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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

"Hello Aedus, I'm simply healing them till the fight ends I'm not trying to get involved into the fight." She said a little annoyed "If I didn't any injuries that happen during the fight might get seriously damaged worse than I can heal." She look at Aedus with a glare. @GingerBread
Aedus noticed the girl was giving him a glare Have i annoyed her? He thought, hoping he hadn't "Okay, but maybe you shouldn't, Ent jumps to conclusions a lot and if he noticed he wouldn't be happy about it" Aedus replied still sounding as cheery as he was before.

"If I have to get involved I will I'm not as easy to defeat as You, Zane, and Hayden are." She said sullenly. "Plus Silver here makes a good comrade." Lily said smiling at Silver who was morphing into human form.

"Lily who said I would help you?" Silver said in a playful tone.

"You won't have to get involved at any point" Aedus replied confidently "And although i don't like fighting, i don't go down easy" Aedus said, still trying to be nice to the girl I can also heal people Aedus thought, not saying it out loud; Assuming the girl might be annoyed if he could do something that she could, and probably slightly better by the sounds of it.

Lily smiled. She let her telekinesis float her up. "Well one day we will have to train together wont we?" She moved around in the air watching the fight. "Sometimes people need to know who they challenge." she mumbled louder than expected while she tried holding tears back from her child hood. She felt the pull of the rift this time everyone can see it. She screamed as she fought to close it. Silver got back to wolf form and howled circling Lily , concered. @GingerBread
The Rift opened where everyone could see its dark presence.

"I-I'm F-f-fine" Lily struggled with speaking. She throwing her power into the rift trying to seal it. She hated this cursed thing she knew Aedus couldn't help. He would get flung back a couple of feet every time he try. She screamed as she fought the Rift not caring who heard she went close to full power, but not all the way. @GingerBread @metalcity @Magattahana
Aedus was getting more worried by what was going on with the 'rift' "A-are you sure there isn't anything i can do to help?" Aedus asked again, concerned for the girls well being.

Ent laughed "Thank you." Ent used his tail to grab the boys hand and squeezed it tight trying to make him let go of Ent's hand. At the same time he used his other hand and tried to punch the boy in the face.

Zane attempted to deliver a kick to Ent's stomach. He maintained his grip on Ent's arm despite the tail wrapped around his arm, and he focused on moving his head out of the way of his punches.

@metalcity (btw I added you on Smite)
Ent smiled and went to kick the boys other leg to make him fall over. As Ent did this he also used his other hand to punch the boys arm heavily, trying to break him free. Ent had eye contact the whole time with a smile.

@Magattahana (ok, I'll add you in a bit)
Zane smiled right back at him, placed his foot against Ent's stomach, and fell back, allowing the momentum to send Ent flying backwards over his body. Classic circle throw. (Idk if it's okay for me to control your character's overall position, idk)
Ent smiled and changed himself in that air, landing on his feet "Your more cat than me. I like you." He stated, enjoying the fight. Then running back over trying to get the first blow as he was sure to recover, He remembered before his kicking attack and so Ent kept his guard up. Ready to dodge.

Zane ducked under Ent's attack and aimed an uppercut at his ribs. (It's REALLY late where you live, are you in Europe or something?)
After she wandered about Irisviel decided to go back to her dorm and rest. She went to unlock her door but found it already unlocked pushing it open quietly as she peeked inside. Relieved she entered and smiled."Hey"

Heather was out for a coffee run when she noticed two morons (I say this very lovingly <3) fighting outside. Curious, she pulled out a chair from a nearby table and sat down, crossing her legs and taking a sip of her drink. She decided to spectate from inside, where, although she couldn't really hear, she could watch. It might be interesting; though Violette would probably get more out of it than Heather ever could. Besides entertainment, that is. She may not know how to have fun, but she sure can analyze, hot damn.

Heather couldn't help thinking that number 1 moron could avoid Mr. Mitten's kick with a simple duck, then stand up to trap the cat's leg above his captive arm. But that was just her, or rather, the Violette in her. (I was gonna suggest using your nails, then I was like, wait...)
Hayden ooked up at the sound of a voice and was happy to see it was Irisviel. "Oh , hi."

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She smiled as she walked over to her bed and sat down, crossing her legs, pulling out her computer as she typed away. "So how was your day?" she asked looking up as she stopped typing to listen to him.

She shrugged and laughed slightly. "Unproductive." She would smile looking at him before she went back to typing on the computer.

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