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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Damen sat down at the piano. Placing his hands on the keys and testing it out. He reached up to his left eye and took out his contact, revealing his red coloured eye with a dialating slit pupil. He imbued his hands in darkness and began playing papermoon on the piano.


(Look up the song)
(Sorry Fell alsleep after a few things happened last night.) @GingerBread

"Keep the anyone in range away from the Rif-f-t. Silver you to. I'm gonna go full power and don't need anyone hurt." Lily Said. "Silver have the bracelet ready." Lily quickly added.

Silver nodded and morphed into human form. She pulled out the obsidian braclet. "Aedus. Keep the two fighters away then get away yourself." She said while going back several feet.
(Dramatic Part. xD ) @Magattahana @metalcity @GingerBread (I gtg for a while be back soon)

Lily Pushed full force with her powers. The rift Slowly closing. The ground nearby her shaking with the force she was using (She may be a telekinetic but when it comes to this she is out of control.) She let out a small scream then went back to closing the Rift. Once the rift was Sealed a telekinetic burst of energy (Like a force Shield.) Surrounded her then Expanded outward then faded pushing every one to the ground. She slowly feel to the ground from energy lost. Silver recovered and slipped the Braclet on Lily.
(Did nobody notice what lily was dealing with or feel the power release I said it pushed everyone off balance.??)
(Can she not deal with that since she's inside? It would be depressing to spill her coffee)
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LilyannaGaming said:
(Dramatic Part. xD ) @Magattahana @metalcity @GingerBread (I gtg for a while be back soon)
Lily Pushed full force with her powers. The rift Slowly closing. The ground nearby her shaking with the force she was using (She may be a telekinetic but when it comes to this she is out of control.) She let out a small scream then went back to closing the Rift. Once the rift was Sealed a telekinetic burst of energy (Like a force Shield.) Surrounded her then Expanded outward then faded pushing every one to the ground. She slowly feel to the ground from energy lost. Silver recovered and slipped the Braclet on Lily.
the thing me and Aedus where doing while the battle went on
(Well i wasn't getting notifications apparently :/ )

Aedus was watching the girl close the rift before he felt a strong force heading towards him. Before he had time to react he felt himself get thrown to the ground and felt some blood start to trickle out of the back of his head; Aedus let out a cry of pain as he collided with the ground and felt tears start to form in his eyes.

@LilyannaGaming @metalcity @Magattahana
lily who was still weak managed to throw a healing orb at Aedus, Before letting silver pick her up. "Aedus-s! A-are you O-o-okay?" she managed to say. She wasn't unstable like last time just weak. Since she had the obsidian bracket. Silver helped lily limp over to Aedus. @GingerBread

(Lily, Silver, Ent, ZAne, and Aedus are outside.) @Veyd Sahvoz
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(well isn't this just fun)

As Ent went to punch the boy in the head a heavy force started to push him down to the ground. He kept his posture but decided to take back his punch. He watched as the boy's kick was stopped as well "Another piss head is messing with our fight...." He annoyingly stated, looking back to see Aedus start bleeding. He didn't hear the conversation he had with the girl. His eyes grow red with anger "A-Aedus?" He called out in concern and anger, Ent no longer cared about the boy he was fighting. He turned his direction to the girl "Where you the sluty bitch that hurt my boyfriend?" he asked as his devil side started to show. He completely left the boy alone, not caring about him and he started to devilishly walk over to the girl.

@LilyannaGaming @Magattahana @GingerBread
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LilyannaGaming said:
lily who was still weak managed to throw a healing orb at Aedus, Before letting silver pick her up. "Aedus-s! A-are you O-o-okay?" she managed to say. She wasn't unstable like last time just weak. Since she had the obsidian bracket. Silver helped lily limp over to Aedus. @GingerBread
(Lily, Silver, Ent, ZAne, and Aedus are outside.) @Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing stayed behind a tree, a night robe around her to keep warm in even though she was still wearing her clothes. While watching the little scene between all of them she thought about going out to talk to them but at the same time thought against it.

@All ya
Lily slipped off the braclet and felt her powers come back. "You should have been paying attention I didn't hurt him." She said. when silver looked at her and began morphing into wolf form. "No. Silver this is my fight. The RIft caused this. I will take course for my actions." Lily growled allowing her powers to lift her up while throwing healing Auras around Aedus. "And I'm clearly trying to help I'm the one who had everyone back off your fight with zane. Don't blame me for what my Rift caused me to do!" She said Calmly. @GingerBread @metalcity @Veyd Sahvoz
Aedus slowly got up his head not hurting as much as before. Looking around Aedus saw the girl and Ent looking like they were about to fight. Aedus began walking over to Ent and gently put a hand on his shoulder "Ent calm down, there's no need to fight" Aedus softly said, giving Ent a small smile.

@metalcity @LilyannaGaming


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