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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

(STOP WITH THE SCIENCE AND RP xD ) @science talkers
metalcity said:
(then why were you arguing a point consistently if you are going to deny your own point that you stated that used atoms and was using science to back up the point you where making. And all mythological worlds have some sort of science, major or minor. Also, nature is also part of science.)
(The fact that you brought it up in the first place and used science as yor argument.)
DJGomez said:
(The fact that you brought it up in the first place and used science as yor argument.)
(and you continued using science in your argument, to make a point. Then denied your own point by saying science doesn't exist, when people have said they used computers, phones and game systems. Showing science co exist with magic. So we have both, your argument is completely backed up with bullshit that makes no sense that you seem to be changing regularly. Rough love.)
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Ent used his cat reflexes to jump and manoeuvre out of the boys attacks, he smiled the whole time. This was a fun fight. He found a opening and grabbed the boys leg and tugged him slightly brining him off balance. Ent then went to kick the boy in the side of the face.

Zane caught Ent's leg and attempted to break his opponents knee by striking the front of his kneecap with his palm. It was his turn to fight dirty.

(Something I actually learned to do in a martial arts class. Kung fu can be surprisingly brutal.)

Ent sneakily made a gust of wind blow by, blowing dust in Ent and Zane's face obstructing the view. Ent shock of the boys hand and jumped back and waited for the dust to leave. He started to run around him again waiting for him to come out.

@Magattahana (I'm to fat for that shit xD )
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Lily focused all her attention to the fight after Silver broke free and as her attention left the barriers they snapped and freed their captive. Lily didn't know if she should throw other orb or not seeing that the fight was in neither's of the fighters had the upper hand.

@Magattahana and @metalcity
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(Will the dust settle on its own or is Ent forcing it to stay afloat? Also, I'm really rusty with the martial arts, but I still know how to break someone's arm if I'm ever forced to.) @metalcity
Magattahana said:
(Will the dust settle on its own or is Ent forcing it to stay afloat? Also, I'm really rusty with the martial arts, but I still know how to break someone's arm if I'm ever forced to.) @metalcity
(sorry for the wait. No, Ent just made the dust blow in the way of the two. It is free to blow away or fall. or what ever dust does.)
(In that case...)

Zane waited for the cloud of dust to fall away and, with his view no longer obstructed, assumed a more defensive stance, ready to counter Ent's attacks.

Lily watched afraid someone's wounds might not be abled to be healed by her magic's. Though she didn't want to interfere. "Don't try to kill each other, I may be a healer, but it depends on the wound." She said nervously.

@metalcity and @Magattahana
"Well, you aren't moving either soooo...fucking get on with it!!!" he called over with a smile, slowly getting bored. He changed his posture to just casually standing still.

Damen woke up from a bad dream, looking over at Night Wing to see if she was alright. Seeing that she was, he got up and decided to go for a walk to go train or something, opening the door and closing it behind him.


@Ldybug123 (if you want to bump into him in the hall)
Kaoru was walking down the hall since he couldn't sleep. He wasn't paying attention and crashed into Damen. He fell to the floor and looked up at him. "I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention." He said quietly. @Veyd Sahvoz
Ldybug123 said:
Kaoru was walking down the hall since he couldn't sleep. He wasn't paying attention and crashed into Damen. He fell to the floor and looked up at him. "I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention." He said quietly. @Veyd Sahvoz
"It's alright" he said Man everyone seems to bump into me today, he thought to himself while putting his hand out for Kaoru.

(just remembered it's still the afternoon xD )
"No, I don't. Sorry." Kaoru said looking at his feet. He saw that the letter from his mother right before she died had fallen out of his pocket and was now on the floor. He reached down and picked it up, then gently put it back in his pocket. @Veyd Sahvoz
Ldybug123 said:
"No, I don't. Sorry." Kaoru said looking at his feet. He saw that the letter from his mother right before she died had fallen out of his pocket and was now on the floor. He reached down and picked it up, then gently put it back in his pocket. @Veyd Sahvoz
"What's the letter about?" asked Damen, even though he hadn't even turned around to see it.

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