouldn't want to inconvenience you anyway" Aedus smiled "And i can defend myself so don't worry. Anyway i'd be less noticeable by myself, i mean no offence but you do have cat ears and a tail, you'd probably stick out more i would" Aedus reasoned

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"Maybe you can look after yourself, but it is still my job to kill you and I don't want anything deadly to happen to you. We are leaving!" Ent said as he left the school, people gave him a disturbed look as they noticed he left that school. They didn't even care that he had ears, it didn't help but just leaving the school pissed people off. "These people don't care what you look like, leaving this school is enough to make them suspicious."

A child screamed in fear, they ran away. "
Oi, freak. Go back to the zoo!" A man shouted as he threw a bottle at Ent, he allowed it to hit him. "This is what they do, how can you survive without your powers?" Ent asked Aedus as he made the air spin around the man, making him cry out in pain. Ent crossed the street and everyone in his way started to run. "Don't fall to far behind!" Ent snapped at Aedus.

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Aedus ran over to the man Ent had hurt "Are you okay?" Aedus asked "Get away from me, you're a freak just like him" The man yelled at Aedus, swinging a punch at him. Aedus didn't see the blow coming and ended up getting hit in the face sending him to the ground. tears were brimming in Aedus's eyes at the man hurtful words "I'm not a freak" Aedus denied timidly

Ent sighed, he walked over to the man and Aedus. "See, all they do is judge. What a waste of a life." Ent said emotionless as he stared the man down. He lifted the man up by his arm and punched him in the face. "Now lets go find some matches." Ent said as he gave Aedus a smile. The man crawled away on the floor, his nose bleed as he felt the broken nose. "You dame brat! I work for a living and you think you can disgrace me like this!" The man lunged forwards towards Ent with a punch, Ent sighed and used a wind to blow the man away, he crashed into a building. Ent held back as he didn't want to make Aedus feel worse, he was annoyed at how soft he became in a few minutes. Wow, his kindness does run off. Why am I helping him?

Johnny seems to not be noticed and decides to go somewhere else and teleports to the training room to suddenly be gasping for air he looks around and a thought came to his mind.That kid with the air powers must been here and he then searches for him and came out to find no one was here. He noticed ashes on the floor and instantly thought of that new kid did he have the ability to control fire too he thinks to himself as he noticed damaged matches oh so he need to be able to have fire created to use it huh well Crimson and He would be awesome partners says Johnny to himself. Then a thought hit him like a tidal wave if his matches destroyed he'll will have to get more and since the school don't have them he'll have to get it outside of the school. " Shit they with outside of the school" says Johnny as look then teleports to different locations looking for a teacher
"I-i- th-think i'm just going to go back inside the school, i'm sure i can find a match or lighter or something" Aedus smiled sheepishly "If not i'll find a way" Aedus said, not wanting to be outside the school any longer.

Ent sighed "Well, fine, whatever. I'm sooo sorry for trying to be nice. Knew it was a bad discussion." Ent said, he sounded sad. He started to walk down the street away from Aedus and turning his back on the school. "I will return with matches for you!" he shouted back at Aedus.

The night was nice. Night Wing had dreams about her family and the forest they used to live in. It was almost as if her and Damen were together their whole lives but really it was 8. She woke up once that night as they both drifted to a soundless sleep, side by side.
Aedus watched as Ent walked off Maybe i should go with him Aedus though feeling guilty at letting Ent go and deal with those horrible people just get something for him. Aedus decided that he should go with Ent He is doing this to help me Aedus justified, before running after Ent "Hey! wait for me" Aedus called out "I changed my mind" Aedus said once he got nearer to Ent, smiling sheepishly

Ent gave a smile hearing that Aedus would go with him, he then went back to his usual look. "What ever." He shrugged off. He walked down the street, people looked at them, confused by there presence "Do you not know where you are? Go die you useless trash!" shouted a small child, Ent sighed in disappointment. He continued walking pushing the child out of his way, as they where pushed he started to fall into the road. Ent quickly walked over and used his tail to catch the boy, he wrapped it around his chest and brought him to safety. Ent continued to walk and the boy looked at Ent in confusion, people around started to whisper and one little girl started clapping and cheer for Ent, she was silenced by her mother. "Shhh, you cant do that. He is vermin." She said as she covered the girls mouth. People continued to look at Ent and Aedus in disgust.

Aedus hid behind Ent, not liking the Evil looks he was being given I hope we get the matches soon Aedus thought, stopping as he did so, when he got out of his thoughts he noticed that Ent had continued walking. Aedus attempted to run after him but was stopped by a group of people who surrounded him "Why are you hanging out with that freak?" One of the people chided "He's not a freak" Aedus retorted "Oh i get it you're a freak too" Another one chimed in "I'm not a freak" Aedus replied his voice becoming quiet and timid.

One of the boys walked up to Aedus and pushed him to the ground While the rest of them all chanted
"Freak!" The situation reminded Aedus of when his old friends found out about his powers, Not being able to handle the situation Aedus curled up into the fetal position, silently crying. One of the people noticed this "Aw is the wittle freak crying" The boy mocked before attempting to kick Aedus. seeing the boy attempt to kick him caused Aedus to let out a small fearful cry.

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Ent turned his head as he heard Aedus cry out in fear. Ent's face turned to straight anger, he turned around and exploded the blood vessels in one of the boys brains, he feel to the floor in agonising pain. The other boys looked at him, one of them looked down at Aedus "That was you!!! YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!! DIE!" He pulled out a knife and when to stab Aedus. Ent managed to walk over there in time. He placed his hand on the boys shoulder "No one kills my friends but me, and as he is my only one currently. So don't kill what is mine." Ent said as he turned the boy around and Punched him down to the floor. Ent evily giggled as he kept removing the air around the boys head, then allowing him to breath temporally. "HAHAHAHAHAHA, IT FEELS GOOD DOESN'T IT. THERE THERE BREATH UP. OH WAIT I FORGOT, YOU CANT. HOW LONG TILL YOU DIE!!!! I WONDER SO, HOW ABOUT'S I JUST KILL EVERYONE!!!!" Ent shouted out mad fully.

You bastard!!!" shouted another male, he moved slightly towards Ent but then changed his mind as he saw the suffocated boy start chocking on his own tongue as he gasped for air. Ent continued to evilly giggle more as he turned around, his tongue hanged out mocking the dead friend.

DO YOU WANNA JOIN HIM?!?!" Ent shouted as he jumped towards the other boy, he managed to punch Ent in the face, knocking him down to the ground. He spat up a little blood "THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ALIVE AND DEAD IS INVIGORATING, IT SENDS CHILLS UP AND DOWN MY SPIN. COME ON, MORE MORE." Ent shouted as he grabbed the boy by the head and head butted him. He started to roll on the floor. "TOO EASY, YOU GUYS ARE WEAKER THAN AEDUS!" Ent shouted as he kicked the by in the face, then as the boy gasped for the air he just lost Ent made a vacuum around his head. Ent crouched down next to him and poked his cheek as he continued to gasp for air. Then Ent punched him stopping breathing completely.

ANY MORE PISS HEADS WANNA FIGHT ME. YOU SHIT BAGS!!!!" Ent evilly laughed as he saw the rest of the gang flee, all civilians in the near by area ran away and hid or ran into shops.

Ent took a deep breath and gained control again, he walked over and crouched down next to Aedus "
Hey, you ok buddy? Its ok now, they left." Ent asked as he went back to normal.

Aedus whimpered in fear as Ent approached him He just killed all those people Aedus thought as he began hyperventilating, unable to control his fear Why did i decide to go with him? Aedus thought as he began uncontrollably shaking in fear

Ent looked as he saw one of the men's jumpers catch on fire slightly. He put it out and noticed that he was a smoker, he walked over and saw that was lighting cigarettes with matches "What a coincidence, one of the people I just killed had matches on him. Here you go." Ent said as he offered Aedus the box of matches. He gave a reassuring smile.

"N-no, t-taking stuff F-from D-d-dead people is b-bad l-luck" Aedus managed to stutter out, trying his best not to annoy Ent in fear of ent trying to kill him.

"If you don't take it someone else will. With that logic you could say that eating meat from a animel is bad luck as you are stealing from it. This is no different." Ent said with an annoyed tone as he didn't take his offer.

Aedus was lost on what to do I can't take something from a dead person that would be wrong Aedus thought, looking at Ent If i don't i might end up dead Aedus stood up "I-I-I c-can't take th-them, s-s-sorry" Aedus managed to stutter out "I-it's just w-wrong" Aedus added timidly.

Ent sighed as he stuffed them in his pocket. "Fine lets find a shop." Ent said in annoyance as he offered Aedus his hand, doing so he scouted out for a hardware store, luckily he did find one.

Aedus smiled gratefully as Ent didn't kill him, seeing ent was offering him his hand, Aedus back away from Ent's hand scared Let's just get these matches then i don't have to interact with Ent again Aedus thought

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Ent looked at him confused then looked away with a gloomy face, he moved his hand away from Aedus and placed in in his pocket. He started to walk to the hardware store "Hurry up." Ent said sadly.

Aedus walked slowly behind Ent making sure he could see him at all times, if only so he would have some warning before he died Did he seem sad? Probably my imagination, why would he be sad after killing all those people with no remorse Aedus thought to himself

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Nari was walking along the streets and noticed a hardware store, "I wonder if they have anything I need. I do need some tools and stuff to fix up the dorm..." Walking in he looked around at the things on the shelves. @metalcity @GingerBread

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