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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Kazehana said:
After Aedus' speech, Rouge and Jaune were left speechless, unable to even respond to Night Wing. Verte blinked her wide eyes away as she bit her lip and hesitated a moment before subtly shaking her head no. Violette, from her post, responded, "I agree with her. This doesn't seem like the best time for our involvement. We could try it another time, maybe?" she added, hoping that a compromise would satisfy her.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing just watched and listened to Aedus's speech. She nodded her head in a sorry gesture, she knew what it was like to feel that way and she'd been bullied like that but that still didn't stop her. Never would it stop her. She just watched and sat on the tree branch, watchig everything unravel.
"Because i'm the one person here who can calm him down, so i never Need to fight him and they could handle themselves. And Because if i stepped in and got hurt, It would've been worse for everyone involved." Aedus replied still glaring at Hayden "And 9 times out of ten if i try to get him to stop, he does. But when you try you make things so much worse"

"Oh yes I saw you try alright. Sitting back while everyone else fought was very effective. Calmed him down real quick. If you ignore the blinding rage and the daggers and the yelling. Got any more delusions?"
Jaune walked up to the party of men (and Abs), just out of range of the twins' tussle, after slipping out of Verte's grasp. "Sweetie, aren't you assuming quite a bit from your argument? Didn't you consider that most of that could have been planned out by consenting participants?" She held her arms, looking over at them as she spoke. "Aedus, why don't you try training with your friends in a training room? It might come off as less of an accident if someone else comes across you fighting," she suggested, hoping to resolve the conflict peacefully.

The other three watched on, Rouge waiting to see if Jaune would be fine without her.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Magattahana @GingerBread @metalcity @DJGomez
"Oh i sat back did i? Funny i remember trying to talk to him to calm him down, but i also remember getting stopped by people like you every time i tried. So what do you propose i do if people keep stopping me everytime i try?" Aedus responded, glaring daggers at Hayden.

Turning his attention towards Jaune
"I needed open space to train what i was doing, so i couldn't've been inside the training room to do it" Aedus explained.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Magattahana @Kazehana @metalcity @DJGomez
Kazehana said:
Jaune walked up to the party of men (and Abs), just out of range of the twins' tussle, after slipping out of Verte's grasp. "Sweetie, aren't you assuming quite a bit from your argument? Didn't you consider that most of that could have been planned out by consenting participants?" She held her arms, looking over at them as she spoke. "Aedus, why don't you try training with your friends in a training room? It might come off as less of an accident if someone else comes across you fighting," she suggested, hoping to resolve the conflict peacefully.
The other three watched on, Rouge waiting to see if Jaune would be fine without her.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Magattahana @GingerBread @metalcity @DJGomez
"I agree with Heather" (for once xD ) said Damen, walking out from behind a tree. He'd been watching the whole role of events play out for a while but the thing stopping him was to intervene or not. He glared at Hayden with his mismatched coloured eyes and 2 darkness beasts beside him, growling at Hayden.
"It stopped being a spar when he decided to drain the oxygen to kill Zane for his own amusement. I was here for when it started it was suppose to be a spar but Ent can't control the simplest of emotions and took it too far. If Adeus knows him so well then he should of stepped in when it went that far. Instead he cowards away until it's over and tries to make himself as something he isn't."

Zane screamed at Hayden. "I can handle myself, Hayden! Ent's little vacuums didn't bother me!" he usually didn't raise his voice that loud.

Abs tightened her grip on her brother.

@DJGomez @GingerBread

@Everyone else
DJGomez said:
"It stopped being a spar when he decided to drain the oxygen to kill Zane for his own amusement. I was here for when it started it was suppose to be a spar but Ent can't control the simplest of emotions and took it too far. If Adeus knows him so well then he should of stepped in when it went that far. Instead he cowards away until it's over and tries to make himself as something he isn't."
"Is putting all the negative things going to help yourself?" asked Damen, glaring at him still "That doesn't make any of what you did go away" he stated, beginning to think this all a drag.
"Sir, I would advise you not to assume, especially about people you don't know. Most of the time, when people assume, they speak and act too fast, causing more problems than necessary. For instance, this entire situation. I think you may have blown all of this out of proportion," she commented to Hayden, resisting the urge to roll her eyes even more.

"Aedus, i understand that you may have needed the room, but have you finished that portion of your training? If so, would you mind moving to a training room now? I think you guys just need some privacy right now," she pleaded, hoping they would get away from Hayden, at least for a while.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Magattahana @GingerBread @metalcity @DJGomez (copy/paste for the win)
"Because the devilish smile on his face said 'I'm not enjoing this and won't kill you' oh and the whole thing where he said, 'I only fght to the death'. Yes very convincing."
Aedus glared at Hayden "You're not even listening to us are you? you're just blocking out everything that doesn't prove you right. You didn't even try to defend yourself when i said you were trying to kill me with those rocks and icicles, so does that mean you were and just don't want to admit it out loud? Are you that desperate to seem like the good guy here?" Aedus questioned, his voice a mixture of anger and confusion.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Magattahana @Kazehana @metalcity @DJGomez
Kazehana said:
"Sir, I would advise you not to assume, especially about people you don't know. Most of the time, when people assume, they speak and act too fast, causing more problems than necessary. For instance, this entire situation. I think you may have blown all of this out of proportion," she commented to Hayden, resisting the urge to roll her eyes even more.
"Aedus, i understand that you may have needed the room, but have you finished that portion of your training? If so, would you mind moving to a training room now? I think you guys just need some privacy right now," she pleaded, hoping they would get away from Hayden, at least for a while.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Magattahana @GingerBread @metalcity @DJGomez (copy/paste for the win)
Damen chuckled a bit and dispursed the darkness beasts "Looks like I came in a little late" there was a slight chuckle in his face that soon diappeared as he glanced at all of them, not saying much.
Abs waved, still choking her brother out. "No, no, Ent just seems to look like that! It's even sorta cute in a serial killer kinda way!"

"Sis, I doubt that's helping" Zane said in a strangled voice.

@DJGomez @GingerBread
"Ive seen what Ent does plenty to know exactly how he reacts. If I was overreacting then I would have intervened in the cafeteria just As Zane was about to. When Ent and Adeus decided to spr in the cafeteria. Instead I told him to let it go. I saw this all start and stood by for a time until Zanes life was endanger. So please, don't say I'm overreacting."

GingerBread said:
Aedus glared at Hayden "You're not even listening to us are you? you're just blocking out everything that doesn't prove you right. You didn't even try to defend yourself when i said you were trying to kill me with those rocks and icicles, so does that mean you were and just don't want to admit it out loud? Are you that desperate to seem like the good guy here?" Aedus questioned, his voice a mixture of anger and confusion.
@Veyd Sahvoz @Magattahana @Kazehana @metalcity @DJGomez
"or if you heard me instead of of doing what you acuse me of, you'd have heard me say that you'd be dead already if wanted to kill you."
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"No you didn't. you intervened after Ent had walked away from his and Zanes fight because i had gotten hurt. You intervened when Ent went after that girl, when i could've calmed him down, so you still would've been overreacting in that situation and getting involved when i could've sorted it out myself" Aedus corrected, pretty sure that Hayden was lying about half of this stuff at this point "Oh and me and Ent never fought in the cafeteria" Aedus added before glaring at Hayden "you couldn't kill me if you tried your hardest"

@Veyd Sahvoz @Magattahana @Kazehana @metalcity @DJGomez
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She thought about what he had to say for a moment. "Well, perhaps you're right about his temper. But even so, there isn't any threat anymore. Ent has calmed himself, and Zane is clearly doing just fine over there despite his sister choking him," she pointed out, seeing almost no threat from Ent at the moment. "He hasn't done much offense since you arrived, just defense. And now, he's trying to walk away. Just let him go," she pleaded, still hoping for a quick resolution.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Magattahana @GingerBread @metalcity @DJGomez
"Explain to me then what you two were doing in the cafeteria then? Sure looked like fighting. Just ask Zane an Abs." ( and if you think I'm lying I'll show you the posts)

Damen stood there and observed the whole argument, sighing to himself Why do I mix myself up in this? He wondered, rolling his eyes slightly as Night Wing flew on his shoulder.
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GingerBread said:
Aedus's eyes widened as he saw Ent change the dark wind around his hand into different weapons Those weapons look dangerous, i don't think it's too late to back out Aedus thought, having second thoughts about training with Ent "H-hey E-Ent, I didn't mean t-train right now" Aedus said.
metalcity said:
And with that Ent changed the air into the bluntest sword he could, still looking dangerous and hurting. Ent charged at Aedus trying to attack his side.
metalcity said:
Ent stopped and took a step back "Good, your reaction was faster than I expected. However you still wasn't able to do anything with that. But that is ok." Ent walked over and picked up the matches, he then offered them to Aedus "We will do this until you can maneuver around 10 consecutive attacks. However, I don't want you to summon your fire yet. Focus on not being hit, nothing else." He continued with, walking away leaving enough room for Aedus to react when he attacked him again. Ent prepared his weapon, not backing down.
@Gearhead the Great[/URL] @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
I'm sure Ent won't intentionally hurt he, he's probably making the weapon look dangerous and deadly to encourage me to dodge it Aedus thought as he saw how dangerous Ent's weapon looked. Aedus Noticed Ent charging towards him with his sword and managed to narrowly dodge the attack.
metalcity said:
Ent smiled as Aedus moved "Good." Ent then turned the sword and swiped it in Aedus's direction, turning his body as he slashed to make a more natural movement.
GingerBread said:
Aedus smiled as Ent complemented him, only just noticing the sword coming towards him out of the corner of his eye. Aedus tried to move out of the way of the attack, the blade only just hitting him, cutting through his shirt.
metalcity said:
"Close, you are doing well. You must protect your weapon." He said as he finished his attack, then flipping the sword again and going to slash out the pocket containing the matches. Aiming to cut the under section of the pocket to make the matches fall to the floor.
GingerBread said:
Aedus was confused by what Ent mean by protect his weapon I don't have a weapon, do i? Aedus thought as he felt something near his leg, looking down he saw Ent had cut his pocket causing his matches to fall to the floor Oh, he meant my matches
metalcity said:
And with that Ent stopped his slash and took a step towards Aedus as he spun the sword around his fingers and pointed the tip at Aedus's neck "If this was a real fight, you would be dead." Then the sword left his hand and joined the normal air, Ent took a step back. "What did you learn? And you did well." He asked Aedus, with a serious tone.
GingerBread said:
Aedus started panicking as he felt the tip of Ent's sword on his neck, Aedus started to calm when Ent got rid of the sword "Th-thanks, and I-I guess I l-learnt to N-never get in a f-fight with y-you" Aedus replied, smiling slightly "A-and to make s-sure i don't lose my w-weapon"
metalcity said:
"Good, I remember before that you made fire with out matches. Do that in combat." He stated, then summoned two more swords in both his hands like before, blunt. Ent then went to attack Aedus "Use that fire. Fight back." He stated as he went for his attack.
GingerBread said:
Aedus tried to summon a flame in his hand but only managed to create a small spark that quickly died out; Doing this made Aedus feel tired and slowed down his reaction time, causing him to only be able to move back slightly but not enough to avoid the attack.
Aedus felt Ent's swords cut through his chest, luckily not going too deep, Aedus let out a cry of pain as the swords cut into him, staining the fabric of his shirt red with his blood, as it began to trickel down his torso. Already feeling tired Aedus fell to the ground, still conscious but exhausted.

Magattahana said:
Zane was planning on intervening in the fight between Ent and Jonas if it had gotten too heated, but the latter teleported away before he could even get out of his seat. With a sigh, he continued eating. He glanced over at his sister, who was too absorbed in her meal to even notice what was going on.
@GingerBread @metalcity
metalcity said:
Ent sighed and walked over, helping to support Aedus "Sorry, didn't mean to use that much force. You good?" He asked.
GingerBread said:
"Y-yeah" Aedus replied, giving Ent a reassuring smile I wonder if i could use fire to heal the wound? Aedus thought What's the worse that could happen? i doubt i'll burn myself Aedus thought, determined to at least try "H-hey E-Ent could you grab my m-matches for me?" Aedus asked.

metalcity said:
Ent nodded and grabbed the matches and offered them to Aedus "Here." He stated, not sure what he was planning.
DJGomez said:
Hayden had been paying attention to the skirmish and just shook his head at zane to leave it alone.
GingerBread said:
"Th-thanks" Aedus said as he took the matches from Ent, before striking one against the box causing it to ignite, releasing a light yellow flame. Tucking the box back in his other pocket he held the flame in front of him. Aedus began focusing on the flame, trying to make it gentle and able to heal him You can do this Aedus, just imagine a moment where you were healed by someone or something gentle Aedus mentally encouraged himself.
Closing his eyes and focusing on the flame, Aedus thought back to the moment where he had been shot and was bleeding out on the floor, he thought about how gentle Night Wing had been when she had helped him and saved his life. Aedus used these memories to enhance the flame.

As he did this the flame started to change from a light yellow to a light orange, it wasn't a massively noticeable change but when Aedus opened his eyes and looked at the flame he noticed the changes, the flame also felt more gentle than normal fire. Aedus held the flame to his wounds, hoping he wasn't wrong and that the fire would heal him. As soon as the flames came into contact with his wounds they spread over them, enveloping the wounds in the gentle light; The flames soothed Aedus and took away the pain as they sealed up the wounds.

metalcity said:
Ent smiled "Good, you can heal yourself. And manage not to cry by the slightest feeling." He joked. "You feeling better now?" He asked.
GingerBread said:
"Yeah, i'm better now" Aedus beamed, happy that he had managed to heal himself with his fire This is so cool i wonder what else i can do with my fire. I wonder if i could make a type of fire that Ent couldn't put out? Aedus thought, wanting to find out more things that he could do with fire.

metalcity said:
"Well, now that you feel better. We shall continue with your training." He stated as he walked away, then turning around and he summoned a blunt scythe "You need to know how to dodge many types of weapons." He stated as he waited for Aedus to get ready.
GingerBread said:
"I-I think it would b-be better if I t-train and develop my powers" Aedus suggested, giving Ent a sheepish smile "B-because I D-don't intend to get into m-many fights" Aedus pointed out apprehensively, not wanting Ent to think he was saying the training was useless.
metalcity said:
"There is a bigger plan behind my teaching methods. It will help you in many ways, more than just fighting. It will help you develop your powers as well. You won't see it yet." And with that Ent attacked Aedus again, slower than normal though. He swiped at him with the scythe.
GingerBread said:
Aedus tiredly moved out of the way of the scythe, only just avoiding the attack "E-Ent, i don't r-really want to do anymore training right now" Aedus said, still feeling tired from trying to summon the fire earlier "I-I th-think i'm just g-going to take a n-nap"
metalcity said:
Ent stopped "Fine. We will resume this later. Sleep now." The scythe combined with the air. Ent rolled his eyes "You can be so annoying. I'll take you to your dorm room." He offered Aedus his hand.
(my characters IC interpretation is you two were fighting and I gather that was the same train of thought with @Magattahana as Zane watched you two and Jonas.)
DJGomez said:
(my characters IC interpretation is you two were fighting and I gather that was the same train of thought with @Magattahana as Zane watched you two and Jonas.)
Yeah but that whole thing wasn't in the cafeteria :/ It was in the courtyard

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