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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Upon being asked to show his powers Aedus got Excited once again as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his box of matches, he had a bit of difficulty getting a match out as he hands were shaking with excitement Someone wants to see my powers, Yay! Aedus thought as he finally got a match out of the box and struck it against the side of the box, igniting it.

As the match ignited Aedus threw it behind Ent before disappearing into embers and reappearing behind Ent, a tower of flames surrounding him. Aedus extended his hand to the side. As he did this the fire surrounding him became more dense and formed a sword made of pure fire near Aedus's extended arm before coming to rest in Aedus's outstretched hand "So what did you think?" Aedus asked Ent his voice still filled With excitement I hope he thought it was cool Aedus though to himself

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"My names Renshi we had training class together. And that was pretty cool. Very usually for getting out of sticky situations." Renshi was impressed with Damon's Ability @Majarkhon
SubwayZero said:
Slips carefully places the cream colored string back into place, making sure it is centered as close to the spine of the book as possible. After a few moments of silence, Slips looks around the room, realizing that Crimson seems to have fallen asleep and and gives a soft smile to himself "I guess we blended in here quicker than we thought." Slowly, he slides his legs from the edges of the bed, placing his copy of bleach by the nightstand and pulling a navy green jacket from under his bed, almost the same color as his three quarter lengths.
Moments later, Slip presses open one of the twin doors to the cafeteria, and slowly, but rather softly approaches the food selection; choosing the first of the light meals that was in grasp, which happened to be a egg and mayo sandwich. "Egg and Mayo.. not the worst." After a light shrug, Slip tries to search around for Daggora's table.

@Daggora Keket
Daggora had just sat down and started to eat when she saw Slip walk in and grab something to eat. He looked around the cafeteria, probably trying to find her. Daggora decided to help him out and stuck her hand in the air, twiddling her fingers in wave, in his direction.
"Yeah do you guys want to hit up the cafeteria or the lounge and play a couple of games? " he asked as he began putting his clothes back on since he was in nothing but his basketball shorts while training.
Akinari had decided to go to the cafeteria to get something to snack on. After getting an apple and some coffee he shadow dashed to an empty table nearby and started muttering under his breath, cursing every now and then. "Where is Kyo, he's probably got my damn trinket on him that bastard. Why am I friends with him again?! Whatever, I just need to relax is all..." Taking a bite of his apple he chugged down half of his coffee. "Ahh, that hits the spot." @SubwayZero @Kj carswell (Whomever wants to interact feel free)
"Heh, almost nobody is in the cafeteria now, so no food for... You know what, let's just go to the lounge, it sounds like fun." Damon tried to mask his more criminal side with a charming grin, ushering Renshi out of the training room and walking to where he assumed the lounge was. Truth was, he was wandering for the sake of wandering. Yet he managed to end up in the cafeteria anyway, the allure of food too strong for him to resist. He spotted Akinari, giving a small smirk before sitting next to him. "Hey there."
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Ent was surprised by what just happened, he thought it was unique and seeing the boys face made his heart go warm. "Not seen a power like that before, seems handy. Also seems like you would be able to defend your self, which is also handy." Ent sighed "You showed me yours, guess I should repay the favour." With that Ent lifted his hand and pointed it towards Aedus, the oxygen around the flame sword started to move away creating a vacuum forcing the sword to leave existence. He then moved his hand as if he was drawing a picture just with out a canvas, the air started to turn into darkness and started to blow around Ent's finger tips, he had balls of dark air levitated above his fingers. He moved his hand to show Aedus the back of his hand and it was stood still. "I can manipulate dark air/wind, doing so I can draw out and manipulate the dark and destructive aspects of the air and wind. Allowing me to create and shape this magic, also allowing me to create vacuums, such as what I did to your sword." Ent realised he gave to much away, he started worry slightly but quickly came to and sent the balls into spirals of dark wind that flew into the sky. Ent put his hands in his pockets, his ears fell flat on his head and his tail moved strangely, almost as if he was happy.

When Renshi got done putting on his clothes he was wearing a red button up plaid shirt, some blue Jeans with a chain attached, white shoes and socks, and an all white crew neck T-shirt. Renshi starts getting dress putting on lotion and deodorant then his clothes. He ran into another pocket in his suitcase pulling out a red beanie and red and white Bluetooth headphones. He then followed Damon as he decided to head to the lounge but we ended up in the cafeteria in front of Akinari. "What up bro? I see we get new people everyday"

@Majarkhon @Dnaleri017
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SubwayZero said:
Slip's hazel eyes soon catch on to the familiar face of Daggora, and the small waving gesture causing a minor smile to spread. Upon reaching the table, Slip spares no second thought and almost slouches into the seat, and pulling open the plastic cover of the sandwiches. Before he decides to bite into it, he looks up to Daggora, leading his neck back very slightly and asks "Wha'd you get?"
((Sorry if reply's are slow, getting a tad tired IRL :c))

@Daggora Keket
(It's fine, I'm doing other stuff IRL, so mine might be a little slow too.)

Daggora put her hand down as she saw Slip start heading over to her. She put some ketchup on a napkin, as he sat down. "Chicken Sandwich and Fries. You?" She asked, dipping a fry in the ketchup and eating it.
Majarkhon said:
"Heh, almost nobody is in the cafeteria now, so no food for... You know what, let's just go to the lounge, it sounds like fun." Damon tried to mask his more criminal side with a charming grin, ushering Renshi out of the training room and walking to where he assumed the lounge was. Truth was, he was wandering for the sake of wandering. Yet he managed to end up in the cafeteria anyway, the allure of food too strong for him to resist. He spotted Akinari, giving a small smirk before sitting next to him. "Hey there."
Akinari looked up at the newcomer. "Hi. You are?" Before having a chance to even get an answer another person came over. "Okay, more people... lovely... What's your names? I'm Akinari Sugimura." He had a slight twitch in his eye and took a sip of his coffee.

@Kj carswell (Also, Akinari is a dude... js)
Nubia quickly made her way across the hallway to the cafeteria in excitement. The aura coming off of her was a mixture of said excitement and nervousness. She had never met another person like her other than her father. As long as you don't act out, then everything will be okay, she thought. Hopefully she was correct as she walked inside to see three people inside. Two of them were sitting together while one was sitting alone away from them. Nubia decided to place her backpack down on the table beside the two's table before grabbing something to eat. She gave them a small wave and went to get something to eat. She grabbed a PB&J sandwich and a small carton of milk and made her way back. There, she saw a couple more people in the room near her seat. "H-Hello." She spoke a bit softer than usual, as she wasn't used to all of these people. Walking past them, she sat down in her seat and began to observe.

@Kj carswell @SubwayZero
"I'm Damon, nice to meet you." Damon spoke charmingly, lips quirked with the right kind of seductive smile. "So what brings you to this academy? Some physics defying power like Sparky here?" He nodded towards Renshi before refocusing on the other guy.
*Okay i changed my post*

"Names Renshi please don;t call me sparky" he said as he punched Damon "What's your name?' @Majarkhon
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[QUOTE="Daggora Keket](It's fine, I'm doing other stuff IRL, so mine might be a little slow too.)
Daggora put her hand down as she saw Slip start heading over to her. She put some ketchup on a napkin, as he sat down. "Chicken Sandwich and Fries. You?" She asked, dipping a fry in the ketchup and eating it.

Slip peers down to the plastic covering, twisting the container around slightly in his hands and the small white sticker placed as a label. "Egg and mayo." After a brief moment of lifting the sandwich, he takes a small bite; chewing slowly until a short gulp. "Isn't bad either." He continues to take a few more bites, until about half the meal is left in his hand and raises his spare hand, but quickly realizes the lack of a cigarette as he accidentally taps his own face. "Seems all the lighters where out of gas, so I'll be doing without a light till I hit the shops again."
Aedus's face was covered with a massive smile as he heard Ent complement his power, Aedus expression was quickly replaced with wonder and interest when Ent showed him his power "That was so cool" Aedus exclaimed "But i'm sure my power would be better in a fight" He joked, a grin plastering his face.

(back for now ) Johnny teleports from the training room to the cafeteria since pizza was calling his name to be met with alot of people. "hey you guys" says johnny a little lost
"Is that a challenge?" Ent said with a evil grin, his tail started to turn more into a wag as he started to get more excited over the fact he may be fighting.

"No, no physics," she smiled small. "My powers are rather odd, to say the least. My name is Nubia. It is also nice to meet you." She held out her hand once she placed her food on the table.

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Akinari nodded, "It's definitely something to meet you two. Nothing I'd say nice but not horrid either." Akinari took another chomp of his apple before standing up, "You can call me Nari since I don't really care to hear my name too often. Anyway, all you gotta know is that I probably hate you all until further notice. Why? Because I can and you're all strangers to me still." Nari looked around, "Now if any of you people see a loser wearing a pair of headphones and probably ignoring you unless he's looking at you let me know, it's my buddy Kyo and he's an ass for leaving me to clean our dorm." @Majarkhon @Kj carswell
SubwayZero said:
Slip peers down to the plastic covering, twisting the container around slightly in his hands and the small white sticker placed as a label. "Egg and mayo." After a brief moment of lifting the sandwich, he takes a small bite; chewing slowly until a short gulp. "Isn't bad either." He continues to take a few more bites, until about half the meal is left in his hand and raises his spare hand, but quickly realizes the lack of a cigarette as he accidentally taps his own face. "Seems all the lighters where out of gas, so I'll be doing without a light till I hit the shops again."
Daggora wrinkled her nose. "Mayo, gross. Butter is much better." She said, before reaching into her pocket. "Here." She gently tossed a full lighter at him. "I found this on the floor this morning. Keep it, I'm not using it."
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