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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

princxss said:
Looking up, Amethyst spotted another boy. Just her luck, they didn't seem to leave her alone. Though they were all harmless and friendly, one after another they asked her for help of some sort. Locking her aquamarine eyes with his, she looked at thin curiously before looking back down at her dandelion. It was awfully cute and small. She poked it with her hand again, a few of the 'seeds' flying off of it. Amethyst gazed in wonderment as they flew off into the dark night sky, and stared until she could no longer see them.
Kryotic gave a soft sigh as he averted his gaze, giving himself a few moments to collect himself and not flip out at this poor girl for the lack of respect. He had issues with that generally. Exposure therapy. He forced a small, kindly smile as he crouched next to her and joined her in staring at the dandelion. "I'm relatively new here. Music teacher. I'm trying to get acquainted with the students just in case I see them in my class. Can I get your name?"
Lily felt another presence in the hall. A dark aura. Her body stiffened. Please dont come near me..... she said to her self.

I hope he isnt a dark magic user, but could already tell he was probly going to be.

@Pollen Nak
'What's wrong?' asked Night Wing speaking in Lily's mind. She noticed the dark aura and prepared herself just in case anything happened.
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Pollen walked up to the presence, feeling the fear radiating from her. moving to where Lily was and noticing her he said "Come with me, you need to answer a few questions concerning why your outside of your designated dorm room." He gestured towards her, utilizing blood manipulation to force her to stand and adress him.

LilyannaGaming said:
Lily felt another presence in the hall. A dark aura. Her body stiffened. Please dont come near me..... she said to her self.
I hope he isnt a dark magic user, but could already tell he was probly going to be.

@Pollen Nak
Acey said:
Kryotic gave a soft sigh as he averted his gaze, giving himself a few moments to collect himself and not flip out at this poor girl for the lack of respect. He had issues with that generally. Exposure therapy. He forced a small, kindly smile as he crouched next to her and joined her in staring at the dandelion. "I'm relatively new here. Music teacher. I'm trying to get acquainted with the students just in case I see them in my class. Can I get your name?"
Amethyst looked at this mysterious young boy. Him, a teacher? She wanted to scoff, but held back politely. Seeing as how he was a teacher, she didn't want to appear rude. "Amethyst," she stated simply, gazing back down at the dandelion. It was odd seeing a teacher near the dorms, since she thought they had their own areas of residency. Plucking the dandelion out from the crack in the sidewalk, so stood up, letting the wind brush all of the dandelion seeds off. She watched as the wind carried them off into the night.
Lily used her telepathy "Dark magic has its servere tole on me and from what i sense theres a dark magic user nearby."
LilyannaGaming said:
Lily used her telepathy "Dark magic has its servere tole on me and from what i sense theres a dark magic user nearby."
Pollen stood, releasing her from the manipulation spell "Well, are you going to follow or must I force you?"
Lily grabbed her braclet. She slipped it her hoddie pocket. She felt her powers being drained being near this guy. She tried to break free of whatever was controlling her, but failed. All she could do has listen and feel like puking.
[QUOTE="Pollen Nak]Pollen walked up to the presence, feeling the fear radiating from her. moving to where Lily was and noticing her he said "Come with me, you need to answer a few questions concerning why your outside of your designated dorm room." He gestured towards her, utilizing blood manipulation to force her to stand and adress him.

Night Wing felt like hitting the proffessor but instead crowed at him, still oerched on Lily's shoulder.
"It your power even if your not using it my body is weak to it." she mumbled. Its Dark magic that weakens me

(Slow down cant keep up with RP.)

@Pollen Nak
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princxss said:
Amethyst looked at this mysterious young boy. Him, a teacher? She wanted to scoff, but held back politely. Seeing as how he was a teacher, she didn't want to appear rude. "Amethyst," she stated simply, gazing back down at the dandelion. It was odd seeing a teacher near the dorms, since she thought they had their own areas of residency. Plucking the dandelion out from the crack in the sidewalk, so stood up, letting the wind brush all of the dandelion seeds off. She watched as the wind carried them off into the night.
"My name's Kryotic Isle. Mr. Isle. Emperor. Whatever you're into." Kryotic stood as well, dusting himself off delicately, a look of disgust ghosting over his features as he brushed at a piece of nature sticking to his suit jacket. Gross. "Uhh-" he started eloquently, "-could I walk you back to your dorm? It's dangerous for a girl to walk around so casually when it's this dark. Don't get offended if you can take care of yourself, I'm simply... Gentle suggestion."
Pollen walked towards her, moving about 5 feet away from her, "I am the new teacher, and you are supposed to be in your dorm room, also, keep your pet under control, if it attacks me, it will not survive it. Now follow me to my office, I have questions for you, concerning your presence outside of your dorm."
[QUOTE="Pollen Nak]Pollen stood, releasing her from the manipulation spell "Well, are you going to follow or must I force you?"

[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Night Wing felt like hitting the proffessor but instead crowed at him, still oerched on Lily's shoulder.

Damen had already heard Night Wings call as he appeared behind the male professor using darkness to uncloak himself, his hands engulfed in black lightning and flames in the shape of a blade "Where are you taking them?" he asked in demanding yet quiet tone.
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as i go back o my dorm from my prank i see Mr. Isle and a young girl, i can't figure i out who it is, so i go in anyway, I see more clearly who it is, "Hello sir, and mam, I'll be on my way, no reason for me to be up, hehehe"
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Damen had already heard Night Wings call as he appeared behind the male professor using darkness to uncloak himself, his hands engulfed in black lightning snd flames in the shape id a blade "Where are you taking them?" he asked in demanding tet quiet tone.

Turning on the boy suddenly and dispelling his weapons and effects he grabbed him "Do not threaten me, I am here to try to keep your pitiful excuse for a species alive. and as for your little attempt at magic, I've seen better from my son, and hes been dead for longer than your species has walked this earth." he threw the boy into the wall and continued walking towards his office "You are to report to my office after class tommorrow for detention."
Acey said:
"My name's Kryotic Isle. Mr. Isle. Emperor. Whatever you're into." Kryotic stood as well, dusting himself off delicately, a look of disgust ghosting over his features as he brushed at a piece of nature sticking to his suit jacket. Gross. "Uhh-" he started eloquently, "-could I walk you back to your dorm? It's dangerous for a girl to walk around so casually when it's this dark. Don't get offended if you can take care of yourself, I'm simply... Gentle suggestion."
Amethyst bowed politely after Kryotic had finished his introduction. As he spoke, she still had a rather hard time believing that this man was to be a teacher. "No need," she murmured quietly, turning down his offer. She wasn't afraid of walking back to her dorm alone, she was powerful enough to at least defend herself, if not attack another student.
[QUOTE="Pollen Nak]Turning on the boy suddenly and dispelling his weapons and effects he grabbed him "Do not threaten me, I am here to try to keep your pitiful excuse for a species alive. and as for your little attempt at magic, I've seen better from my son, and hes been dead for longer than your species has walked this earth." he threw the boy into the wall and continued walking towards his office "You are to report to my office after class tommorrow for detention."

Damen got up not giving two shits about what the proffesor said "Sorry, I stopped caring and listening when you threatened my familiar…now let them both go" demanded Damen gritting his teeth snd trying to remain calm. Giving the professor a cold stare.
Kryotic furrowed his brow in slight confusion as he watched Jasper slink past, suspicion lighting up his gaze. He gave an absent-minded nod to Amethyst, frowning as he stared at the male student. "Jasper..." He greeted distantly. "What are you up to." It was barely a question. It really just meant stop.
Pollen turned to the boy and looked at him "If you attack me, you will die, and no-one will avenge you, I am not your enemy, I recommend you remember that, as for your familiar, I will not apologize for warning a hostile creature that it would be harmed if it attacked me. Now, go back to your Dorm, Or I will knock you out and throw you back in your Dorm."
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Silver came running out of no where in her wolf form. She reached lily and snarled at every one nearby. She then shifted to her human form to left lilys head up "What HAPPENED???" She demanded.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Pollen Nak
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[QUOTE="Pollen Nak]Pollen turned to the boy and looked at him "If you attack me, you will die, and no-one will avenge you, I am not your enemy, I recommend you remember that, as for your familiar, I will not apologize for warning a hostile creature that it would be harmed if it attacked me. Now, go back to your Dorm, Or I will knock you out and throw you back in your Dorm."

Damen gritted his teeth slightly but didn't say anything, Night Wing flew over and perched herself on his shoulder as Damen turned to walk away.
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i stop and turn around, "nothing, heheh" i laugh "You can't blackmail me, your up to! so what do you need, Sir?"
Pollen finally snapped and let out a loud incantation, forcing all the students to appear in their dorm rooms and leave him standing alone in the hall, A voice boomed out in each of their Dorms "the coming days hold great change and danger, you would do well to follow the lead of your headmaster and myself, for if you do not, then all of us will be in great danger."

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