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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Johnny frowns and decides to go back to slip's room and then he teleport back to see Slip reading " Hey sorry about me popping up everywhere" says Johnny with a hint of sadness in his tone
Nothing is really impossible, especially black lightning. Fuck the laws of physics that's what I say. I'm pretty sure magic exists out the laws of physics. And if you must know I was here training mentally. @Majarkhon
SubwayZero said:
Slip flicks through the pages, surprisingly from right to left; and each page filled with a series of black and white pictures, like a comic. "It's called Bleach. Bit of a reminder of home, think I've read it about three time through in this one." Slip slots out a small bookmark, a string in the shade of a creamy white and seems to appear even more relaxed than before. "Quite an eventful morning on my part."
@Daggora Keket @ExoHunter
[QUOTE="Johnathan Laurence]Johnny frowns and decides to go back to slip's room and then he teleport back to see Slip reading " Hey sorry about me popping up everywhere" says Johnny with a hint of sadness in his tone

"Oh I love Bleach! Granted, I only ever read through the first arc. But still." Daggora said, before looking over at Johnny, startled as he popped out of nowhere again. "It's fine.." she said. "Kind of startling. But fine. Well for me anyway."
metalcity said:
Ent sighed "What's the point in having friends, everyone dies alone any ways. That's all us lonely creatures can do correctly is die." Ent said as he removed his hand from the shake, he placed it in his pocket. "And why should I show you my powers?" Ent asked as he started to grow bored of the current situation.
"That's the point of having friends, so you don't have to die alone" Aedus replied, his voice still cheerful despite Ent's depressive attitude "I never said you had to show me your powers, i just wanted to know if you had them as well and what they were, If you don't want to tell me that's fine" Aedus smiled, enjoying the conversation between him and Ent.


"You're kind of mental." Damon deadpanned, getting his third bottle of soda out from a pocket and chugging it. "You never had time to train your power growing up? Kinda sad." He spoke between gulps.
Breaking the gaze she had with the boy, she looked toward the other one who had just approached them--Johnathan. Merely nodding politely, she looked back at Rin. "Where?" She asked. This was the most words she had spoken in a long time. She hadn't really bothered to introduce her to them, she wasn't even sure if they'd stay together for much longer. Amethyst was merely trying to help the lost boy.

@Johnathan Laurence @Grimmlock
Ent started to become annoyed by how nice the boy was "Why are you so cheerful? it doesn't make sense." He asked, not yet trusting the boy. His tail started to sway with the light breeze that gusted past them, his ears twitched.

"Oh, well I was looking for a library or somewhere quiet. I don't like all the commotion and there's like a party in the dorm next to mine," Rin explained, forcing a polite smile.

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"Why shouldn't I be cheerful?" Aedus asked, confused "I'm in a new school, filled with new interesting people, like you. So what's there to be uncheerful about? Aedus added, his voice filled with excitement and joy

SubwayZero said:
Slips stares towards Johnny for a brief moment, still looking a bit puzzled towards what use to thin air. He quickly shakes his head, giving a light nod, then twisting his attention back to to the book and Daggora. "I never really had the money to buy many of the issues. Not many book or manga stores in a scientific city." Slips peers out the window for a brief second, taking a short breath. "I got a few other issues with me too. Though you shouldn't look through the bag yourself for your own sanity." Slip gives a light laugh under his breath, grinning as he quickly taps the bag and zips it up almost immediately afterwards.
@Daggora Keket @ExoHunter @Johnathan Laurence
Daggora looks back at Slip and smirked. "Got it. No touching the bag." She stood up. "You're not the only one with skeletons in you're closet though." She laughs bitterly, before yawning and stretching. "I'm tired, though. And hungry." She walks over to the door. "I'm getting something to eat. Want to come?" She asks, looking back over her shoulder at Slip, one hand on the door knob.
Johnathan sees Daggora leaving and says" I'll go to the training room to train" then he teleports to the training room to feel a slight volt of electricity and then notices Damon and some other guy "Hey you guys" says Johnny a little bit nervous
No don't get me wrong now. I did plenty of training growing up. Actually when I wasn't eating and sleeping I was training. You can never stop Training my dear friend. @Majarkhon
Ent realised that there was no way he could argue against the boy, he was blinded by joy and didn't see the threats of truth. However Ent was kinder than to enlighten him to these truths. "You asked me about my powers, how do I know that you wont use the information to beat me in a fight? If you were to show me yours I might be more generous and show you mine." Ent said, he sounded slightly kinder; as if the joy from Aedus was contagious.

Kyoshi looked at Akinari, ignoring whatever he was saying. Not having anything better to do he used a Teleportal and teleported to the library on campus. Now having peace and quiet he turned up his music just loud enough that someone next to him would hear it he grabbed a book and sat, reading a story about a girl in the afterlife. @Grimmlock (If you'd like to chat)

Akinari was yelling, "Kyo we need to get this place organized damn you!" Before he could finish he noticed Kyoshi disappear, "Damn it Kyo! Whatever... I guess I'll organize our dorm... not like Kyo ever cares anyway..." Picking up some trash Akinari began fixing up the dorm to look decent.
"Wow you have no life. At all. I feel bad for you still." Damon pouted, chugging the rest of his drink and bringing a hand to his mouth to suppress a burp. "Like what else are you gonna do with that power? You zap some bad guys, that's it. And I'm pretty sure you have it down. But what are you gonna do now, Sparky?"

@Kj carswell
Johnny look at Damon and the look at this so call sparky and guess that little strike of electricty was his fault. Johnny then teleports closer to the two and says hi again @Majarkhon @Kj carswell
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Black lightning started surging through his eyes. "Please don't call me that. And yeah after I ran away from I really didn't do much, but when I Saw the Flier I Decided to come and start having a life. So you know my abilities what's yours? " @Majarkhon
SubwayZero said:
Slip raises an eyebrow curiously towards her, but eventually raises up to his feet slowly holding a smirk "A dinner date already?" The clear jesting and mix of sarcasm blend equally in his words in a joking manner. His own laugh raising for a couple of seconds afterwards. "I'll be there soon after I find my shoes and my spare lighter."
@Daggora Keket @ExoHunter @Johnathan Laurence
Daggora snorted. "Yeah, sure thing. See you then." She opened the door and waved before walking out of it, closing the door behind her, and heading to the cafeteria. She grabbed a chicken sandwich and some fries, and went to sit down at an empty table.
"I can silence any action of mine or essentially make myself temporarily deaf. It's great when I'm around some rather annoying people." Damon smiled proudly, standing up to demonstrate his ability. Nothing about him seemed to change, yet when he walked around Renshi, he was unnervingly silent. "See?" He spoke, though then realized his voice was also silenced. He shut off his power and spoke again. "...See?"

@Kj carswell
Johnny smiles at the Sparky guy " Hey i see you don't like that name what's your name" says Johnny as he looks at Damon and nods slightly since he still doesn't feel like Damon good.

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