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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

[QUOTE="Kj carswell]Renshisits down and starts meditating during a more mental training than physical. As Renshi meditated black lightning started to cloak his body. The black lightning was causing a small electrical surge. Thelights were flickering on and off.
*Open for anyone*

Once back inside, Damon raised a brow at the flickering lights. "You'd think a fancy place like this would have some decent electricity." He rolled his eyes, walking down the hall and past the training room. He felt his hairs bristle as if the air was charged with static. That was enough to pique his curiosity, a hand coming up to turn the knob to the training room. He flinched and hissed as static jolted him, but opened the door anyway. Upon seeing Renshi his eyes widened. "Whoa there uh. Kid. You're gonna hurt someone."

@Kj carswell
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(@Grimmlock This is fast-paced, so I'm always missing out too! ^~^ ;)

Amethsyt turned to the side slowly, seeing a boy walk down the hallway. He appeared slightly confused and lost, looking from side to side. Though she didn't often speak, she walked up to him slowly, not wanting to startle him. As her lucid Aquamarine-colored eyes made contact with his, she spoke softly, "are you lost?"

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"Hey i'm gonna take Damion back to the room" says Johnny as he grab Damion and teleports back to the room and then teleports back to maps to see Ent in the guy face. Johnny then rushes to ent and seperates them " calm down Ent he new here" says Johnny
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Renshi was too focused to hear you where you were. Damon would have to get closer and would tread lightly. @Majarkhon
"Kid. Are you bloody deaf?" Damon scowled, taking a tentative step towards Renshi. His hairs stood on end, looking rather comical despite him internally fearing for his life. Once he was as close as he could get without dying, he called out again, "Hey, you're gonna KILL SOMEONE." There was an odd lilt to his tone, as if that fact made him happy.
Rin gave her a confused look for a moment. "Oh, yeah I think I am..." He said staring at her nearly hypnotizing eyes. "I didn't grab a map when I got my schedule and dorm assignment," he explained as he felt like he should give her further explanation.

SubwayZero said:
Slips pulls out an unlit cigarette, but doesn't seem to have too many left by now. "You seem interesting, Daggora.Feel free to pop in if you ever feel like catching up with us, or having one of these." Slips furthers the cigarette towards Daggora, before swiftly placing it back in the packet. Slips almost seems to reach the edge of his bed, only to suddenly see Johnny return. slips quickly looks towards him, a partially puzzled face. "I don't think I'll be able to get use to that any time soon." Popping up outta nowhere is almost freaky."
@ExoHunter @Daggora Keket @Johnathan Laurence
Daggora looked at Slip as he offered a cigarette, before putting it back up. "No Thanks, not my thing." She looked over at where Johnny was. "I do have to agree on you with the teleporting thing though."
"N-no i don't want to fight, I'm sorry" Aedus replied I'm sure this guy is just having a bad day He thought to himself. Aedus was broken out of his thoughts by another boy moving him and the boy away from each other "It's fine" Aedus said to the other boy, giving him a small smile before turning back to face the boy "If you're having a bad day I'm sure i can find a way to help your day get better, I'm Aedus by the way" Aedus said holding out his hand for the boy to shake, his confidence slowly returning

@metalcity @Johnathan Laurence
"What! What happened! " Renshi lost his focus and the lightning cloak that was emitting from him disappeared and the static in the air started to lower. @Majarkhon
Ent took a step back, surprised by the boys kindness. What is wrong with this kid, he honestly looks like he didn't mean anything. He thought to himself "Errr...I'm Ent, n-ni-ce to me-e-e-t you." He said, he kept stopping because the feeling of him being nice made him feel sick. He placed his hand out and started to shake the boys hand, "So, what did you want with me?" Ent ignored Johnny. Ent made eye contact with the boy the whole time, in-case he tried anything.

@GingerBread @Johnathan Laurence
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"Um you were kinda going all zappy there but. Whatever." Damon shrugged nonchalantly, looking over the unfamiliar guy. "I'm guessing you're some electrical guy. I wonder if you could charge my phone..." He pondered, poking Renshi and giving a huff when he was zapped. "So yeah, what's your name? Nah, forget it, I'll call you Sparky. I'm Damon."
Johnny decides to walk to Slip's and Crimson room this time. He slowly starts to walk when he noticed a girl and this guy talking he then slowly walked towards them and said " Hi im Johnathan or Johnny you guys?" @princxss @Grimmlock
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Daggora looked over at Slip as she gets into a more comfortable position, leaning against the wall beside the door, legs stretched out in front of her, crossed at the ankles. She thinks for a second. "Hmm.....about 5 or 6 hours before you called me a cat....I think. You?"

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"What really was it that bad. And yeah I can manipulate black lightning. " He said as the kid poked him shocking himself. "Yeah you probably shouldn't touch me yet. And don't ever call me sparky. My name is Renshi or Ren" @Majarkhon
"Black lightning sounds kind of impossible concerning the laws of physics, but whatever floats your boat, Sparky." Damon smirked deviously, continuing to poke Renshi because he honestly liked the static. "So why are you here going all bzzt?" He asked the question as vaguely as possible.

@Kj carswell
Aedus's smile grew bigger as Ent started to shake his hand "I just wanted to say hi and see if you wanted to be friends, I'm kinda lacking in the friends department" Aedus Looked at the ground again, a small frown appearing on his face as he was reminded of how he lost his last friends. Aedus lifted his head up again the frown gone in an instant "Anyway do you have any powers?" Aedus asked, his voice filled with confidence and excitement, his natural personality returning.

SubwayZero said:
Slip slowly rustles through the dark red bag, his hand causing all sort of shuffling noises to occur until he finally manages to grasp a small blue book, reveling it from the sacks depths. "About three minutes until I called you a cat." slip lets out a partial chuckle, holding a short grin before comfortably settling his head against the pillow and opening the pages.
Daggora laughs. She sees Slip open the book and crawls over to him curious. "Whatcha readin?"
SubwayZero said:
Slip slowly rustles through the dark red bag, his hand causing all sort of shuffling noises to occur until he finally manages to grasp a small blue book, reveling it from the sacks depths. "About three minutes until I called you a cat." slip lets out a partial chuckle, holding a short grin before comfortably settling his head against the pillow and opening the pages.
@Daggora Keket @ExoHunter
Crimson laughs and then says "insay 2 minets" while tring bit to life.
Ent sighed "What's the point in having friends, everyone dies alone any ways. That's all us lonely creatures can do correctly is die." Ent said as he removed his hand from the shake, he placed it in his pocket. "And why should I show you my powers?" Ent asked as he started to grow bored of the current situation.


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