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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

The scene they eventually came upon was a group of strange looking things, some people like, some not so much, all fighting. They powers and techniques that were being used impressed them immensely. They wondered if anyone was in serious danger, and then thought "This is a school, no way no teacher would let someone kill another student."
Ent smiled and moved out of the way of the attack, he used his palm to hit the boys arm to redirect the attack. Then he jumped back slightly, continuing to remove the oxygen. Then as there was hardly any oxygen left he went to punch the boy in the face. His joyful smile was shown on his face, he was looking forward to the out come of the fight. He then sighed as his view was obstructed, Ent allowed the oxygen to join them again. "We agreed to 'train', don't interrupt piss head." He angrily shouted at the boy, then he made a razor sharp sword out of dark wind. And slashed the dome, cutting it. Then he jumped back "Interrupt again and I'll end your life boy." he angrily stated as he waited for the boy in the dome to make a new move.

@Magattahana @GingerBread @LilyannaGaming
(so you guys would be moving your mouths randomly making you run out of oxygen quicker causing you to pass out so the body can force you to get said oxygen....science bitch)
Zane jumped out of the dome and rushed at Ent again, aiming for his legs, his green eyes glowing like ghostly fire.

Abs cheered her brother on, even though he couldn't hear her through the vacuum.

(there was oxygen inside the dome, so Zane could shout at Hayden, but idk about Hayden being able to speak)
"Ent stop with the air vacuum and fight the boy correctly you always hide behind your magic's. " Lily said just outside the vacuum hoping the boy controlling it, Ent she had guessed would hear her and stop being a coward with the vacuum of missing air, there where plenty of other air magic's he could have done by now she will up her telekinesis and mentally shoved the boy hoping it worked.

@Magattahana @GingerBread @metalcity
"Um, hello? I see you guys are kind of busy .., but if you're going to be done . . or something anytime soon, could you tell me where the hell I am?"
(I know I dint refreash my page fast enough so my reply came after that happened my bad.)
Hayden's arms turned into fire and water, as he threw icicles and fireballs at Ent. "I've had enough of your shit Ent, you think your special? We're all in the same boat and you need to learn some discipline and manners."

CrazyNotChaotic said:
(Ah, not yet, so sorry, ^^ I've never done a group rp, should i just do that here . . or someplace else?)
In the charater sign up tab
Aedus sighed If everyone starts fighting Ent, he might end up going insane Aedus thought E-everyone stop getting involved! I'll stop Ent from killing zane if it goes to far" Aedus announced before noticing that some boy had thrown fire balls and icicles at ent. Heating the fireballs up Aedus melted the icicles before bringing the fireballs over to him stopping them from hitting Ent

@DJGomez @Everyone
Ent rolled his eyes "There isn't a vacuum piss head." He stated with an annoyed tone, this person tried to control the fight then is telling Ent want to do. He mentally added her to his death list. He watched as the boy went to attack his legs and sighed gently, he jumped back and then ran around the boy, keeping eye contact with him. Once in his blind spot he ran forwards aiming to punch the boy if he tuned his face around.

@Magattahana @everyone
Zane anticipated Ent's counterattack and, in one fluid motion, moved his own head out of the way while sending a reverse roundhouse kick toward Ent's. He was getting angrier with every interruption. It almost felt to him like he was being underestimated. Zane didn't take kindly to that.

@metalcity @Everyone
Lily summoned a telekinetic shield forcing every one apart "If you didn't agree to the battle get out only Ent and Zane should be fighting I am here to make sure everyone who need medical attention they receive it."She yelled annoyed. Silver Growled.

DJGomez said:
Hayden ignored Adeus and chilled the air so his icicles wouldn't melt as he moved In sync with Zane and threw more icicles and superheated fireballs towards Ent as he was occupied with Zane
@Magattahana @metalcity @GingerBread
Aedus once again took control of the fireballs heating them even further and wrapping them around the icicles, once again melting them. Aedus returned the fireballs to him added them to his now growing stockpile of them "If you hurt my boyfriend i will not be happy" Aedus shouted at the boy.

@DJGomez (I'm not sure you understand how Aedus's power works ;) )
Ent got was hit backwards, however he used this time as he moved back to change the air around Zane into sharp spikes so if he moved he would be struck. Ent caught himself before he was hit back to much "These fucking piss head. I'm done with these interruptions. Just let us fucking fight in peace." He angrily stated as Ent ran around Zane again, trying to stay in his blind spot. He ignored the projectiles being thrown at him, he simply moved out of the way as he ran around Zane. Still holding the sharp dark wind around the boy. He called over "Do you want me to stop using magic? It would give you a chance after all." He stated.

@Magattahana @GingerBread @LilyannaGaming @DJGomez
Zane laughed. "Yeah, that would be helpful. My gift isn't as extravagant as yours."

Even Abs was getting annoyed with all the people trying to cut in, though this was mostly because she knew it angered her brother.

Hayden turned into mud and dropped into the ground and reemerged outside of Lilys force field, his body turned to pure fire as he walked towards Adeus. "Then you should control your mutt, he's nothing but trouble. If you don't I will." Hayden looked him straight in the eye

@LilyannaGaming @GingerBread
"I said stop Hayden and Aedus." Throwing the two farther away from the battle ground with a series of telekinetic blasts. She the pulled the two back and summoned a simple barrier around the two so they couldn't get evolved.

@GingerBread and @DJGomez

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