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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Ent continued walking over to the girl, his mind just changed the words of what she said "Yes, I did hurt him. His cry filled me with precious joy, oh I will remember that for years to come." Ent gritted his teeth "Die you fucking bitch! I'll kill you!" He angrily shouted, his eyes where dead. He removed the air around her, then moved closer but something touched his shoulder. It was Aedus and in his mind he was covered in blood "You did nothing, go back to hell from where you came from." He emotionally stated in Ent's mind. Ent turned his head to deadly gaze at Aedus "Eat shit scum." Ent removed the air around Aedus, then grabbed the boys hand and started crushing it.

@GingerBread @LilyannaGaming @Magattahana
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Lily prepared herself for defense as the boy got closer. She was weak. She knew they could tell. she Summoned a small barrier around herself for temp just to block the first blow if needed. Lily smirked she may have been weak but even with little energy she could still beat this boy. Ent if you strike first I will be ready she said to herself. preparing all the defense energy she could. She saw what he did to Aedus and drove a Blast of energy driving both boys off there feet. "Ent! calm down. Your head is messing with our words." She was having a hard time breathing so she pulled an force shield with air closer to her. Stop vacuuming Ent. she sent telepathically to his mind @metalcity @GingerBread
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Heather set down her cup, intrigued by the skirmish more than ever. She had no idea what was going on, but she thought she might if she could get outside. Attempting to be stealthy, she snuck outside. She found a nice tree to hide behind, then noticed that Night Wing was a few trees over. After deciding against going over to her, Heather poked her head ever so slightly past the edge of the tree, hoping to get a better view. Since she wasn't much for fighting, she decided it was best if no one knew she was there.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Magattahana @GingerBread @metalcity @LilyannaGaming @anyone i missed?
Kazehana said:
Heather set down her cup, intrigued by the skirmish more than ever. She had no idea what was going on, but she thought she might if she could get outside. Attempting to be stealthy, she snuck outside. She found a nice tree to hide behind, then noticed that Night Wing was a few trees over. After deciding against going over to her, Heather poked her head ever so slightly past the edge of the tree, hoping to get a better view. Since she wasn't much for fighting, she decided it was best if no one knew she was there.
@Veyd Sahvoz @Magattahana @GingerBread @metalcity @LilyannaGaming @anyone i missed?
Night Wing appeared behind Heather and tapped her on the shoulder.

(Trolololol xD )
Silver groweled at the new comer (Wolf Senses!) She snuck away from the battle field. when she got to the girl she morphed into human form "Run before you get involved. Ent's gone insane." then repeated it as night wing came over.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Kazehana
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"Ent, your boyfriend is dying. And it is all my fault, your sadness is great. Fall further into despair, I welcome it gladly." She ghostly said making motions for Ent to get closer. Ent gritted his teeth "DON'T FUCK WITH ME!!!!" Ent angrily shouted as he stood up, then just let out an angered scream. He stared at the girl, trying to ignore the bloody fake Aedus behind him. He allowed the air around the girl to return, then turned the dark air into razor sharp random objects. He made them circle around the girl before charging towards the girl from all angles, aiming to slice her into small pieces.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Magattahana @GingerBread @Kazehana @LilyannaGaming
Hayden cut his discussion with Irisveil as he looked outside and saw the ruckus going on. He jumped from his bunk as he rushed back outside and formed a Lauer of rock armor around him as he brought up several other rock walls to protect the others from Ents attack.

Lily summoned a force shield and shove all things around her away. Including Ent and his dark Air. She screamed as she strained to keep the force shield up and she let her healing magic's try to work on Ent letting Calmness flow into him she allowed him to see what was actually happening.

Silver burst behind Lily and pushed Hayden down. "Don't interfere Hayden! not while their both unstable! wait!, for me to signal you. I have an idea how this will play out." She growled. @Veyd Sahvoz @GingerBread @metalcity @DJGomez @Kazehana
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Aedus cried out in pain as he was flung backwards by the girls attack on Ent. Getting up again Aedus once again limped over to Ent "Ent, please stop. You promised me" Aedus said, his voice weak from the pain.

"You could say thank you, it's clear Shes struggling to combat him and my walls just bought her more time. I'll wait but this goes anymore south and you won't stop me."

Kazehana said:
Heather held her index and middle fingers together against her temples. "Oh my god, go away before you attract attention. And I thought Ent was permanently insane," she stated, very much annoyed that they decided to blow her cover so carelessly. This was supposed to be easy...
@Veyd Sahvoz @Magattahana @GingerBread @metalcity @LilyannaGaming
"Better we help each other than be spread apart" explained Night Wing, putting her hand behind her back and creating a ball if energy in it.
Lily heard Aedus's weak voice. She hated the innocent getting hurt. She threw several Healing auras around him. Then sealing him from anymore damage or interference by putting him in a barrier. @GingerBread

Silver nodded hopping off Hayden she looked at lily. "She already weak, But if she continues using her power she will lose control. Similar to Ent." Silver said scooping up the discarded bracelet. "If she loses control I need you to help me get this on her." Silver said to Hayden Holding up the obsidian bracelet. "Obsidian is her weakness it stops her powers permeantly while in contact with the flesh." She informed Hayden. @DJGomez
Glad that at least one of them left her cover, she still kept her eyes on the action. "Yeah, if we were fighting maybe. But not when we're trying to hide," she pointed out, still annoyed that she was still there.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"death...death...death..." He repeated muttered. Then dark wind around him shredded the rock shield. "You promised..." ghostly rang in his head and Ent turned to Aedus, his anger started to simmer down and the rage left his eyes. He walked over to Aedus, he slowly started to walk to him. His blood started to stain the ground and Ent gritted his teeth. As he almost calmed down a shield was put around Aedus separating him off from Ent. His eyes grow red again with more burning anger. He stood there for a few moments as he gathered his thoughts "If I kill the girl I can see you again." Aedus's mental image returned to what he normally looked like. Ent smiled then went back to being in rage and he turned around to face the crowd.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Magattahana @GingerBread @Kazehana @LilyannaGaming (psst, you really fucked up. Was about to post Ent talking to Aedus peacefulyl then you split them up. Congrats xD )
(you can still touch, speak, see him as long as your intentions are not to harm, That's how my barriers work :P Congratz raging over nothin.) @metalcity
LilyannaGaming said:
(you can still touch, speak, see him as long as your intentions are not to harm, That's how my barriers work :P Congratz raging over nothin.) @metalcity
(What's your definition of harm? because Pushing could be counted as harming someone, so that would stop Ent touching Aedus at any point, so he does have a valid reason to rage :) )
Kazehana said:
Glad that at least one of them left her cover, she still kept her eyes on the action. "Yeah, if we were fighting maybe. But not when we're trying to hide," she pointed out, still annoyed that she was still there.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing rolled her eyes "Just be glad we're together and not split up because I don't think we are in for a normal Ent…" she said, loud enough for Heather to hear her.


Damen kept feeling like something wasn't right but just ignored it and began playing a small tune on his guitar.

Lily floated down. She saw how Ent raged back up and with drew to Katana's and prepped herself for Ent's attack. At this rate she was Faulting in her magic she almost collapsed from energy Lost. She glared at Ent. @metalcity

Silver nodded patiently to Hayden telling him to Wait. @DJGomez

(Cutting, Slapping, Etc. Shoving not included.) @GingerBread
Heather rolled her eyes every so slightly, trying to pay attention to what was going on. She decided it might be nice to get a better view, so she started climbing the tree in hopes of getting a bird's-eye view of the violence.

@Veyd Sahvoz
(any form of touch can be used to hurt, a slight touch can be classed as hurting. You cant really limit what hurts and what doesn't.)

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