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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

ExoHunter said:
crimson sees the massive beast look at him an he got
Crimson say "i dont mind knock your self out"
[QUOTE="Johnathan Laurence]"go ahead" says Johnny as he sits by Damion who just finished his treat and then licks Johnny face

Daggora smiles excitedly. And goes a few steps away from them. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She visualizes Damion's beast form. When she has a good picture of it in her mind, she reaches out to it, and melds with it. Her clothes stretch and become fur, her teeth, eyes and everything else changes. When she opens her eyes again, she has taken the same form as Damion's Beast form. he barks and bounds over to the others, directing her thoughts at them to talk to them without shifting back. ~Awesome! I did it!~ She sits down beside them, tail wagging happily.
Ent turned his head slightly to see someone new call out, "What does he want with me?" He muttered to himself, he decided to ignore the boy and turned back to the map.

(@Majarkhon Ahh! Terribly sorry, but feel free to try and talk to more people. I have a bit of trouble keeping up with this role play:)
Johnny looks at Daggora and looks shocked " you can a shapeshifter too?' says Johnny and then smiles as he leans into Damion side as he barking all wildly. " Hey can you guys watch him I need to get a map i still don't know all of the school places yet" asks Johnny with puppy eyes and pointy teeth
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Aedus was slightly discouraged by the boy ignoring him He probably didn't hear me, i was probably too quiet Aedus thought as he walked nearer to the boy "Hey" He repeated, gingerly tapping the boy on the shoulder.

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Amethsyt merely rolled her eyes at the boy standing in front of her, and leaned against a locker. Why bother wasting words with the him? He clearly didn't seem like good news. After a while, the boy finally left, dejected that he couldn't get more out of her. She gave a few scoffs and eye rolls, but that was it.

Suddenly, a ray of sunlight hit her. Looking towards the origin, she closed her eyes and a smile escaped her lips. The sun felts amazing against her skin, which was cold from the wind. A slight breeze passed by, and Amethsyt hair blew calmy. It was calm, peaceful moments like these that she appreciated.
Damon decided that a bit of fresh air was what he needed after his recent binge and trying to talk to that rather antisocial girl. There was probably someone out there that he'd have better chances with charming. He sat on a patch of dry grass, getting a half empty bottle of soda from one of his deep jacket pockets and sipping it slowly, wanting to make it last. But why would he need to make it last when he had dozens of other bottles stashed away? Nobody knows.

-open for anyone-
Ent started to become annoyed again, his tail moved and wrapped around the boys wrist and lifted his hand away from him. He turned his head to get a clear view of the boy "I ignored you for a reason child, but as you wont stop what business do you have with me. Speak!" He finished with a snap, he was confused by the boy.

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Johnny suddenly gets up and teleports to the maps to see Ent and some guy there" hey Ent isn't friendly at all his a major dick so dont waste your time with him by the way it Johnny you?" says johnny as he grabs a map and sits and wait for his answer
SubwayZero said:
Slips takes a short blow at his cigarette once again, then shoving it into the ash tray near the end of the bed; the smoky cinders getting swept all over the glass, bowl-like shaped, tray. "How does her clothes even survive that?" Slips voice clearly has a heavy hint of curiosity coming from them, as he leans slightly off the wall to look closer "Unless they don't."
@ExoHunter @Johnathan Laurence @Daggora Keket
Daggora rolled her eyes, at smoker guys question and shifted back into her human form. "They survive by become fur, feathers, scales, or whatever it is that the animal I turn into has." Daggora looks up at Smoker guy. "That reminds me, by the way. What's your name? Cause as fun as calling you smoker guy is, it gets tiring after a while." She looks at the other two. "What are your names too?"
[QUOTE="Daggora Keket]Daggora rolled her eyes, at smoker guys question and shifted back into her human form. "They survive by become fur, feathers, scales, or whatever it is that the animal I turn into has." Daggora looks up at Smoker guy. "That reminds me, by the way. What's your name? Cause as fun as calling you smoker guy is, it gets tiring after a while." She looks at the other two. "What are your names too?"

Crimsons perks up and replys" Im Crimson Toro"
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Aedus flinched at the boy's aggressive tone "S-sorry I'm new here" He said nervously, as he started petting the boy's tail without even realizing it, it helping to calm him down. Aedus then noticed that he was petting the Boy's tail and quickly moved his hand away

"S-sorry" Aedus apologized again, casting his gaze to the ground

SubwayZero said:
Slips leans back against the wall, but as he is about to speak he looks over to where Johnny was, blinking a few times before giving a light shrug and reverting his gaze back to the human shapeshifter "Name's Slips, or whatever. I ain't all to picky, so Smoker-guy is up for grabs if you really wanna pick it." Pretty soon he raises his hands to either side, attempting to give an innocent look, but holding his head down and holding a playful grin. "Though I hope Johnny gets back to pick up his dog. I ain't an animal tamer so I ain't going near it unless it bites me to pieces." Slips quickly returns to his normal body stature, and popping a short smile towards the shapeshift on his last question. "You got a name too?"
@ExoHunter @Daggora Keket
ExoHunter said:
Crimsons perks up and replys" Im Crimson Toro"
Daggora smiles at the two. "Nice name's, they look like they fit the two of you. I'm Daggora."
"I'm new and I'm not being a pain in the ass." Then Ent started to giggle, he noticed that his tail was being 'attacked' but it was making him laugh What is this? He thought to himself before he started rolling around on the floor, he couldn't stop laughing "What are you doing to me?!?! what attack is this?!?!" He asked in desperation, when the boy stopped Ent got up and brushed the dust off. He walked over to him "Are you looking for a fight?"


As Renshi continued to meditate his black lightning cloak started to slowly grow, as his focused became more intense.
(Damn, I'm always posting and I miss my opportunities, so operation random entry is a go!)

Rin was walking down a hallway, completely lost, "This is what I get for not grabbing the map," he said with a completely bored expression.
[QUOTE="Johnathan Laurence]Johnny then remembered he left Damion and he then teleports to Crimson's and Slip's room

Crimson says "where have you been i think you forgot something"

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