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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

"Who said I was going to hurt him. My concern is keeping everyone alive. If your to love blind to see that he's a threat to everyone then you're no more welcome then him." Since Adeus had set Ent down, Hayden made another dome of granite that would be near impenetrable around Ent as it dragged him into the ground."he's alive, and has air to breathe. Now step aside until someone can bring his sanity back."

"A-and you think i wouldn't be able to calm him down?" Aedus asked, getting annoyed with the boy "And E-Ent isn't a threat, If you lot didn't always get involved and anger h-him, he wouldn't end up going I-insane" Aedus defended, not liking how this boy was taking bad about Ent "So s-stop being an ignorant i-idiot and leave, you're not h-helping and i'll bet all you've done is make things w-worse"

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Kazehana said:
She flipped some of her hair behind her back, giving a little hmph as she did. "I see no reason to get involved. I'm here simply to spectate. In fact..." she said just before snapping her fingers. After the flash, Violette got the seat with the best view, analyzing the battle for future use, while the others hung out in the denser foliage. Jaune hung upside down from a branch, having a little fun, while Verte watched in awe. Rouge tried to climb higher, wanting to get to the top of the tree.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing chuckled a bit at the 4 of them. She hung upside down looking out at the battle and thinking about racing Rouge.

When Rouge reached the pinnacle of the tree, she put her flat palm above her eyes, scouting from up high. It was a better view, but a bit less secure. She thought she might fall off, but hoped she didn't. Vert played with Jaune's hair as Jaune's face became a bit red from all the blood. Just then, Rouge's grip slipped but for just a moment, and she fell to a lower tree branch, hanging from one hand. As she put another hand on in attempt to get up, the branch snapped and she fell to the ground just outside the weird quicksand-mud stuff (that's still here, right?). Jaune saw what happened and quickly scrambled down the tree, trying her best to be safe as well. Verte followed, but was a bit slower.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kazehana said:
When Rouge reached the pinnacle of the tree, she put her flat palm above her eyes, scouting from up high. It was a better view, but a bit less secure. She thought she might fall off, but hoped she didn't. Vert played with Jaune's hair as Jaune's face became a bit red from all the blood. Just then, Rouge's grip slipped but for just a moment, and she fell to a lower tree branch, hanging from one hand. As she put another hand on in attempt to get up, the branch snapped and she fell to the ground just outside the weird quicksand-mud stuff (that's still here, right?). Jaune saw what happened and quickly scrambled down the tree, trying her best to be safe as well. Verte followed, but was a bit slower.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing jumped down, from branch to branch, and landed next to Rouge "Better be more careful" she giggled a bit and helped her up.

She got up, dusting herself off. "Just a good thing I didn't land in the mud... would have been harder to take out those stains," she remarked, scanning the field. She really wanted to get involved, but sighed as she remembered the original plan to stay out of it and to let Violette gain intel. Jaune jumped down, standing next to her and looking out as well. "I know how you feel. I want to go, too." Verte joined them soon after, holding their hands to anchor them to their post.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"Because when he lashes out at you or us when we make simple comments or mind our own business, it's our fault." Hayden would release Ents head as it poked out like a mushroom from the ground."go ahead then. Tame him before I do it myself."

Kazehana said:
She got up, dusting herself off. "Just a good thing I didn't land in the mud... would have been harder to take out those stains," she remarked, scanning the field. She really wanted to get involved, but sighed as she remembered the original plan to stay out of it and to let Violette gain intel. Jaune jumped down, standing next to her and looking out as well. "I know how you feel. I want to go, too." Verte joined them soon after, holding their hands to anchor them to their post.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing followed them and climbed to a comfortable spot on a branch. She was determined to stop this fight but knew she couldn't rush in there. Biting her bottom lip she just watched, her eyes glistening in the sunlight.

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"A-and how would you tame him?" Aedus asked as he lit a match and dropped it on the ground before walking over to Ent's exposed head and teleporting him to the flame so that his whole body was now out of the ground. "Now you can leave Hayden. And in future i wouldn't insult my boyfriend, i'm more powerful than you. So as soon as someone pushes me to my limit like you're doing right now, I can end them" Aedus stated as he began scratching behind Ent's ears to try to calm himself down. I Hate being angry, is this what Ent feels like most of the time? Aedus thought to himself.

@metalcity @DJGomez
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(Bro he's stuck In The ground you can't just teleport him away whenever you want. That's completely OP. You said your power was fire Control not people control.)

DJGomez said:
(Bro he's stuck In The ground you can't just teleport him away whenever you want. That's completely OP. You said your power was fire Control not people control.)
(My power is Pyroportation, meaning i can teleport myself and others to any fire source, therefore what i did was completely within my powers And if you want to talk about being OP let's talk about that shall we? You godmodded you took control of @metalcity 's character and trapped him underground without giving him a chance to react, Also your whole power Is OP you can pretty much control everything apparently and with no weaknesses or downsides to doing so. So who's power is OP. Don't ever try to argue with me K? K)
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GingerBread said:
(My power is Pyroportation, meaning i can teleport myself and others to any fire source, therefore what i did was completely within my powers And if you want to talk about being OP let's talk about that shall we? You godmodded you took control of @metalcity 's character and trapped him underground without giving him a chance to react, Also your whole power Is OP you can pretty much control everything apparently and with no weaknesses or downsides to doing so. So who's power is OP. Don't ever try to argue with me K? K)
hows about not getting butt hurt if you saw his last post you'd have seen that he said for us to continue to do whatever to him he'll foil it when he gets back. And if it's pyroportaion then you had no right to argue about being able to manipulate my entire body and kill me cause I turned to fire. And if control of the elements was OP then it would have been denied. So once again I state your acting OP. Still wanna act like a child about this?
DJGomez said:
hows about not getting butt hurt if you saw his last post you'd have seen that he said for us to continue to do whatever to him he'll foil it when he gets back. And if it's pyroportaion then you had no right to argue about being able to manipulate my entire body and kill me cause I turned to fire. And if control of the elements was OP then it would have been denied. So once again I state your acting OP. Still wanna act like a child about this?
(Pyroportation was the power i was using just then, it is a sub power of Fire manipulation. So could still easily take out your character atom by atom. Also when wrong just call the other person butthurt and say they're acting like a child, cause that's the best defence when you know your wrong but don't want to back down isn't it? And by the way he meant 'do whatever' as in start to do what you want and surround him but not trap him with no way out. That is godmodding as you Took control of his character and didn't give him any time to counter it. And again to reiterate. The power i was using was Pyroportation, Which means i can teleport to any fire source cause i'm guessing you skimmed over that the first time)

(P.S. You'll notice i didn't call you any names, like butthurt or insinuate that you were acting like a child. Maybe you want to take note of that, up to you though it's your choice.)
(*sigh* if you're going to do…whatever you're doing, take it to a PM because, not taking sides or trying to offend you, I don't think we all want to have this crowded with OOC and fighting, for lack of a better word. Again, not taking sides I just think this should stop)

@GingerBread @DJGomez
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(You guys, this is supposed to be an accepting community... If you have a disagreement, try for a compromise or something. Argument isn't really helping. You both have valid points, but let's keep in mind that the point of this forum is for amusement, not disputes over fictional logic.)
(Riddle me this then as I originally stated. If your pyromancy. Then explain how you can TP Ent around to a fire when he isn't made of fire at all? Last I checked pyromancy doesn't mean being able to as you call GODMOD and just took control of his character as well. And the sheer fact you react so violently when I call you out on something or for clarification is evidence enough of you acting like child.)
(I'm fine with a compromise, but @GingerBread shouldnt be complaining about GODDMODDING when's he doing the exact thing. I only asked for clarifcation. The response I got was that of being hostile.)
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DJGomez said:
(Riddle me this then as I originally stated. If your pyromancy. Then explain how you can TP Ent around to a fire when he isn't made of fire at all? Last I checked pyromancy doesn't mean being able to as you call GODMOD and just took control of his character as well. And the sheer fact you react so violently when I call you out on something or for clarification is evidence enough of you acting like child.)
(Look i'm going to be the bigger man here and finish this because the other don't want this argument, But if you're intent on continuing this send me a PM, otherwise suck it up and deal with it because i've teleported people with my fire before mainly Night Wing.

But anyway any messages like this you post on here will be ignored. Like i said Pm me if you are really that insistent on continuing)
Hayden had had enough of Adeus as he began throwing a flurry of stones and icicles towards Adeus. Mostly with the intent of immobilizing him and not killing him before dropping into the ground

Verte looked back just long enough to give a curt nod, determination covering her face. She held on to her duplicates' hands, making sure they couldn't get away without her. The other two, on the other hand, knew that they could drag her along with them if need be. They were ready to do something, whether or not Verte and Violette would approve or not. If nothing else, Violette would help them, reluctant as she may be.

@Veyd Sahvoz

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