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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

@GingerBread[/URL] @Kazehana
Man #2 smirked as his sword sliced into the boy's chest before pulling it back and going for another attack aimed for the stomach

Aedus weakly tried to get his matches that had been dropped onto the floor when he'd been shot only for a sword to get stabbed straight through his hand causing him to let of a scream of pain.

@Veyd Sahvoz (I have the most creative names xD )
Ent heard the slight sound of gunfire then the sound of someone screaming. He sniffed slightly "Gun powder..." Ent looked to see Aedus gone, his face turned to terror slightly "Stupid boy." Ent rushed out the canteen and pulled out a pack of matches, the same ones that he looted from a guy to start off with. He ran out of the cafeteria and looked around, he saw slight commotion happening out side. Ent Ran out of the school, the streets became slightly more crowded "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!!!!" Ent shouted as he made a sword out of dark air, he started slicing down people in his way and reached to commotion, Ent lit a match "FUCKING MOVE YOU MORON!!! ONLY I CAN KILL YOU REMEMBER!!!" Ent desperately shouted as he waved the match slightly getting Aedus's attention. Ready to kill the man if need be, hoping he wouldn't have to in front of Aedus.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread (I got you bae)
Heather panted as she realized she was safe. But a really loud scream brought her back to reality. Quickly, she darted into a nearby blade emporium, where she guessed those two thugs were hanging out. She quickly bought a scythe, a really large and black one at that. Once she headed out, she split, letting Rouge take the scythe with her. While the others remained behind, waiting, she headed back into the alley, scythe in the ready position. She noticed Ent waving around a match, but had no idea what he was trying to accomplish. When she saw Man #2 trying to slice Damen, she parried with her handle and swung at him for an attack of her own.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @metalcity
Kazehana said:
Heather panted as she realized she was safe. But a really loud scream brought her back to reality. Quickly, she darted into a nearby blade emporium, where she guessed those two thugs were hanging out. She quickly bought a scythe, a really large and black one at that. Once she headed out, she split, letting Rouge take the scythe with her. While the others remained behind, waiting, she headed back into the alley, scythe in the ready position. She noticed Ent waving around a match, but had no idea what he was trying to accomplish. When she saw Man #2 trying to slice Damen, she parried with her handle and swung at him for an attack of her own.
@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @metalcity
Damen let out a yell of pain when his chest was slashed at and blood started seeping out. He struggled to get up and created an orb of darkness and sent it right through on of the hunters chests. He paused for a moment only to spin around an kick another thug.

@GingerBread @Kazehana @metalcity
(God you guys need to give me a chance to post xD )

Man #2 was knocked slightly of balance by the unexpected parry but quickly recovered but was knocked back by a sudden orb of darkness. Recovering, the man decided to back up slightly.

@Veyd Sahvoz (What thugs? lol)@Kazehana

Man #1 Ripped his sword out of Aedus's hands when he saw another freak waving a match about while shouting some nonsense. Man #1 Started charging towards the Newest Freak keeping his sword low, ready to block an attack or swing depending on what happened when he got close enough


Aedus weakly moved his head to look at Ent waving a match around. Aedus tried to control the fire but found that he couldn't control it, being too weak from blood loss at the moment.
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GingerBread said:
(God you guys need to give me a chance to post xD )
Man #2 was knocked slightly of balance by the unexpected parry but quickly recovered but was knocked back by a sudden orb of darkness. Recovering, the man decided to back up slightly.

@Veyd Sahvoz (What thugs? lol)@Kazehana

Man #1 Ripped his sword out of Aedus's hands when he saw another freak waving a match about while shouting some nonsense. Man #1 Started charging towards the boy keeping his sword low, ready to block an attack or swing depending on what happened when he got close enough


Aedus weakly moved his head to look at Ent waving a match around. Aedus tried to control the fire but found that he couldn't control it, being too weak from blood loss at the moment.
Before the man could back up, Damen plunged a ball of a strange ball of what appeared to be darkness right into the second mans chest. He froze when the adrenaline wore off and he began feeling the slash at his chest and the 4 bullet wounds in his back. Before he knew it he'd collapsed onto the ground and tried to get up but his vision slightly began to fade.

@Kazehana @GingerBread @metalcity
Jaune, Verte, and Violette poked their heads around the corner, trying to see what was going on. Jaune sighed as she watched the chaos. "I wish big brother were here. He'd finish them off in a jiffy." Violette was trying to coordinate Rouge's movements, attempting to give her her best shot at winning the bout.

Rouge spun her scythe behind and in front of her, and in one fluid motion at a random time, sliced at his lower torso/upper legs, hoping to incapacitate him.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @metalcity
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Kazehana said:
Jaune, Verte, and Violette poked their heads around the corner, trying to see what was going on. Jaune sighed as she watched the chaos. "I wish big brother were here. He'd finish them off in a jiffy." Violette was trying to coordinate Rouge's movements, attempting to give her her best shot at winning the bout.
Rouge spun her scythe behind and in front of her, and in one fluid motion at a random time, sliced at his lower torso/upper legs, hoping to incapacitate him. (I'm sort of assuming that Damen wasn't able to actually do what he said he was doing because of the whole distance thing)

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @metalcity
Man #2 Felt a searing pain as what appeared to be an orb of darkness got shoved into his chest. The man managed to block the girls attack but got knocked back in the process. The man stood up before dropping down onto one knee using his sword to hold himself up.

metalcity said:
Ent watched as the fire flicked as Aedus tried to use it, he gritted his teeth and throw it on the ground. Ent re summoned his sword and charged at the man "Only I can kill him! He is my boyfriend!!!" Ent shouted as he went to slash at the man.
@Kazehana @GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz
Man #1 brought his sword slightly higher to block Ent's attack. The man forced Ent backwards a bit before going over to Aedus and ramming the sword into his leg. "Well that just makes this even better" The man said before pulling the sword out of Aedus's leg and placing the edge of the sword on Aedus's forearm. "One wrong move and this boy loses an arm" The man announced upon seeing his teammate go down.
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Rouge looked curiously at the man, who was in no condition to fight. She put her scythe behind her back, letting it stand on its own handle. "You okay? It kinda looks like you could use some help," she prompted, unsure what she should do.

Verte couldn't handle the tension or the stress of watching anymore, so she ran to the blade store, asked for directions to where she could get a chain and a spell book, and ran around, trying to get them in time. When she returned, she, along with Jaune and Violette, performed a ritual to bring the chain to life with fascination magic. Relieved to have a safety net, she decided she could wait a little longer. After all, they had a back up in case Rouge got into serious trouble.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @metalcity
GingerBread said:
Man #2 Felt a searing pain as what appeared to be an orb of darkness got shoved into his chest. The man managed to block the girls attack but got knocked back in the process. The man stood up before dropping down onto one knee using his sword to hold himself up.
Man #1 brought his sword slightly higher to block Ent's attack. The man forced Ent backwards a bit before going over to Aedus and ramming the sword into his leg. "Well that just makes this even better" The man said before pulling the sword out of Aedus's leg and placing the edge of the sword on Aedus's forearm. "One wrong move and this boy loses an arm" The man announced upon seeing his teammate go down.
Kazehana said:
Jaune, Verte, and Violette poked their heads around the corner, trying to see what was going on. Jaune sighed as she watched the chaos. "I wish big brother were here. He'd finish them off in a jiffy." Violette was trying to coordinate Rouge's movements, attempting to give her her best shot at winning the bout.
Rouge spun her scythe behind and in front of her, and in one fluid motion at a random time, sliced at his lower torso/upper legs, hoping to incapacitate him.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @metalcity
Despite excrusiating pain spreading throughout his upper body, Damen pushed himself up slightly. He looked over at Ent then to Heather, only managing to burn the second man with black fire (which can't be extinguished) and slowly got up but wouldn't last long with the amount of blood spilling out of him.
Ent sneered and used Destruction to destroy half of the blade that was closely placed near Aedus, Ent fell to the ground slightly as pain ran through his body. His breathing became heavier and Ent managed to just stand up, panting heavily. Ent held eye contact with the man at all times, then raising his hands to use another spell but more pain ran though his body and Ent fell to the ground. "Dammit." Ent quickly stated in desperation trying to quickly think up a plan. Ent raised his hand and made a strong breeze knocking the guy back slightly, getting him off Aedus.

@Kazehana @GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz (I think this is slightly better)
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"Hello, dear classmates." Clair murmured as they lay on the bed. The dorm room was currently empty and dark. Today had been stupid, people had fought, Clair had been ignored.
Ent's eyes grow red with anger, completely becoming blind to his actions and not knowing what he would do. All the pain died down and Ent used wind to push himself over to Aedus and the man. Ent wrapped his hand around the sword and started to forcefully pull it out of Aedus's flesh, it cut Ent's hand and with the same as Aedus just reached the bone scratching it as blood flowed out of it and dripped onto Aedus. Ent continued to pant, his vision red like his blood. Ent used his other hand to grab the man's face, making the dark wind in the man's mouth and nose start to become sharp and start to viscously cut his insides. More blood dripped onto Aedus from Ent's hand.

@Kazehana @GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz
LilyannaGaming said:
"I never gave it a thought. Like I said I lived alone in a makeshift camp away from cities and towns. I only went to civilization when I needed supplies." Lily said. looking at the girl. @Veyd Sahvoz
GingerBread said:
Man number two let out a scream of pain as he was lit on fire, He started to wildly flail his sword at the boy as his skin started to bubble and burn.
Man number one looked as his partner was lit on fire "That was a wrong move" noticing half his greatsword had disappeared the man threw it to the ground and pulled out a Short sword instead as he got slightly pushed back. Walking back over to Aedus the man Swung the sword into Aedus's arm. Aedus screamed in pain as the sword connected with his bone, his screams died down to choked sobs as tears started rolling down his face. The man raised the sword up again intending to swing it at Aedus's arm to sever it from his body.

@metalcity @Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana
Night Wing sighed at Lily's response and smirked as she went on "Well then wouldn't you want to go to a spa sometime?" she asked, trying to recall if there was a spa in the city nearby. @LilyannaGaming

Damen protected himself with darkness and sent one last blast of black and blue flames at the second man before collapsing on the ground and finding it harder to breath as if gravity were 10x stronger.

@GingerBread @Kazehana @metalcity
Rouge panicked as the man burned alive. She thought it might be best to put him out of his misery. Since Damen seemed rather drained, she had to be the one to finish it. So she sliced at the man while he was preoccupied with Damen.

Verte's apprehensions rose again when she felt Rouge start to panic. She had to force herself to keep calm as she let Rouge take the fight herself. Jaune wouldn't let it go too far.

@Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @metalcity
Damen protected himself with darkness and sent one last blast of black and blue flames at the second man before collapsing on the ground and finding it harder to breath as if gravity were 10x stronger.

@GingerBread @Kazehana @metalcity
Man number two fell to the floor, his corpse slightly twitching as he continued burning as the girl sliced at him. Man number two eventually became nothing but ashes

@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana

metalcity said:
Ent's eyes grow red with anger, completely becoming blind to his actions and not knowing what he would do. All the pain died down and Ent used wind to push himself over to Aedus and the man. Ent wrapped his hand around the sword and started to forcefully pull it out of Aedus's flesh, it cut Ent's hand and with the same as Aedus just reached the bone scratching it as blood flowed out of it and dripped onto Aedus. Ent continued to pant, his vision red like his blood. Ent used his other hand to grab the man's face, making the dark wind in the man's mouth and nose start to become sharp and start to viscously cut his insides. More blood dripped onto Aedus from Ent's hand.
@Kazehana @GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz
Aedus felt blood dripping onto his face, looking up Aedus made out two figures; his vision blurry from the tear. Aedus could feel himself getting weaker as he lost more blood from the backstreet amputation.

Man number one Was surprised as the boy came running over before he had time to even react his insides felt like they were being sliced up, the man began coughing up blood before going limp, the only thing keeping him upright was Ent's hand.

Ent watched as the man became lifeless. He used the more holes in the man's head to make is completely fall apart only leaving cut up brains and flesh. Ent let go of the man and watched him fall to the ground. Ent managed to control his thoughts and he looked at Aedus, then holding him up straight. He saw how the shape he was in and sighed gently "Will you live?" Ent asked peacefully.

@Kazehana @GingerBread @Veyd Sahvoz

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