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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

DJGomez said:
(I'm fine with a compromise, but @GingerBread shouldnt be complaining about GODDMODDING when's he doing the exact thing. I only asked for clarifcation. The response I got was that of being hostile.)
(he asked me over skype while I was away, I gave him permission...unlike some one I know...)
Zane recklessly stepped in front of the flurry of stones and ice. "Unnecessary," he stated simply.

Abs hated when her brother pulled stunts like that.
DJGomez said:
Hayden had had enough of Adeus as he began throwing a flurry of stones and icicles towards Adeus. Mostly with the intent of immobilizing him and not killing him before dropping into the ground
Aedus used the fire surrounding him to create a dome made of super heated fire, The rocks turning to lava as they bounced off and melting the icicles which cooled and solidified the lava "And you called E-Ent bad? at least he's never tried to stab me with rocks and icicles, or anything at all actually"

@metalcity @DJGomez
Hayden freezes the projectiles around Zane and dropping them before coming out of the ground and stating "because trying to suffocate all of us was nessecary, or intentionally trying to kill us is nessecary. Oh and let's not forget him condoning it. If he's so mentally unstable then he shouldn't be here."
Zane positioned himself between Hayden and Aedus without saying anything. He felt like the only acceptable kind of fight was either sparring or fighting when there's no option left. If he could prevent an unnecessary fight from breaking out, he would.
Ent's anger grow and he found pockets of air in the ground, he manipulated the dark aspects and sent sharp needle like objects out of the ground. Making a opening he grabbed Heyden's neck and held him off the ground "No one touches my boyfriend. YOU FUCKING GOT THAT!?" Ent then pulled the boy to head butt him. He prepared his hand so if the boy turned to fire he would simply be blown away into nothingness.

@DJGomez @GingerBread @Magattahana @LilyannaGaming @Veyd Sahvoz @anyone eles. (@DJGomez look at pm. I have business.)
Night Wing watched the fight unfold from her spot in the tree. She glanced over at the 4 duplicates "Are you sure we shouldn't do something?" she asked, beginning to get worried as the battle raged on.

"Then you're as blind to The threat Ent is as you are stupid. Please explain to me how trying to suffocate us isn't so bad? When he's challenged by someone who is clearly weaker then him his response is sadistic and disgusting. And don't try the 'you don't know him like I do' script. Everyone's seen him act just as harsh to you."
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Violette called from above, eyes still glued to the scene. "No. They're big boys, and they can handle themselves. Plus, what would we even be able to do? We aren't magic wielders. It's not our place to intervene in such matters. Not without weapons, at least." Suddenly, the other three reminisced about their weapons, sad that they couldn't bring them to the academy thanks to their doting mother. "Unfortunately, without them, we're only really decent at dodging, nothing more," she added, clearly still engaged in the skirmish. Rouge and Jaune glanced at each other, silent.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"But you don't know him like i do, You think i would be going out with him if all he liked to do was hurt me?" Aedus replied, ready to beat Hayden into submission for insulting his boyfriend I've never been this angry before Aedus thought, slightly scared by how angry he was becoming.

@DJGomez (Ent got teleported to where Aedus dropped the match, which was close to Hayden)
Ent then head butted the boy, then throw him to the ground "Get up you shit head. I want to see you bleed." Ent stated as he summoned dark wind that spun around his hand, ready to throw it at him. Ent heard the Aedus's voice, happy he was 'ok' "AEDUS! Leave this to me..." he stated waiting for the boy to get off the ground.

(No it's not. But if this is how your gonna act then I guess we're free to do whatever we want then. And your argument has no meaning considering @GingerBread can magically TP and GODMOD you without telling any of us. Look at that I continued I RP anyway and you two still wanna argue......smh)
DJGomez said:
(No it's not. But if this is how your gonna act then I guess we're free to do whatever we want then. And your argument has no meaning considering @GingerBread can magically TP and GODMOD you without telling any of us. Look at that I continued I RP anyway and you two still wanna argue......smh)
(hey, look at pm's. We need to chat there, or are you to scared to get your ass kicked again by me?)
Hayden never got headbutted and simply vanished into water as Ent headbutted his own hand and reappeared a several feet away and out of reach from him. "Round two huh?"
Zane walked in between them. "Really, guys, there's no need to be fighting. You both need to just put your testosterone somewhere else."
DJGomez said:
(I've dropped the subject you're the ones who continue to foment it.)
(I didn't continue anything, so please don't drag me into this. If you're doing this just to inflate your ego, i'm sure there's a lady of the night somewhere that can help you, it would be better than arguing with strangers on the internet)
(Look, guys, seriously this is supposed to be a positive website. I don't care who started the argument or who's continuing it, we need to end it because the fact of the matter is there's an argument where there shouldn't be one.)
GingerBread said:
(I didn't continue anything, so please don't drag me into this. If you're doing this just to inflate your ego, i'm sure there's a lady of the night somewhere that can help you, it would be better than arguing with strangers on the internet)
i love the hypocrisy of you claiming not to call me names or what have you yet you insinuate I sleep with whores. :P gg

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