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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Zane and Abby started wandering the halls again, since there really wasn't much to do before classes. They were travelling in the usual manner: Abs riding on her brother's shoulders, using her gift to hack into the security cameras in order to navigate the academy's labyrinthine corridors.

Eventually they found Aedus and Ent training in a courtyard. Abs made an odd, excited little sound, signalling her brother to stop. "I want to see who wins!" she chirped.

Zane rolled his eyes. "They're just training, Sis."

@GingerBread @metalcity
metalcity said:
"If you gave some damn time then yes you piss head." He muttered under his breath as he got up, he smiled "Sure, I'm on my way." Ent followed Aedus.
Aedus excitedly skipped out of the library making his way to the courtyard "This is going to be so cool!" Aedus exclaimed excitedly as he pulled out a match and lit it, taking the fire from it and teleporting to it, the fire disappearing as he appeared. For a second Nothing happened but then Wings made of fire started slowly growing out of Aedus's back.

Ent smiled at how happy Aedus was due to his new power. However at the same time, it seemed to have a bit of a delay to it. And they looked feeble. "Seems good, how fast can you move?" Ent asked.

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"No idea" Aedus exclaimed, smiling happily "I'm going to try to fly with them, if i F-fall can you catch me?" Aedus asked. Not giving Ent time to Answer, Aedus zoomed into the air, doing his best to not look down as he started doing backflips and stuff in mid-air.

Abs hopped off Zane's shoulders as he cupped his hands around his mouth and called out to them. "Can I get some training in with either of you once you both are done?" he asked.
Aedus felt himself getting tired and began to fly towards the ground as he was doing this he felt his Wings slowly start to disappear as he started falling rapidly towards the ground "Ennnnnnt" Aedus shouted out as he fell towards the earth.

@metalcity @Magattahana
Zane laughed. Abs knew what that laugh meant, and she looked grimly from her brother to Ent. It was an overconfident sound.

Her brother gave her a lot of trouble for her lack of common sense, but even she had enough common sense to know her brother couldn't resist a challenge, even if it landed him in the infirmary.

"I'll let you two finish," he said with a smirk.

Abby was studying Ent. While she didn't always act bright, she was a genius. Very logical. She was analyzing his every movement, just in case he got the twins mixed up somehow.

@GingerBread @metalcity
Ent rolled his eyes and walked over and grabbed Aedus by the leg, letting his head be an inch above the ground "Don't get so cocky with a new power. Training over." He loudly stated, before letting go of Aedus. Then he turned around "So which one of you piss heads wanted to 'train'?" He asked with an evil glint in his eye.

@Magattahana @GingerBread
Abs shouted at Ent. "Oi! Only I get to call my brother a pisshead!" She pointed at Zane. "...And this pisshead is gonna kick your arse!"

Zane sighed at his sister and then took up a martial arts stance, his bandaged arms held out in front of him to fight.

(Abs' accent :3)

@metalcity @GingerBread
Aedus let out a small whimper of pain as Ent dropped him head first onto the ground At least it wasn't from all the way up there Aedus thought as he stood up. Aedus assumed a fight was going to break out between Zane and Ent Ent did just say training, i can step in if he goes to far Aedus thought, not really wanting to be yelled at by Ent even more.

@metalcity @Magattahana
Zane spoke out, odd because usually his sister was the brains and voice behind their operation. "No, her Gift doesn't usually help her much in a fight." He glanced back at Abs and smiled. "The worst she could do right now is kick off the sprinklers in the ceiling, or set off the fire alarm."

She pouted and crossed her arms, but she knew he was right.

Zane turned back to Ent, still in his stance. "No, you'll be fighting me." And with that, his green eyes began to glow.

@metalcity @Magattahana
Lily and silver where walking cautiously toward the voices she was glad she had her bag on her. She had heard the voices and caught a few words to know there was about to be a fight. She looked at silver who morphed into human form. Lily and Silver then walked to a girl "What's happening?" Lily asked calmly.

@Magattahana @metalcity @GingerBread
Hayden had been wondering the halls as he heard the chipper voice of abs followed by ents yelling and knew exactly what that meant as he found the group of 4 in the courtyard as they were about to duel each other. Hayden began to get incredibly annoyed with Ent and his general assholeness as he stood off to the side watching, ready to intervene if need be.

@Magattahana @metalcity @GingerBread
Ent rolled his eyes "Fine! I'll deal with one piss head, be a chalange." He stated. "Aedus, run. Now!" he shouted over his shoulder, then proceeded to slowly remove the oxygen in the area around Ent and the boy. Ent smiled evilly, hoping to see the boy suffocate to death.

@Magattahana @GingerBread @LilyannaGaming
Abs turned to look at the strangers. She broke out into an excited grin and pointed at her brother. "My brother's going to mop the floor with Catboy over there," she announced, gesturing to Ent.

"I'm Abigayle, by the way, but you all can call me Abs," she smiled at them, blue eyes like lightning.

Zane was shocked, but he wouldn't be beaten that easily. He rushed fist-first at Ent. In the back of the head, he was annoyed that there weren't more people with powers like his. Was a good fist fight too much to ask for?

@GingerBread @metalcity @LilyannaGaming @DJGomez
This is absolutely horrible, how could my own mother kick me out of the house just to come this this weird school, how long will it take me to get expelled from this one?? Ugh, I hate this. The person currently contemplating how to get into as much trouble as possible as soon as possible was currently sulking in the doorway to Raven-Wing Academy. They were pulling at the roughly cut hot pink hair that lay in their face. Their eyes shone an abnormal green colour. They stood thinking for a minute, before finally pushing open the door and entering the school.
Lily got her healing vials and magic ready also preparing to use her powers to stop the fight if it went to far. She then spotted Aedus, the boy looked warred out and in pain. She stealthily moved towards the boy with now in wolf form silver.

@Magattahana @metalcity @GingerBread
Hayden turned his body into stone so he wouldn't need to breathe as he approached Ent. Fire would be useless with him draining the oxygen and pulled a stone dome over Zane to create an oxygen bubble for him to breathe.

"Ent cut it out. Now."

Hm, I don't any any papers . . no dorm assignment or anything. I guess I'll just wander around for a bit. They started to make their way down the corridor, following the sounds of people.
Zane started angrily pounding against the inside of the earthen dome. His biggest pet peeve was someone interrupting a fight. "Let me out, Hayden! If he thinks a lack of air will take me down, I'll knock the wind right out of him!"

Abs didn't really know what to do in this situation.

@DJGomez @metalcity

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