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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

"Says the one who just a few seconds ago tried to hurt me with stones and ice" Aedus argued back, glaring at Hayden as fire slowly started to form in his hand.

@metalcity @DJGomez (I never said you did, i said you might get more enjoyment out of it rather than arguing with strangers on the internet)
(Not gonna take sides but please for gods sakes please go to PM. Again not taking sides just please stop the arguing, don't care who started what crap just please I hope you guys can come to terms and stop arguing :/ )
Ent sighed, releasing some stress. He was about to lose his shit but remembered Aedus asked him to stay calm. Ent walked over to him and grabbed the top of his head "We are done here." And Ent started to drag him away before he killed anyone and made Aedus cry.

Zane was pissed, and not really thinking clearly, so he ran at Hayden. He never answered him about the insinuation about him being weak, so he decided to prove him otherwise.

@DJGomez @metalcity @GingerBread

(If this arguing in the RP thread persists, I'm going to go ahead and report everyone who continuates it, so don't say you weren't warned.)
(I did stop and look what happened.....)

Hayden noticed Adeus' hand as his hands turned to water, he then looked back and forth between him and Ent as he calculated what his first move would be. "If I ahd really wanted to harm you'd be dead already."
(lmao I invited Ent punching Zane in the face xD and Hayden hasn't even noticed Zane running at him)
Kazehana said:
Violette called from above, eyes still glued to the scene. "No. They're big boys, and they can handle themselves. Plus, what would we even be able to do? We aren't magic wielders. It's not our place to intervene in such matters. Not without weapons, at least." Suddenly, the other three reminisced about their weapons, sad that they couldn't bring them to the academy thanks to their doting mother. "Unfortunately, without them, we're only really decent at dodging, nothing more," she added, clearly still engaged in the skirmish. Rouge and Jaune glanced at each other, silent.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing thought for a moment before remembering something "Wait. Aren't you all really good in gymnastics? We could use gymnastics to fight them, along with our enhanced flexibility we should go a while without being hit easily" exclaimed Night Wing, with a grin on her face looking back at the fight.
Zane running at Hayden wasn't expected and caught him off gaurd as he got tackled. Thrown off Hayden was forced on the defensive as he dropped into the ground and came back out out of reach from all three of them, ready to fight all three if need be. "Well then. Anyone else like to join in?"
Zane's fist hit the ground where Hayden had disappeared, he stood up and faced Hayden. He was too angry to think about what he was doing.

Jaune rolled her eyes. "Not that good. Besides, we would eventually get hit, and we have no chance of doing damage in the meantime. Not without our weapons..." Rouge looked down at her free hand, flexing it in lieu of her weapon's absence. Even without it, she thought she might still try to do, well, something.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Aedus got out of Ent's grasp and turned around to face Hayden "You know what you are? You're a Bully, you have no friends no one who cares about you so instead you pick on people to try to get some enjoyment from it. That's why you targeted Ent cause you thought if you took him down people might MIGHT start to vaguely like you. But as soon as that didn't work you started picking on me because i was weaker and you need to get some sick twisted Enjoyment out of this didn't you. But You still try to act like your doing the right thing, Maybe it's because In Your Fucked up brain you actually think it is the Right thing, But it's not and it never will be. So why don't you try being a nice person, people tend to like you more if you are, though that doesn't really matter you does it. You just want enjoyment from this don't you, and you don't care who you hurt in the process" Aedus started taking deep heavy breaths as he finished Ranting "Zane, it's not even worth fighting, he just enjoys looking stronger and better, you're just helping his ego, come with me and Ent instead, i'll even spar with you if you want, i need to burn some anger off after all" Aedus smiled at Zane and Abs as he made a gesture for them to follow him and Ent.

@metalcity @DJGomez @Magattahana
"I'll try!" Abs shouted.

She ran at her brother and tackled him. "Oi, numbskull, calm down!"

They began wrestling with no clear victor in sight. Zane would be occupied for a little bit.

"What was that about putting one's testosterone away, Zane?" she teased as she put her twin in a headlock.

Kazehana said:
Jaune rolled her eyes. "Not that good. Besides, we would eventually get hit, and we have no chance of doing damage in the meantime. Not without our weapons..." Rouge looked down at her free hand, flexing it in lieu of her weapon's absence. Even without it, she thought she might still try to do, well, something.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing tried to find a way around this and perked right up when she thought of a perfect plan; to use her own aura to harm them "I know! How about you 4 distract them for long enough that I can neutralize/paralyze them with my aura?!" she knew that it would put her own life at risk to use her own aura at an attempt to hit their's and hopefully cause them to be paralyzed. She hadn't tried it but she was determined to.

(I've been thinking about this for a while, since Night Wing can use her aura to heal she can use it to hit others aura > :)
After Aedus' speech, Rouge and Jaune were left speechless, unable to even respond to Night Wing. Verte blinked her wide eyes away as she bit her lip and hesitated a moment before subtly shaking her head no. Violette, from her post, responded, "I agree with her. This doesn't seem like the best time for our involvement. We could try it another time, maybe?" she added, hoping that a compromise would satisfy her.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"Leave it to the love sick puppy to defend the naraocistic sociopath who gets off on suffocating others to call me the bully. I guess the definition has changed to being the one who is merely defending the others. All lies are based in some truth. As I gather you're only sayin such things because your self value is so low that you will so blindingly defend the first person to so any interest in you regardless of the fact he was nearly fighting the whole school not five minutes ago. But tell me, what else you say every night that helps you sleep?"
Abs had his brother in a sleeper hold. "Oi! Hayden! Cat Boy obviously suffers from some form of schizophrenia, so cut him some slack! It ain't his fault!"

"Sis, let me go!" Zane tried to break free of his sister's grasp, but in was in vain.

@DJGomez @GingerBread
"Riddle me this dr Phil. If you were trying to defend him then how come you just stood by as he tried to harm Zane, Lily and even yourself in several instances? Yes such a galient defender you are."

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