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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Damen finished his food in a rush, wanting to go back to his dorm. When he stood up in a rush to leave Night Wing got up as well "Wait. Where are you going?" she asked. Damen glanced back at her and put his hand out for her to take. Taking his hand, they immediately became shadows and within a couple of seconds they were in front of their dorm.
Hayden looked up at the two turn into shadows and vanished, he then looked at abs and Zane. "Guess they're off to boink."

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Zane had to elbow his sister in the ribs to get her to stop laughing.

Abs managed to contain herself and looked at Hayden. "So, um... Tell us about yourself Hayden!" She grinned.
"Not much to say......bit of a wanderer of sorts till I found my way here." Hayden seemed as if he was hiding something but didn't wanna talk about it. @Magattahana
Abs leaned inches away from Hayden's face, inspecting him with her big blue eyes. "Hmmm..."

"Sis, personal space." Zane sounded as if he had had to remind her of that many times in the past.
Ent was surprised by the sudden invitation into bed, he rolled his eyes "Fine, at least you are not dragging me in like before" He stated with a slight smile before getting into the bed. He wrapped his arms around Aedus and brung him closer so they could share warmth again.
Night Wing opened the door and ran into the dorm, bodyslamming her bed. Damen walked in and sat on the side of her bed "So what do you want to do?" he asked, already knowing the answer. "How about napping?!" she suggested. They both chuckled, and Damen layed down, as the both of them looked up at the ceiling.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz](I can see him stabbing you xD )

GingerBread said:
(Sleep with meh! Or stab aedus in his sleep xD up to you ;)
(Ent got bored of Aedus's shit and cut his head off, as he cried out Ent drank his salty tears and gave him a evil smile)
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz](After all the two of you've been through together?)

(You mean him trying to kill me all the time D: )

(Do ya know what this needs? A dream sequence

:D )

Aedus was walking home to school, feeling depressed as all his friends had been avoiding him and people had been calling him a freak as he walked past them. Aedus was slightly regretting using his powers to save those people in that burning building. Aedus tried to smile and reassure himself that today was just a bad day for them and that tomorrow would be better. Aedus took a shortcut through an the woods like he always did.

As he got halfway through the woods he heard his friends calling out his name, turning around he saw that his friends and some other people from his school were slowly approaching him with menacing looks on their faces. Aedus started walk backwards, not liking the looks on their faces. Not being able to see where he was walking as he was keeping an eye on the group on people, Aedus tripped over a tree root and fell onto his back. Aedus watched all the people walk over and stand over him all berating him and calling him a freak, Aedus felt tears running down his face as he tried to stand up but found himself being roughly push to the ground before everyone started kicking and punching him while telling him he was a freak and didn't deserve to live.


(meanwhile In reality)​

Aedus started rolling around in his sleep softly whimpering as he was forced to relive that horrible memory "I'm.....a freak.....please......don't" Aedus sounded slightly panicked as he mumbled a broken sentence in his sleep as tears began to roll down his face, unable to wake up from the Nightmare he was currently having.

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Ent rolled his eyes as he woke up and saw Aedus "Great, just what I needed." Ent gently pulled Aedus to himself and hugged him and whispered into his ear "It's ok now, its ok." he repeated into Aedus's ear.

@GingerBread (get back in my arms you shit, don't make me spank you!!)
Aedus started panicking as he felt arms wrap around, he started thrashing to try to get out of their grip, fearing that it was someone trying to hurt him further in his nightmare. Aedus woke up in a cold sweat, Ent's words helping to gradually calm him down as he buried his head into Ent's chest and started crying.

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