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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Damen kept waking up on and off in the night, he had just woken up from another nightmare. Those tend to be his dreams, he was breathing heavily and his heart raced but he eventually relaxed. Night Wing woke up beside him, she sensed that he had yet again had a horrific nightmare "Damen…what's wrong?" she asked, laying her head back down on the pillow as she looked at him. Damen continued looking up at the ceiling "It---it was just a bad dream…" he explained while closing his eyes and falling back asleep.
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Aedus was shocked when Ent summoned a giant tornado, not wanting to be caught in it Aedus lit a match and lobbed it as far away as he could. As he did this the tornado created a dome around him and Ent, the lit match only just outside of the dome. After the dome was formed Aedus felt breathless and was struggling for air He created a vacuum! i'm sure he'll end it before i die right? Aedus thought as his lungs started burning with the need for oxygen Aedus believed this less and less, As he fell to the ground, his vision darkening Aedus saw the match he had thrown was still lit.

Deciding it was his last hope Aedus tried to teleport to it but found that he couldn't. Aedus was starting to panic I'm gonna die Adeus desperately tried to think of a way out of the vacuum reaching into his pocket he grabbed his box of matches Maybe if i can get a spark i can get out of here Aedus thought. As he felt his life slowly fading away he opened the box and grabbed a match, striking it against the box he saw that there were a couple of sparks coming from it Yes! just need to time it right Aedus focused on teleporting as he struck the match against the box as he did this he found he had managed to teleport out of the vacuum as soon as he did this he took a deep breath, the flame he teleported to slowly faded away, the match becoming nothing but Ash as Aedus's breathing slowly returned to normal.


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(So I'm not really sure what was going on with the all the magic and stuff cuz my phone died, so I'm just gonna skip through to your last post. Sorry! >.<)

Rin smiled and stood up along with her. He was going to stay a bit longer and relax before heading to his dorm, but he was taught that you should stand up to greet someone or tell them goodbye, "Thank you, Amethyst. I hope to see you around sometime," he said with a half smile. After she left, Rin sat back down, just to end up slouching down into a comfortable position and nearly falling asleep. A good few minutes passed before Rin decided he was tired enough and should go back to his dorm. He stood up, drabbed the books he checked out, and headed to his dorm room. As soon as he got there he unlocked the door, and without checking to see who was sleeping in the other bed, plopped down and fell asleep.
Johnny looked around and noticed no was in the library no more and then teleported to the lounge and seen no one was there he sighed slightly and decided food was a good choice and teleported to the cafeteria and found franklin and kenshi there and frown rememebering yesterday and decide to sit alone after getting his pancakes and oj. @@Kj carswell
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Ent watched as the boy left the dome, the wind rushed towards his hand. A ball of darkness was gathered "It's funny watching people gasping for air, the helpless look on there face, the belief they can live. Oh, its so adorable." Ent said as air started to rapidly fill where the dome was, Ent lobbed the ball at Aedus.

Aedus saw the ball of darkness rush towards him and only just managed to move out of the way but came crashing to the ground as he was still light headed from the lack of Oxygen "Do you enjoy this? I don't think you really do" Aedus slow stood up unsteadily, swaying side to side "I think you're just lonely and want to make a friend but don't know how, so instead you attack people out of anger, unsure how else to express your true feelings" Aedus said, collapsing to the floor and gasping for air once again, before his breathing became slower and steadier "or you're just scared of expressing your true feelings"

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Johnny hears Renshi and decided against sitting alone and teleported to Ren and Frank and says to himself "Why you care?" @Kj carswell
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Franklin personally thought that johnny was kinda weird but since he seemed to be ren's friend he played along

"Yea johnny come on over"

(You know that guy?)(telepathically to Ren)
"This isn't a book, that's not how the world works. I enjoy it as it is part of my mission. This is real life where actions have meanings, loneliness is just a image to make the weak seem strong and have potential. That is fiction, just like the idea of friends. A meaning less title." Ent shouted over to Aedus, annoyed that he would dear call him lonely. Even if he knew it was true. Ent used Pain Inducement and sent intense pain through out Aedus's arm, however Ent fell to his knees "Why is it back firing? is it part of the power? or am I getting exhausted?" Ent muttered he looked up and growled slightly at annoyance.

The hell do you mean why do I care. You're my friend. I'll always care as long as you give me others wise. Renshi heard Franks voice in his head (Yeah I know him he's my friend)

So Johnny what are you doing up so late at night? @Johnathan Laurence @The Elusive Shadow
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Aedus let out a scream of pain as his arm felt as if it was being ripping into a million pieces, after what felt like an age the pain subsided "And why do you think that? Because we both know that's not true. I think you think that because you have trouble making friends, so to cope with that you came up with the idea that friends are just meaningless. That's the real reason you do things like this isn't it?" Aedus said as he walked over to Ent and gave him a sympathetic look "Because you don't know how else to cope"

Johnny smiles slightly he never really had friends and this was totally new and takes a bite of his pancakes and replied well i was reading and when i read the world seems to disappear and the only thing that exist is me and that book

"Yes , I think every body feels the same way , but I guess the important thing is that your reading something."

@Jonathan Laurence , @Kj carswell
Johnathan looks at Franklin and nods slightly as he finishes his pancakes and oj. " Yea i guess everyone does feel that way" says Johnny as he thinks about the book and then remembers and says " it was a book about telekinesis " says Johnny @Kj carswell
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(Is it just me or does that still not answer your first question?)(to ren telepathically)

"Oh , so can you do some telekinesis too?I thought you had powers of teleportation ."
"Well you kind ditched me yesterday as soon as we got to the lounge and i kinda felt rejected and that feeling happens to me way to much and i thought you was just like some others and just liked to be a dick so when i came here i seen you with Franklin and thought didn't want me around so i just sat alone" says johnny in a hushed tone feeling a bit out of place
Ent looked at the boy, he got up on his feet. He started walking over to the boy "I don't know who you think you are, but you talk to much in a fight." Ent frustratedly said to Aedus as he used some of his strength to completely destroy the boys matches with Destruction and he grabbed hold of his collar "Fighting is about the difference of living and dying, not understanding people, remember this so you don't die." Ent said as he went to punch the boys face.


(if u allow it to hit, he isn't going to actually punch him. Aedus doesn't know this)
Aedus frowned as he felt his box of matches turn to ash then to nothingness in his pocket "If you understand people you understand what they can do, wouldn't that give you an advantage" As he saw Ent go for a punch Aedus screwed his eyes shut waiting for the incoming fist to hit him, flinching as it got close to him.

Ent gave a slight smile, knowing that Aedus wouldn't see it he wasn't afraid to show that he was happy the boy could stand up to himself. He removed the fist and gave Aedus a hard flick on the nose "If this was an actual fight, this type of kindness could kill either on of us. keep that in mind." Ent emotionlessly pointed out as he quickly changed his expression back to serious. He realised that he felt weaker than normal I'm not able to control how much of my energy I use in this world. He thought to him self.

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@Johnathan Laurence[/URL]
Renshi look around and he saw a guy that Nari described as his room mate. If only he had a way to contact him so he doesn't have to talk to him, buuut he didn't. So to get Kyo's attention Renshi sent some volts of black lightning from his left index finger giving Kyo a small shock.
(Sorry, just got up) Kyo jumped and practically flopped over the couch in surprise, "What the fuck just happened!" Taking off his headphones and getting up he looked over to see someone. "Who are you?"
Aedus felt a sharp pain on his nose Did he just flick me? Aedus thought as he slowly opened his eyes, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck "Anyway i should probably go get some more matches, It was nice meeting you though" Aedus said as he turned and started to walk away So where can i get matches?

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