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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

DJGomez said:
Hayden turned into mud and dropped into the ground and reemerged outside of Lilys force field, his body turned to pure fire as he walked towards Adeus. "Then you should control your mutt, he's nothing but trouble. If you don't I will." Hayden looked him straight in the eye
@LilyannaGaming @GingerBread

@Magattahana, your gonna have to wait a sec. Got to deal with this. Dj, Aedus controls fire...turning to fire could kill you. He can move you into any shape, he can do anything and destroy you atom by atom...Want to rethink that part?)
metalcity said:
(sorry @Magattahana, your gonna have to wait a sec. Got to deal with this. Dj, Aedus controls fire...turning to fire could kill you. He can move you into any shape, he can do anything and destroy you atom by atom...Want to rethink that part?)
(Hayden is an elemental, he already manipulates his body atom by atom to be fire, water or earth. So you couldn't really kill him by manipulating his body.)
DJGomez said:
(Hayden is an elemental, he already manipulates his body atom by atom to be fire, water or earth. So you couldn't really kill him by manipulating his body.)
(you turned to fire, Aedus has control over all fire. If there is a fire on the other side of the world he can go there. In the split second you turn to fire he can take over all the atoms and stop them form changing and destroy them before he can change, it is part of controlling fire. It would be the same if someone controlled water in this situation.)
"Hayden I will put a magic's sigil where you cant get out if you don't stop." Lily growled herself this time and threw a force of various barriers at Hayden clearly annoyed, While silver pounced on Hayden and growled.

Ent sighed "Fine, I'll dirty my hands with your filth." He aggressively stated with a smile. Then he clicked his hands and the dark wind joined the rest of the oxygen. He then waited for the boy to face him, allowing him to take the first move again.

metalcity said:
(you turned to fire, Aedus has control over all fire. If there is a fire on the other side of the world he can go there. In the split second you turn to fire he can take over all the atoms and stop them form changing and destroy them before he can change, it is part of controlling fire. It would be the same if someone controlled water in this situation.)
(Hayden is an elemental, meaning he can simply reform himself. He's essentialling in sync with all of nature and can simply reform himself if Adeus did that.)

Hayden dropped back into the ground as earth formed around silvers arms and legs to bind him to the ground. Hed then come back out of the ground as he still held silver in place. "I have no quarrel with either of you, now step down." Hayden would go into the ground again as lily would not be able to control the entire earth.

"Hayden I will not repeat myself again I have no mean to fight, I am here for medical attentions for those in need, but YOU have no reason to interfere in the first place." lily said. Silver morphed into human form

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As Zane settled into the familiar, intoxicating rhythm of hand-to-hand combat, he assaulted Ent with a vicious tornado of blows from his fists and legs. He mixed techniques from countless different fighting styles into his string of attacks against his opponent.

Abs cheered her brother on.

LilyannaGaming said:
"Hayden I will not repeat myself again I have no mean to fight, I am here for medical attentions for those in need, but YOU have no reason to interfere in the first place." lily said. Silver morphed into human form and grabed for Hayden trying to constraint him.
(how can silver try to grab Hayden when Hayden is in the ground and silver is still bound by the earth Hayden hs around his arms and legs?)
(Srry I have a hard time keeping up with RP so some things slip my mind. also silver isn't a he shes a she xD so it would be her arms and legs not his) My bad @DJGomez
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DJGomez said:
(how can silver try to grab Hayden when Hayden is in the ground and silver is still bound by the earth Hayden hs around his arms and legs?)
(He wouldn't be able to reform himself from random elements in the earth as they would have a slightly different elemental/genetic make up from what he would be made out of as when he transforms the fire atoms he transforms into would be fire for the most part but each atom of fire would be storing a little bit of his brain and other vital organs so in short he wouldn't be able to reform if Aedus were to get rid of him atom by Atom. Science Bitch.)
metalcity said:
(He wouldn't be able to reform himself from random elements in the earth as they would have a slightly different elemental/genetic make up from what he would be made out of as when he transforms the fire atoms he transforms into would be fire for the most part but each atom of fire would be storing a little bit of his brain and other vital organs so in short he wouldn't be able to reform if Aedus were to get rid of him atom by Atom. Science Bitch.)
(they don't have to match him he manipulates them on an atomical basis to form whatever he wants. And if you split the atoms then you'd create a nuclear explosion...........double science bitch.)
DJGomez said:
(they don't have to match him he manipulates them on an atomical basis to form whatever he wants. And if you split the atoms then you'd create a nuclear explosion...........double science bitch.)
(No Aedus wouldn't 'split' the atoms he would completely remove them from existence and if all his vital organs are gone or even just his brain he would be dead and therefore wouldn't be able to reform. Science.)
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Ent smiled, this was fun. He kept moving in and out of the attacks, being hit a few times. He found a weakness, Ent moved his foot under the boys foot and as he settled after a kick to punch Ent. Ent lifted his foot to make the boy fall over, Ent watched as the boy started to fall backwards and went to kick out his other leg trying to trip him over.

GingerBread said:
(No Aedus wouldn't 'split' the atoms he would completely remove them from existence and if all his vital organs are gone or even just his brain he would be dead and therefore wouldn't be able to reform. Science.)
(You realize that in this setting science is irrelevant since we constantly break the laws of science. As I previously said, in sync with nature, as in if his body is gone then his conscience is in nature and he'd simply reanimate himself.)
Zane welcomed it, and fell backwards on purpose, turning it into a spinning, breakdance-style Capoeira kick. Being a walking dojo was useful at times like this. Zane was only just getting started.

(For those who don't know, Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that looks like dancing and is very acrobatic.)

DJGomez said:
(You realize that in this setting science is irrelevant since we constantly break the laws of science. As I previously said, in sync with nature, as in if his body is gone then his conscience is in nature and he'd simply reanimate himself.)
(then why were you arguing a point consistently if you are going to deny your own point that you stated that used atoms and was using science to back up the point you where making. And all mythological worlds have some sort of science, major or minor. Also, nature is also part of science.)
DJGomez said:
(You realize that in this setting science is irrelevant since we constantly break the laws of science. As I previously said, in sync with nature, as in if his body is gone then his conscience is in nature and he'd simply reanimate himself.)
(When have we broken the laws of science? Because i don't think there has been a point that can't in someway have science behind it)

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