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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

metalcity said:
Ent watched as the man became lifeless. He used the more holes in the man's head to make is completely fall apart only leaving cut up brains and flesh. Ent let go of the man and watched him fall to the ground. Ent managed to control his thoughts and he looked at Aedus, then holding him up straight. He saw how the shape he was in and sighed gently "Will you live?" Ent asked peacefully.
@Kazehana @GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz
Aedus looked at Ent, his eyes glistening with tears "I-I'm s-scared E-Ent, I-I'm s-so s-scared" Aedus said as he started crying again. Aedus wrapped Ent in a hug, trying to ignore the pain that it caused "I-I l-love you E-Ent" Aedus said before he buried his head into Ent's shoulder "I-I d-don't w-want to d-die" Aedus said, his voice a weak whisper as he began sobbing into Ent's shoulder

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Having watched the man turn to ash, she stopped and fell to the ground, legs bent backwards in a seated position. Seeing as how there wasn't anything else to worry about, she decided to catch her breath for just a moment. Noticing Damen, she scurried over to try to help, but she didn't know what to do. "What even happened to you?" she asked, at a loss for energy from the excitement of the fight.

Verte called 911, hoping that they would come in time to tend to the wounds of the boys who got injured in the fight.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @metalcity

(What? Why?) @GingerBread
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GingerBread said:
Aedus looked at Ent, his eyes glistening with tears "I-I'm s-scared E-Ent, I-I'm s-so s-scared" Aedus said as he started crying again. Aedus wrapped Ent in a hug, trying to ignore the pain that it caused "I-I l-love you E-Ent" Aedus said before he buried his head into Ent's shoulder "I-I d-don't w-want to d-die" Aedus said, his voice a weak whisper as he began sobbing into Ent's shoulder

Ent smiled "I know, it will all be over soon. I love you Aedus. You will remain in my heart, forever. I love you." Ent calmly said, the love being show in his voice. He changed the air in to a dagger and stabbed Aedus for a instant kill.
Kazehana said:
Having watched the man turn to ash, she stopped and fell to the ground, legs bent backwards in a seated position. Seeing as how there wasn't anything else to worry about, she decided to catch her breath for just a moment. Noticing Damen, she scurried over to try to help, but she didn't know what to do. "What even happened to you?" she asked, at a loss for energy from the excitement of the fight.
@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @metalcity

(What? Why?) @GingerBread
Damen looked up at her, losing blood heavily "He--Heather…I--Did I…tell you…that I l-" he couldn't speak due to the bullet that pierced his lung and the deep slash across his chest. He raised his hand to reach out at her and tell her something he felt he needed to tell her but no words came out. He squinted his eyes and let his body collapse onto the ground.

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Time seemed to slow down for Aedus as Ent stabbed him in the heart, Aedus didn't even feel any pain from it, he just felt..... nothingness How could he do this? i thought he loved me Aedus thought as he felt his heart beat one last time At least he made it quick, he knew i was going to die, so he killed me so i wouldn't have to suffer dying slowly Aedus thought, still believing that Ent was a good person. Aedus felt his brain start to shut down and then nothing, Aedus felt nothing as he went limp in Ent's arms.

@metalcity (R.I.P Aedus I cried while writing this, it feels like one of my children has been killed D: )
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"Humph, you never were one for words," she remarked as an ambulance arrived (Fictional city, fictional response time). As the paramedics took Damen, they glanced at the other boy that looked injured as well as the man and a pile of ash. They didn't ask questions, but also knew that all three had already died. They did all they could in the ambulance, but insisted that he go to the ER. The girls recombined and left with them, leaving Ent with Aedus after a moment's hesitation. He probably needed his privacy anyway.

@Veyd Sahvoz @metalcity
Kazehana said:
"Humph, you never were one for words," she remarked as an ambulance arrived (Fictional city, fictional response time). As the paramedics took Damen, they glanced at the other boy that looked injured as well as the man and a pile of ash. They didn't ask questions, but also knew that all three had already died. They did all they could in the ambulance, but insisted that he go to the ER. The girls recombined and left with them, leaving Ent with Aedus after a moment's hesitation. He probably needed his privacy anyway.
@Veyd Sahvoz @metalcity
Damen kept coming in and out of conciousness in the ambulance and looked at Heather. A slight smile came to his face and he put his hand out for her but didn't say anything because of his wounds hurting.
Surprised that he was able to even move, she just kinda went along with it, hoping it was comforting or whatever. When they arrived at the ER, they rushed him into a room, but wouldn't let her go with because it was family members only. So she had to wait in the lobby with a scythe and a fascination chain. Awkward.

@Veyd Sahvoz
A tear fell from Ent's eye, it was the first time he loved someone and cried. The tear fell into Aedus's eye and then slowly ran down his cheek, looking like Aedus cried. "I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you...I love you, and always will." Ent continued to allow his tears fall onto Aedus. He then laid Aedus on the ground gently and took a step back. He smiled gently "You can help me, now." Ent raised his hand and clicked his fingers, using Destruction to make the body slowly turn to dust, then that dust turned to smaller dust until nothing was left. Ent fell to the ground spitting up blood, he looked up to see if it worked and it did. Noting was left of Aedus. Ent smiled gently needing to make sure he could do what he needed, even though it might kill him. Ent clicked hit fingers and could feel his soul start to shake and his mind going insane. Aedus reappeared in front of himself and Ent could feel himself about to explode. Then Aedus put the fire wings on his back and flu into the sky majestically. Ent smiled as he passed out, causing the Aedus clone to fade out of existence. It worked.

@GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana (Ent used Reanimation 'Power to reanimate corpses and dead beings. Sub-power of Necromancy, variation of Animation. Not to be confused with Resurrection.' I have changed it that he can only reanimate corpses that he has collected with Destruction)
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Kazehana said:
Surprised that he was able to even move, she just kinda went along with it, hoping it was comforting or whatever. When they arrived at the ER, they rushed him into a room, but wouldn't let her go with because it was family members only. So she had to wait in the lobby with a scythe and a fascination chain. Awkward.
@Veyd Sahvoz
After hearing about what happened to Damen, Night Wibg rushed to the hospital only to see that Heather was there. She preyed that Damen would be alright and waited.

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Kazehana said:
She looked up to see Night Wing, giving her a small nod, then went back to playing with her chain a little, trying to keep herself preoccupied.
@Veyd Sahvoz

(That's hella creepy) @metalcity
After they worked on Damen a nurse came out with a clipboard "Good news...He made it through the procedure" she exclaimed and said they were allowed to go inside. Night Wing went inside first to see how Damen was, and crying could be heard from inside.

Kazehana said:
Heather sighed and headed inside, still awkwardly holding her weapons. She got inside and took a chair, waiting for Night Wing to stop being so emotional.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing had stopped crying after Damen spoke a bit "I'm fine…Axelia" he said, the first time he'd spoken Night Wing's real name in a long time, even though it was her birth name her family always called her Night Wing because she could turn into a crow and her last name was Nighting. Axelia wiped away her tears, getting up off of the side of the bed, and smiled "I'll be right back okay?" and with that she left. Damen turned his head over to Heather and chuckled a bit "Hey" was the only thing that came to his mind at the moment.

Crimson who's been on his own for awhile heard what happened to Aedus. He wasn't sad to the point he cried but just sad that it happened. Crimson thought the guy was pretty cool and somewhat courageous. So to pay his respects he wanted to go to the hospital where Aedus was. Crimson and Zedd left the school in a flash of light appearing in the hospital in front of Damen and Heather. Zedd who was originally 5ft shrunk down to fit on Crimson's head (Like Kiba and Akamaru from Naruto). Crimson looked at Damen, Nightwing, and Heather who he haven't officially met. What room is he in? He asked in a calm and somewhat sad manner. @Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana
@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL] @Kazehana
Kazehana said:
She set down her scythe, but her chain was wrapped around her arm. "Hey, how are you feeling?"
@Veyd Sahvoz
"No idea mate…" said Damen, having some incling of who he was asking for, despite his loopiness from the anti-biotics. He looked back to Heather "Never better" he laughed a bit but it hurt like a sharp pain going through his chest so he stopped. "Listen...I need to tell you something" he looked right at her, opening up his mismatched eyes a bit so they weren't squinting. "…Do you know why I don't care about anything?"

@Kazehana @Embaga Elder
Heather had no idea how to react to the new guy, especially since it was such an awkward position for her to be in. She assumed Damen or Night Wing would help him, especially since she didn't know him. Lazily drifting her gaze back to Damen, she responded. "I always just assumed you had no personality."

@Veyd Sahvoz @Embaga Elder
Kazehana said:
Heather had no idea how to react to the new guy, especially since it was such an awkward position for her to be in. She assumed Damen or Night Wing would help him, especially since she didn't know him. Lazily drifting her gaze back to Damen, she responded. "I always just assumed you had no personality."
@Veyd Sahvoz @Embaga Elder
"Not quite" said Damen, looking over at Crimson "Sure, gather round" he chuckled, loopy a tad bit from the medication. He glanced at the wall and kept his gaze there for a long while "5 years ago…me and Axelia came across a murder. It was my step parents...smoke and fire every where" he took a moment and gulped. "They were already long dead…and it was my fault. If I would've stayed then maybe they would still be here. . .I asked myself that for so long"

@Kazehana @Embaga Elder

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