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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Ent sighed "Good manoeuvre, but never show mercy." Ent stated as he jumped forwards, then turned around and went for a new attack.

@GingerBread (Was going to go to bed but got bored so I'm back...that lasted so long xD )
Aedus separated his sword into two flames, molding one back into a sword and the other into a shield. Aedus blocked Ent's attack with the shield and brung his sword back looking like he was about to attack but ended up lowering his sword, not being able to bring himself to hurt his boyfriend.

@metalcity (Shortest sleep ever xD )
Ent sighed in annoyance "You get no were with this strategy." Ent stated continuing with his annoyed tone. He rapidly attack Aedus, not stopping an attack as everyone was blocked he just slashed and sliced him him.

Aedus struggled to Keep blocking Ent's barrage Of Attacks "I-it's not my f-fault.... I d-don't like hurting p-people. E-especially n-not my B-boyfriend" Aedus said just before Ent's barrage of attacks broke through his defence knocking him backwards and onto the floor.

"Be glad I've had a change of heart or your head would be in the dirt with that comment." He angrily pointed out at Aedus, then moving his had around to Aedus's ear and scratching behind it. He continued to think.

@GingerBread (pay back bitch)
Aedus frowned when he heard how angry Ent sounded; Aedus didn't like the feeling of being scratched behind the ear and attempted to move Ent's hand so he would stop.

@metalcity (No stap)
Ent contined scratching "Now you know how it feels piss head." He stated, then removed his hand. "Can't really think of a way to help you train with out forcing you to hurt me. Want to go do something?" He kindly asked.

@GingerBread (why wont you fight me ;- ;)
"But you enjoy it" Aedus pointed out as he began to scratch behind Ent's ears as if to prove his point "And sure, we could go to the library, i'm sure they would probably have information of different types of things i might be able to do with my fire"

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Ent purred as his ear was scratched, he became more annoyed and held Aedus's arm, he squeezed it hard "My purring doesn't mean I enjoy it. I hate it. With a burning purrsion." He angrily stated and gently throw Aedus's arm back at him "The library it is then." Ent turned around and walked towards the library.

@GingerBread (passion)
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Aedus rubbed his arm where Ent had Squeezed it "Y-you know you love it really" Aedus responded as he walked after Ent "Y-you enjoy it more when it's m-me doing it" He said, sounding like he believed that was the truth "Y-you just don't want to admit it"

Ent became more annoyed and angry "It would be easier to control my temper if you stopped fucking taking the piss out of my cat features. I really want to cut these ears and this tail off." He angrily stated with deadly eyes. He walked into the library "Now go find your book." He angrily stated as he sat down in a chair and started to read a random novel.

Aedus winced at the anger in Ent's voice "S-sorry" Aedus quickly apologised before going to see if he could find a book to help him learn more about his powers. Moments later Aedus walked over to Ent carrying about 5 books, all seemingly unrelated to each other; Some were about Mythology and one was about different ways to start fires and another about different types of mythological Fire.

Placing these books on the table in front of him before sitting down, sitting further away from Ent than he normally would as he assumed that Ent was annoyed at him and would prefer if he wasn't right next to him. Once Aedus had gotten comfortable he pulled a book of the top of his pile; the book was about mythological creatures that used fire, such as dragons and Phoenixes.

las0r0o7 said:
Goldy saw him brace for whatever was about to happen, though it wasn't going to be pleasant, he holstered his gun and outstretched his arms in front of him. Once they connected with crimson they acted as spring boards absorbing the impact, a gentle smack to the chest is all, as he twisted himself over a few times then chuckled "later" was all he said before he released all that energy and sent crimson flying back across the room in a spiral shape.
Crimson was sent back in a spiral shape, but before he could hit anything else he caught himself by releasing a burst of Aura. When Goldy had punched crimson, he infused some of his aura onto Goldy without him noticing. He then used that as a median to teleport next to Goldy in the air drop kicking Goldy to the ground.

(Yo I didn't even see your Alert)
Aedus was flicking through the book These books have next to no information about what i might be able to do with my powers Aedus thought, getting slightly irked that he couldn't find anything that could help him with his powers. Flicking through the pages Aedus noted that there was nothing of use in that particular book, though he had learn about dragons and phoenixes, but not anything that he wanted to learn about

Aedus picked up another book, this one was mythological uses for fire fire. Aedus started scanning through it, noticing that it had healing fire on one of the pages
Wait, i made that fire, this book actually might be useful to me Aedus thought smiling happily.

He continued to read through the book, only skimming the pages until he came to a page that caught his eye
Pyrokinetic Constructs Aedus eagerly read the page noting that he had already made some of the things listed, such as the weapons. This is so cool! It says i can make wings to use so i can fly. And also make Golems and All these other thing Aedus thought, becoming extremely excited at all the things he might be able to do.

Once Aedus had finished reading the page he turned to Ent
"Hey E-Ent, i found some r-really cool things i m-might be able to do with my power" Aedus told Ent, sounding more excited than he'd ever been "D-do you want to come w-watch me t-try them out?" Aedus asked hopefully.

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After a rather long nap on the loo, Heather woke up with a start, realizing that she fell asleep with her pants down. How was that even comfortable? Oh well, she finished her business, threw away her trash, and headed back to her room. When she arrived, she realized that the other two had already gone, but then again she fell asleep so it was only natural. She rubbed her eyes and walked in, setting down her purse on the desk. After sitting with a sigh, she opened a book, hoping that reading would wake her up a little. It had been a long day for her, and she just needed it to progress faster; it just kept dragging on. Before long, she realized that the book was actually really interesting, and decided to read just one chapter more (lies we all tell ourselves).
metalcity said:
Ent closed his book "Sure." he said, trying to sound as enthusiastic as he could to hid how annoyed he was at Aedus taking advantage of his cat features.
Aedus beamed at Ent word, getting up Aedus began walking as fast as he could out of the library before turning around to Ent "Y-you coming or not?"


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